Sometimes when I read player reports I just cringe.. Robbing someone on the road, not having your mic muted in teamspeak, shouting: ''Hands up hands up'' with two people, so loud that nothing else gets heard.. And then suddenly both robbers get gunned down because they were to busy ''initiating'' to realise they did NOT have the upper hand.. And then they call it RDM? Wtf? If party A ''initiates'' on someone, it's on. It would be pointless if the party being robbed has to counter initiate before they can act in self defense.. Some people really need to learn what serious RP is about.. Hint: It is not about hiding behind rules. It's about realistic encounters and roleplay. Rules are merely there to prevent people from doing what they want with no care for other peoples joy in the game. Not to hide behind while trying to rob other people and to use it to cry ''rulebreak'' if you don't win your encounter.
//rant over.