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Recent content by Berkan21

  1. Berkan21

    Changes to Police cuffs

  2. Berkan21

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    this is simply untrue, as i already said im happy to sit down and explain our proceedours and everything to anyone that would like to hear them if its gonna help avoid confusion in the future and put this constant us and them mentaltiy to a stop (i know both sides do it). We re all here to enjoy...
  3. Berkan21

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    this^^^^ dont fight the police head on if you stick arround a crime scene long enough for a large armed response to show up then sorry but you didnt quite understand this whole criminal stuff. If you then decided to still stay then dont be suprised that a fully armed police force in a large...
  4. Berkan21

    Increase the down time of cell towers

    +1 because why not, as long as those towers are repairable  id even go as far and say make it like speeding cam that if they arent repaired they should stay down and not go back up automaticly. Additional allow G6 to repair those terminals they could contracted by the providers. 
  5. Berkan21

    Export cars 🥲

    With the soonTM inevitable export of all import cars a large amount of networth for a majority of players will be lost.  Many many hours of painful grinding gone because of the massive L contract cfx signed with rockstar games. This is truly a tragic day for everyone in the FiveM community and...
  6. Berkan21

    Ability to take off/put on gloves

    +1 works with police gloves so why shouldn’t it also work with the normal ones 
  7. Berkan21

    MRAP shouldn't be as powerful as it is and should be nerfed

    If jesters and all other armored cars would be removed too then sure just get rid of the MRAP but as long as this rocket league daily war scale shootouts continue there is no chance Stop turning the city into a war zone and there won't be a need for an MRAP continue doing what you re doing and...
  8. Berkan21

    Carboard boxes

    +1 why not 
  9. Berkan21

    Bandana Tops & Headbands.

  10. Berkan21

    Remove/Change the "Teaming" rule and make a Zerging rule instead.

    Nobody wants to see another ballas + triads boyfriend combination I was very glad when that rule was brought in because it gave smaller gangs a chance to exist without bending over everytime when trallas demanded 5mil for no reason  it’s the same argument you brought up but in the other...
  11. Berkan21

    Vehicle Handling Feedback

    To add onto those 2 the R8 should be one of the best performing vehicles in the city slighting improving the top speed maybe to 160mph and massive increasing it’s acceleration. the RS7 should be in the top 2 when it comes to performance between the Audi R and RS series it makes no sense that...
  12. Berkan21

    Slightly Decrease Server Player Limit

    The lag and desync is very annoying but I think at this point we all more or less got used to it and I don’t think that the reduction to 250 players is gonna increase the performance that significantly that the cons overweight the slight increase of performance so -1 from me too 
  13. Berkan21

    The Police

    @Isak Vladislav Appreciate it bro can only give you the same feedback always at a high rp standard 👍🏽❤️
  14. Berkan21

    Shooting from cars

    Not really no the police very rarely has the resources to interfere with a 10+ vs 10+ Gang War and in most cases they only snatch and grab in that regards nothing would change since the gangs in most cases will out number the police in total numbers on scene.     it’s the police job to...
  15. Berkan21

    Shooting from cars

    Huge +1 drive bying is part of the gang life however it should be limited to Frist person to work against this rocket league meta it’s so boring and unrealistic 