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Recent content by jackaboy16711

  1. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Josh Symides Steam ID: 76561199047095218 Ban ID (just the numbers): 14906 Ban Reason: G3.1 Meta Gaming Why do you think you were banned: Hi guys i hope all is well, Firstly thanks for taking your time out to read my appeal. Back in November last year, i was...
  2. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Hi @Sammy Thanks for the swift response its appreciated, The moving house went well thank you all settled in now and living as normal except not being able to play on the server, if i was planning on ban evading then i wouldn't be responding to my appeals from my new house and new internet...
  3. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Firstly thanks for the reply i appreciate it, i plan to uphold these standards by making sure i don't get involved in any rule breaks and plan to continue the scenarios which i was involved in before with vagos whilst creating new scenarios helping others out which i always have done and...
  4. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Thanks for the quick response @PsianaRama  I understand that it may look like i'm just here to say what you want to hear, however that is latter from the truth, I really do wish to come back to this community and display that I have learnt from the mistakes I have made, I understand this has...
  5. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Thanks for responding @PsianaRama  I broke 3.1 when I saw a msg from appo on a private chat stating he's perma, and when he shared his container code. I then let my greedy side hit me, and thought it would be better to go grab the guns, when it was a mistake, I should have ignored the...
  6. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Hi Charles thanks for the reply and taking your time out to deal with this report ,I wouldn't say you believe everything everyone types in there responses otherwise no one would be banned especially with the bs some people do come up with, yes most people would say its a lack of judgment as they...
  7. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Hi Danoo thanks for the reply i appreciate it, i can assure you that in no way i would jeopardize my time in the city again if i where to be allowed back on your platform also i wouldn't want to jeopardize anyone else either by not having a level playing field. Since being banned i have really...
  8. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Hi Danoo i appreciate your time to read over my appeal and the swift response, Yes i am fully aware of the ooc information and bringing it into the city being metagaming although i had a severe lack of judgment along with others and being totally honest i didn't want to see the guns go to waste...
  9. jackaboy16711

    Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for jackaboy16711  In-game Name: Josh Symides Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199047095218 Ban ID: !!rpuk14906!! Reason given for your ban: G3.1 Meta Gaming In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Firstly thanks for taking your time out to read my appeal...
  10. jackaboy16711

    Report a player - 252 - GTA RP

    Unfortunately i don't have a 5 minutes clip of this to be honest i would of thought that would be for RDM Report  Anyway Thanks For the Reply 
  11. jackaboy16711

    Report a player - 252 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Josh Symides Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 252 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 09/30/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1919 What best describes this incident ?: NVL Please (in...
  12. jackaboy16711

    Report a player - 1269 - GTA RP

    Hello mate Firstly, you can have your gun aimed at me and search me at the same time. So I fail to see the powergaming claim, you let your guard slip and I took advantage of that. I couldn't hear you either as I had loud music playing as it was very early in the morning and I didn't expect...
  13. jackaboy16711

    Compensation Request - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Josh Symides Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199047095218 Character ID: 19 The date when this happened: 05/07/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: So around 4 in the afternoon i took my SMG out with 150 bullets and when the server had a restart i had a...
  14. jackaboy16711

    Report a player - ID 40 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Josh Symides Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: ID 40 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 04/04/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 16 What best describes this incident ?: (C2.2) Exploiting...