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Recent content by Erik

  1. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - GTA RP

    Server: Discord Discord Username: RocketMaybe Discord ID: 380087523072016384 Ban Reason: C3.0 Why do you think you were banned: My unban appeal got timed out ( https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-erik-gta-rp.426189/ ) I'm going to copy paste what i wrote there in here. I will...
  2. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - GTA RP

    Hi @Jessie Bennett Thanks for replying to my unban appeal. All is well here! I have not played on the fivem server after launch but i did play on it before. They gave me "staff" perms so i could make a trailer.
  3. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - GTA RP

    Server: Discord Discord Username: RocketMaybe Discord ID: 380087523072016384 Ban Reason: C3.0 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for advertising. I am going to be honest, I don't remember too much since it was over 1.5 years ago. But from what i remember i did pm some people...
  4. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - Discord

    The conversations varied. I have cathed up with a few people, asked them how they are doing, hows life, what they play, if they play arma anymore. But i mostly talked with people on snapchat, because using discord when i'm at work is a struggle since its blocked on the wifi onboard.  If i...
  5. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - Discord

    I wanted to write some guys that used to play a lot of of rpuk altis life (police/poseidon), most of the people i msg does not even play here anymore.  I didnt mean to write to people i dont know, i just wanted to msg people i knew and played with back in the days. i just wanted to have some...
  6. Erik

    Unban Appeal - Erik - Discord

    Unban Appeal for Erik  In-game Name: Erik Server: Discord Steam ID: 76561198057883072 Ban ID: C3.0 Reason given for your ban: Advertising In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for pm'ing some people i used to play altis life with and wanted to see...
  7. Erik

    Damn, soon 6 years

    Damn, soon 6 years
  8. Erik

    any news?

    any news?
  9. Erik

    any news?

    any news?
  10. Erik

    Arma 4 When?

    Arma 4 When?
  11. Erik

    I was there a few days ago, such a nice view! 

    I was there a few days ago, such a nice view! 
  12. Erik

    😮 we shall watch your career with great interest...

    😮 we shall watch your career with great interest https://community.teamspeak.com/t/teamspeak-client-checking-in-with-everyone/18203
  13. Erik

    Make a Guilded Server

    I have been testing out Guilded lately and the features they have are perfect, it's basicly Discord just better. After doing some research and also being in other gaming communities it seems like https://www.guilded.gg/ will become very popular for gaming related communities, also it's a lot...
  14. Erik

    let america do their thing, not anything we can do sadly. [MEDIA]

    let america do their thing, not anything we can do sadly.
  15. Erik

    US been fighting down there in the sand for centuries, how would this beef with iran make ww3? 

    US been fighting down there in the sand for centuries, how would this beef with iran make ww3? 