Simple case of this guy showing up on turf constantly for no reason other to cause issues. He states himself that ballas and himself dont like each other , thats due to the sheer amount of times this guy keeps coming to turf just to annoy people. Many of the ballas can attest to this. I gave you...
the point is there is no context to your clip , while you may not have said anything he could have been telling you to leave. Now that you have edited the audio out , this clip is pretty much useless. No idea why you thought it was a good idea to stand in front of a gang turf and start gloating...
Just want to point out these guys are the same people who come to gang turfs to bait out a reaction then combat log. If you check the logs im sure you see how many times they have done it.
Reason why i am commenting on this report is because i was present at the situation.
And if I aimed the gun at you , you would have claimed baiting anyway. Same thing would have happened and the only difference would have been me aiming the gun at you instead of me aiming elsewhere in your clip. But if you'd rather in future aim at yourself and say nothing no problem.
Session ID required and i dont see one provided.
i could have been asked to liaison to talk about it , but this was deemed 'too poor' and he didn't have the time.
I didnt involve myself in this situation , i didnt aim at them and wanted nothing from it. Just because i aim my gun doesn't deem it...
i dont mean to be funny but this is seriously petty. If police do what they usually do and show up at turfs unannounced with firearms in hand for no reason i wouldnt call it baiting. But i ride down the street no where near them , aiming at something else entirely and im baiting? Ridiculous.
+1 using drills makes a lot of sense and increasing the level cap so you can use them is a great idea. Gives drills an alternate use and worthwhile buying.
Already hit his panic , took no time for you to show up. You also mentioned us doing the same thing at the airport? Wasn't us. Can I ask who you are actually reporting? Or is it ballas as a whole.