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Recent content by GoodOne

  1. GoodOne

    Unban Appeal - GoodOne - GTA RP

    Afternoon Bowen, I couldn't tell you if there is something else I have done, I could walk you through the tail of events that lead upto my ban on that day if you'd like as I am unsure to what I've done to warrant a UNK ban... I was under the impression it was my pack due to being in the menu at...
  2. GoodOne

    Unban Appeal - GoodOne - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for GoodOne  In-game Name: Micky Scouse Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198161770426 Ban ID: !!rpuk11007!! Reason given for your ban: UNK In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: At first thought it was related to pure mode as i have cracked quantV and...
  3. GoodOne

    Report a player - 399 - GTA RP

    I feel like you are gripping at straws here, you got my response to why i said what i said, nothing to do with race therefore i wont be replying unless staff want me to.
  4. GoodOne

    Report a player - 399 - GTA RP

    I'm not even gonna entertain this report, me calling you a monkey had nothing to do with skin tone neither did i see your OOC message (not ignored). I called yous monkeys due to your behaviour setting up spike strips and spiking my vehicle then playing dumb when confronted about it. I myself am...
  5. GoodOne

    Report a player - Unknown firearms (logs) - GTA RP

    Not able to go through recordings atm either ill wait for a staff member to validate the report n grab a vid or in the meantime you can ask your fellow gang member who i described earlier who also wasnt wearing identifiable clothing to confirm i had a vest. And again your image shows a blured...
  6. GoodOne

    Report a player - Unknown firearms (logs) - GTA RP

    This was me, I had a vest on that said POLICE. Your buddy that i killed just before killing you who was wearing all BLACK (not 229 colours) and a motorcylce helmet with the scorpion he was shooting at me with in the back can confirm the above. Think the issue is either your graphics are shit...
  7. GoodOne

    Luchetti's Doors

    Fuck the pizza stealing hobos +1
  8. GoodOne

    Report a player - Ry Gambino | 436 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Charlie Chubbs Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ry Gambino | 436 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 01/31/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2130 What best describes this incident ?: (C1.2)...