Afternoon Bowen,
I couldn't tell you if there is something else I have done, I could walk you through the tail of events that lead upto my ban on that day if you'd like as I am unsure to what I've done to warrant a UNK ban... I was under the impression it was my pack due to being in the menu at...
Unban Appeal for GoodOne
In-game Name: Micky Scouse
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198161770426
Ban ID: !!rpuk11007!!
Reason given for your ban: UNK
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: At first thought it was related to pure mode as i have cracked quantV and...
I feel like you are gripping at straws here, you got my response to why i said what i said, nothing to do with race therefore i wont be replying unless staff want me to.
I'm not even gonna entertain this report, me calling you a monkey had nothing to do with skin tone neither did i see your OOC message (not ignored). I called yous monkeys due to your behaviour setting up spike strips and spiking my vehicle then playing dumb when confronted about it. I myself am...
Not able to go through recordings atm either ill wait for a staff member to validate the report n grab a vid or in the meantime you can ask your fellow gang member who i described earlier who also wasnt wearing identifiable clothing to confirm i had a vest. And again your image shows a blured...
This was me, I had a vest on that said POLICE.
Your buddy that i killed just before killing you who was wearing all BLACK (not 229 colours) and a motorcylce helmet with the scorpion he was shooting at me with in the back can confirm the above.
Think the issue is either your graphics are shit...
Report a player
Your In-game Name: Charlie Chubbs
Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ry Gambino | 436
Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP
Date of the incident: 01/31/22
Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2130
What best describes this incident ?: (C1.2)...