If you are an active gang eligible for a gang uniform (check requirements here
) and have a design in mind but struggling to actually make one let me know.
The best way to contact me are the forum DM's. If you do contact me please include the following.
You will still have to submit these to staff leads and follow the usual process, this is just to help some people who struggle making a uniform themselves.

The best way to contact me are the forum DM's. If you do contact me please include the following.
- Name of your group.
- Clothing classname (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_CfgWeapons_Equipment)
- What would you like it to look like (as much detail as possible, preferably with image reference)
- Confirmation that you are eligible ( 10 or more members, TS channel, etc.)
You will still have to submit these to staff leads and follow the usual process, this is just to help some people who struggle making a uniform themselves.