Hi All,
I wish to improve the Arma community and server with some suggestions, which I have. However I would like honest feedback from new and old players alike as we all wish to see the community grow again and be strong.
I now have been given a warning point for trying to find out what has happened with everyone last night because I genuinely dont know but now have a warning point from this. Brilliant
! The warning point states
'There has been years of talk.... Right now the server needs people to connect not cause silly arma drama!
I expect to see you on the server for several hours tonight rather than on the forums.'
The issue isnt connecting, its there is not enough enjoyable content anymore. The major thing that needs to change is Rebel life. Wilco clearly thinks that connecting is the issue, but it isn't in the long-term. The minute the server introduces new content people agree on the server will flourish again.
Would everyone be happy for a community meeting between MANAGEMENT, STAFF, FACTIONS and PLAYERS, this can only help. But at the moment there is no clear communication of when, if and how this would take place?
I wish to improve the Arma community and server with some suggestions, which I have. However I would like honest feedback from new and old players alike as we all wish to see the community grow again and be strong.
I now have been given a warning point for trying to find out what has happened with everyone last night because I genuinely dont know but now have a warning point from this. Brilliant
'There has been years of talk.... Right now the server needs people to connect not cause silly arma drama!
I expect to see you on the server for several hours tonight rather than on the forums.'
The issue isnt connecting, its there is not enough enjoyable content anymore. The major thing that needs to change is Rebel life. Wilco clearly thinks that connecting is the issue, but it isn't in the long-term. The minute the server introduces new content people agree on the server will flourish again.
Would everyone be happy for a community meeting between MANAGEMENT, STAFF, FACTIONS and PLAYERS, this can only help. But at the moment there is no clear communication of when, if and how this would take place?