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Recent content by Qetz

  1. Qetz

    If anyone have a spare wild lands beta key and wanna give it to me, pls msg me on ts or forums

    If anyone have a spare wild lands beta key and wanna give it to me, pls msg me on ts or forums
  2. Qetz

    FeelsBadMan when all your mates got banned that is not cops 

    FeelsBadMan when all your mates got banned that is not cops 
  3. Qetz

    Rules Feedback

    Can a rule be added if you are downed and someone rps with you you are not allowd to respawn  for lets say 3-5 miniutes? As by doing that you could potenially be evading some good rp.
  4. Qetz

    Do you mean when Farmer gets rekt and starts kicking Summers out of the chanel...

    Do you mean when Farmer gets rekt and starts kicking Summers out of the chanel??? @AWax @Summers @Farmer Giles
  5. Qetz

    @F A D E ur hard

    @F A D E ur hard
  6. Qetz

    wot ze fok??? i cant quick peek now?

    wot ze fok??? i cant quick peek now?
  7. Qetz


  8. Qetz

    Fair enough

    Fair enough
  9. Qetz

    Why was Pandas post removed? He only said goodbye...

    Why was Pandas post removed? He only said goodbye...
  10. Qetz

    Happy Bday mate have a good! :D

    Happy Bday mate have a good! :D
  11. Qetz

    @KingGodDiabloZ Atleast the 100sw are like 12k

    @KingGodDiabloZ Atleast the 100sw are like 12k
  12. Qetz

    @KingGodDiabloZ Mate its not to much, do a couple of banks and your back at whatever you were...

    @KingGodDiabloZ Mate its not to much, do a couple of banks and your back at whatever you were before.
  13. Qetz


    Been requested alot lately, and would  love it to happen.
  14. Qetz

    I would say its worth it seeing as 10mil is not to much you can grind it out quite easy.

    I would say its worth it seeing as 10mil is not to much you can grind it out quite easy.
  15. Qetz

    Deffo worth it 10 mil ez money like only 10 weed runs or 4 banks and you get acces to 100rnd sw...

    Deffo worth it 10 mil ez money like only 10 weed runs or 4 banks and you get acces to 100rnd sw lim, mk1 etc