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Recent content by Leroy C

  1. Leroy C

    The new drug system

    I'd like to preface this by saying this is also my personal opinion and not staff opinion, Also I've been out of crim life for a while so haven't really had the chance to experiment with the recent changes, but from what I've gathered reading peoples responses it seems like just increasing...
  2. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - Littlewacko4 - GTA RP

    Good evening @Littlewacko4 , As your character lost out on any RP coming from the Dodgy sit due to another player breaking NVL, I will approve your request for 50,000 pounds which is the value of the defib used. Compensation Approved x£50,000 If you're unaware of how to claim your...
  3. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - JuanNUmbahJUan - GTA RP

    Good afternoon @JuanNUmbahJUan , I hope all is well. As evidenced by the clips, there was a bug with the crate that somehow disabled the use of your inventory once accessed. This was also confirmed by 1A3 to be affecting your entire character as your character also needed a kick even after the...
  4. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - tommyT - GTA RP

    Good evening @tommyT, The clip you provided was uploaded February 14th. How come you're only just putting in the compensation request?
  5. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - Barry C - GTA RP

    Good evening @Barry C, A rule was broken by the reported player, however, as you had a warrant out for the original kidnapping with sightings of a Carbine and this is the weapon found in your glovebox with matching ballistics, it has been deliberated by multiple members of staff and agreed upon...
  6. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - Bradleyy_ - GTA RP

    Good evening @Bradleyy_ , As seen in the clip your bin truck started flying the moment your friend got inside and destroyed the truck in the process. Compensation Approved x£20,000 If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide...
  7. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - NigelWilliams - GTA RP

    Good evening @NigelWilliams , Looking at the clip it, it clearly shows that 500k was put down twice, while it was only supposed to put down one 500k bet. You did receive the correct payout, however as you were charged double for the bet due to a bug, you're only down 500k. Compensation request...
  8. Leroy C

    Temporary injured walking style after receiving pillbox treatment

    Currently we often see people check out of Pillbox and immediately sprint back into action as if they were never injured. My suggestion: when checking into Pillbox through the desk or NPC, your walking style would automatically switch to an injured variant for a short duration—similar to how...
  9. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - smif - GTA RP

    Thank you. The footage you've provided shows you initially sitting down on the second to last chair right as your friend punches you, after going back into the casino you sit down in the far right chair but by the looks of it the table had somehow still registered you sitting down on the chair...
  10. Leroy C

    Compensation Request - smif - GTA RP

    Hello @smif, Do you have a longer clip of when you initially put the bet down or when your friend punched you out of the chair?
  11. Leroy C

    FoodMapp - A Restaurant Guide (M)App

    Hi everyone, I've been thinking about a way to enhance our server's dining scene even more with the recent food updates and came up with an idea for a new feature called "FoodMapp." This would be a mobile app that allows people to connect more easily with local restaurants. Here's what...
  12. Leroy C

    We've come a long way from 'make love, not war' [ATTACH]

    We've come a long way from 'make love, not war'
  13. Leroy C

    Just Let Us Drink the Milk!

    this deserves it's own Hall of Fame spot honestly 😂
  14. Leroy C

    Touch portal controls

    On top of everything Isak already said, I like to use mine for Graphic design as well. Really useful for switching between different brushes, storing reference images, applying effects without having to go through 10 different menus, etc.. Same for video editing. Genuinely one of the best...
  15. Leroy C

    Goodbye for now!

    Unfortunately never had many interactions with you IC but 'twas always a blast chatting with ya in the Mara disc! We'll see you around mate, take care!