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Recent content by Nick Duncan

  1. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - cutlass member/s id 855 - GTA RP

    Sorry for the extra response, I forgot to add the screenshot of Autumn at the dodgy and can't figure out how to edit the report I don't see the option to. https://gyazo.com/30570080d53aaee8c1e453beb5c2e8ba
  2. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - cutlass member/s id 855 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Nick Duncan Reported Players: cutlass member/s id 855 Date: Jun 5, 2024 Time: 01:54 What best describes this incident: NLR Please (in detail) describe the incident: Grove had a fight with cutlass within this fight I downed a couple of cutlass members ID...
  3. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Nick Duncan - GTA RP

    Hello, this report is indeed against myself. I would like like to start by saying I did try to go to discord to discuss these events with yourself pj. As for the nvl all I can say is that I regret my decision to walk about rather than standing still and not fully complying. I heard my gang...
  4. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - 207 - GTA RP

    I am the Grove member that you have reported. Would've been nice to have had a discussion- however brief - on discord but I suppose nowadays the first thing people tend to think of is the forums. I had just logged back in from my game crashing. You saw me and instantly said hands up with crap...
  5. Nick Duncan

    Re add the screen flash on a kill or the red X

    +1 never should have got taken out 
  6. Nick Duncan

    Compensation Request - Nick Duncan - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Nick Duncan Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198029353669 Character ID: 51084 The date when this happened: 04/24/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was wearing helmet armour and went to save my outfit by overriding an existing outfit. This when it...
  7. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - 79 - GTA RP

    Plain and simple this is not rdm. I gave you both a chance to get out the car and told you what would happen if you did not. You nvl'd and got shot for not complying. Also in your video you can hear you say shoot me again I am unsure if this is because you nlr'd and came about to a situation...
  8. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Gekz (229) - GTA RP

    The medal clip you posted took place 10-15mins before the incident in my report. I could understand you possibly being upset about that situation and wanting an explanation, I would probably want one too. However, I don't see it as justification for your actions 15 minutes later in my clip...
  9. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Gekz (229) - GTA RP

    You gave me 3.18 seconds to respond to your request. I'm not a robot and I can't process and act on everything in an instant. I did, however, attempt to put my hands up but was unable to as I was sitting on a bike, I tried to communicate this to you but by this point you had decided to just...
  10. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Gekz (229) - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Nick Duncan Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Gekz (229) Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/16/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 7 What best describes this incident ?: RDM/ Poor RP...
  11. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Ballers - GTA RP

    After speaking with a few friends I have decided to close this report.
  12. Nick Duncan

    Report a player - Ballers - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Nick Duncan Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ballers Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 12/08/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 12 What best describes this incident ?: bad roleplay Please...
  13. Nick Duncan

    Unban Appeal - Nick Duncan - GTA RP

    The rule is C2.3 - Combat logging. The rule is in place to ensure that roleplay flows naturally, people do not disappear mid sentence in the real world so they shouldn't in a roleplay situation. If this rule wasn't in place there would be no consequences for people's actions, people wouldn't...