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Recent content by NoobH4mm3r

  1. NoobH4mm3r

    LS Customs for Trucks and other big vehicles

    Hi Mike, I know the Mechanics can operate one trucks. But if they aren`t open then it isn`t possible. I am suggesting readding an option to customize / repair trucks at an LS Custom.
  2. NoobH4mm3r

    LS Customs for Trucks and other big vehicles

    The Tire Nuts hack doesn`t work anymore btw. I just had some downtime and tried it again.
  3. NoobH4mm3r

    LS Customs for Trucks and other big vehicles

    Hello to all who read this. My suggestion is to bring back an option to an existing LS Customs to be able to repair and customise a truck or other large vehicle. Before the only LS Custom that could fit a truck was Benny`s, but now with Benny`s being a player run facility this option has been...
  4. NoobH4mm3r

    Robbing/Killing Rule Change

    yes, yes, yes +1 It is way to easy to rob someone or something and getting away scot free. This change would enable a lot more RP
  5. NoobH4mm3r

    Changes to the conceal carry mechanic

    Its funny to see how people are complaining about how it would cause more shoot outs than there already are. It seems that crims are not capable of being more strategic with the big guns and all of them are constantly running around with them all the time. I do not believe that is going to be...
  6. NoobH4mm3r

    Changes to the conceal carry mechanic

    Exactly. As stated in my suggestion it would be more a strategic. Gang members will still be running round with guns. That wont stop. But it wont incentivise casual carrying big weapons. If its already a thing for Firearms, why not for everyone else?
  7. NoobH4mm3r

    Changes to the conceal carry mechanic

    My Suggestion: Modify Conceal Carry Mechanics for Enhanced Realism Current Mechanic: In Grand Theft Auto, players can currently conceal carry any weapon, regardless of size, without any visible indication of it on their character. I propose that the game should limit the ability to conceal...
  8. NoobH4mm3r

    Mechanic Upgrade

    I agree to this. Great idea. This idea has potential but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it would be beneficial. I am 100% for this. I think I have brought this up my self be for. Sometimes I witness vehicles at the same spot all night just because they nobody can be arsed to...
  9. NoobH4mm3r

    Make police vehicles harder to put on the tow truck

    No idea why being able to Tow all vehicles was even implemented and I don`t really care to much. But I don't agree that only Police Vehicles should be harder to tow than others. Like Father Augustus said. If you make changes, make it harder for all non impounded vehicles which you don't have...
  10. NoobH4mm3r

    The Smoothie Market

    the prices would obviously stay the same... I was already contemplating boycotting fruit smoothies because it doesn't make sense no more
  11. NoobH4mm3r

    The Smoothie Market

    +1 This has been an issue with in our business for ages now. Fruit smoothies are just a ball ache. People wouldn't appreciate fruit smoothies to be more expensive than other smoothies, even though the time and effort is way higher to produce fruit smoothies than others. My suggestion would be...
  12. NoobH4mm3r

    Current state of fixing Aircrafts

    Brief Summary: Looking for a Solution to either obtaining mechanical repair kits, or changes to how aircrafts are repaired. Detailed Suggestion: Hi there. As a Business man and aviator I am asking for an solution to not just my but all aviators issue. As a passionate aviator and frequent...
  13. NoobH4mm3r

    Add a proximity check to sanitation trucks

    I ask for a change from 2-4 people to 1-4 so you can create a solo run. Also buff the searching for smaller crews. I want to find stull instead of a red box popping up stating only useless junk.
  14. NoobH4mm3r

    Body Armour Changes

    I always thought that Armor also protected one from the dmg of a fall of any kind (tackle, bike accident and everything else that isn`t a gunshot). I cant count how many times an Armor piece has saved me from going to Pillbox. Imagen not having Armor and taking a fall of a Bike. How many people...
  15. NoobH4mm3r

    Bins Are Killing The Gang Scene

    I agree. Bin Job ist bad for the econemy. No need to use shops either. You can find everything in bin's. I think pay is way to high and the loot table should have half the stuff blacklisted.