Regarding the document that is being shared around.. does any of it really matter whether it's true or not? Donations are voluntary and no one is forced to put money in this community. we are donating to the community, not just to run a server and there is nothing wrong about it even if the money was being devided by the staff team.
There is a lot of people who invest a lot of time in this community, treat it like if it was a job, including Dev team, Managment, Staff members, Whitlisted faction leaders and others that deserve the recognition. I see comments like *ohh he's pointing out some good arguments*... don't remember last time that someone moaned about us getting new skins, revamp of half of the map, new functionalities... I don't give a fuck how did the Devs do that, it's here, we can enjoy it and that's what matters... These people don't get paid.. they do it for the community..
Next thing is freedom of speech... lot of people think that freedom of speech is your right to say anything you want, everywhere you want and that everyone has to listen to your opinion... that's not how it works.. people don't have to give a shit about what you have to say. Best example? This post.. it's my rant about how stupid I find what's going on.. but you don't have to read it.. you might as well think that I'm stupid idiot...and you would be probably right.
No one forces anyone to play here, if you are not happy with the rules, conditions, copypaste Dev team accusations and whatnot. My point is, even if every single word of that document was true, does it matter? Does it change anything?
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.. thanks for checking out mine (opinion)