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Recent content by Blake Andrews

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    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Mine arrived today
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    Anne's Setup :3

    Very nice set up.
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    Staff Lead Stuart

    Well Done, Stuart
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    Weapons in Hospital

    As said this has been passed to the NHS Command team before.  There are some good  ideas and suggestions that have been raised here that we will talk to each other about when able. But I believe the general consensus was we don't have green zones in the City nor want them. As I fully...
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    Indigo Rose & Lucas Tran

    Lovely to see Medics being recommended Could I request you fill out the following form so NHS Command is aware in RP please? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oHZ9xGQRrcOJeGmq8lkcBLO1A_pgPYbSrmJNwCrM5MM/edit?usp=drive_web
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    NHS database and a way for NHS to actualy give out precriptions for drugs

    Something has already been requested, similar to the PNC. The prescription idea is something we can look at in the future. Any additional ideas or information about it if you pass it to myself or the other members of command we will discuss and look into it. 
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    Highways Traffic Officer

    It would be cool and make sense if they where an organised group. I agree with Lube that it would be cool for them to have a uniform and radio frequency where they can be directly contacted by other services. The only thing is what happens to the current mechanic role if it was made into an...
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    Removing Cars on FiveM.

    I was wondering if there is a way to remover cars on the FiveM server? On my police character I have a number of cars at impound and would ideally like to get rid of them, as I don't know if it has an effect on the server or not. Any advice/help is appreciated.