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  • If anyone have a spare wild lands beta key and wanna give it to me, pls msg me on ts or forums

    i have 9 notifications guessing almost all of them are happy new years. So il will followe thier steps happy new year lads!

    Im back now instead of drunk i have a fucking headache feelsbadman

    liquid of the Devils mate. drink lots of water

    @Alan UNMCHaha yea, better now tho than it was in the morning

    50% is gone, was this intended or just a error?

    Update error, it will return at 12

    Anyone got any good games to recommend now that its a sale on steam?

    Not sure wich games are on sale and wich ones are not but hey I know a few games. 

    Rainbow 6 sige a great 5v5 fps that's very tactical and alot of fun! 

    Just cuase 2-3 fun games alot of explosions

    Farcry 2-4 I loved playing far cry 2 and 3 alot of good story in 2 diffrent places in the second game you have a heart problem and you're in Africa I think and there is so much to explore and blow up, in the third game you parachute with some friends on a vacation you then end up being taken hostage with you brother by some "rebels/bandits" but you escape. Now you need to find the rest of your friends and get home. Very good story and a amazing game. In the 4th one you came to your mothers grave to put her ashes somewhere? Not sure but was a fun game but IMO they tried too much to make it seem like the third one.

    Witcher 3 amazing open world rpg game loved every second of it when it came out.

    One last tip if you like story ish games where you don't do too much I woukd recommend tellatales the walking dead season 1 and 2 great story every desicion you make affects the game and you really get attached to the characters.

    (Sorry for spelling mistakes and grammar using phone and just woke up)

    Thanks for the tips, i own some of the games you mentioned, and the other ones i will look up and see what price they are and see if i might buy them

    Just looked back at some old screenshots from the past year kinda miss the old times :/

    @CSO Drama Lama Agree, also miss start of the police, aswell when we created Invictia was so much fun when like everyone was playing.

    I hear this now and again... and never have asked until today... Whats wrong with the current times ?

    I dont think anything is wrong with current time, i just think the server gets better, but im just nostaligic, missing that first feeling when  i first joined the server. Same with the cops i miss sometimes how much fun i had with the people in it when i was in it. And with invicita i miss playing with all the lads that like left server/banned/joined police again. @Wilco

    I love this pic of me and you xox 



    Memories fom the old invictia times, its a dank pic lol

    yes man come back! will give u my 4 mil ingame and 3 purple dildos crafted by riviox 

    invite me to the last supper when you go next time please... 

    sounds good tbh, haha yea ill invite you ;)

    hobo dude man come back

    Mby when i get time, dont you play fifa anywya you hobo?

    yeah hobo dude, just thought i would jump the bandwagon to tell you to come back

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