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Recent content by Psychos Ross

  1. Psychos Ross

    Hi All, I wish to improve the Arma community and server with some suggestions, which I have...

    Hi All, I wish to improve the Arma community and server with some suggestions, which I have. However I would like honest feedback from new and old players alike as we all wish to see the community grow again and be strong.  I now have been given a warning point for trying to find out what has...
  2. Psychos Ross

    Unban Appeal - Psychos Ross - Altis Life

    If a similar situation takes place again. I will flow with the RP as I do 99% of the time and then address the issue once it has finished in the correct manner on teamspeak. I will not moan and will go through with the RP so no ones fun is ruined, then I will use the correct steps in addressing...
  3. Psychos Ross

    Unban Appeal - Psychos Ross - Altis Life

    Obviously I do not think that the rules do not apply to me. I have been a player on the community for a long time and have followed the rules regularly! I jumped out the PD when I lost my cool and temper, which from my record you can see I do not do regularly. I have made a mistake and I...
  4. Psychos Ross

    Unban Appeal - Psychos Ross - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Psychos Ross  In-game Name: Ross Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198050806598 Ban ID: N/A Reason given for your ban: A1.4 - Using exploits in game. In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I decided to exploit through a wall in...
  5. Psychos Ross

    Report a player - Ross - Altis Life

    Right. Firstly how did you know we were in the same gang? You are taking an interaction with someone else, I cannot control by the way, and then taking it out on me because we are in the same gang. This is the point where you say you aren't taking it out on me, BUT you are aren't you as you...
  6. Psychos Ross

    Report a player - Ross - Altis Life

    Hi Loki, Firstly people do that all the time, so shall we get the ban hammer out for everyone or is this personal? Also you lie, a full 5 minute video will show all the people you saw before me. Link the whole video of 5 mins to show people how many people you saw before me, but couldn't trap...
  7. Psychos Ross

    Police/Posideon and Rebels

    I do not know the correct title for this suggestion so that's why the above is the above. The police and Poseidon have enough advantages without the fact that if one gets shot at in a helicopter they can all shoot you. If a rebel is shot at in a helicopter only they can shoot back, this is...
  8. Psychos Ross

    Report a player - Spartan, Pledg3 & KeirT - Altis Life

    You all say the cop is dead because of his GPS, but when you come to shoot us all, the GPS no longer says critical and the cop is alive as seen. Which means, saying he is still dead or the GPS told you, you would of realised he was still alive. Meaning the side chat told you he died as his GPS...
  9. Psychos Ross

    Report a player - Spartan, Pledg3 & KeirT - Altis Life

    Keirt, We do not have all day to be chasing after a police officer who thinks he can outrun 8 or so rebels. So we aimed to leg him, with the intention to RP with him, hence why he was revived by us, because we want to roleplay!!! Pledg3 clearly did not want to roleplay or feared he would 'lose'...
  10. Psychos Ross

    Well Well Well

    @Smurfy_E3If I left and you left. Whos Richard being the dad of? We are both men but couldnt be more childish on here! Big love Brother, will play some games soon! ❤️
  11. Psychos Ross

    Farewell for now...

    Hello Everyone, 5 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 1 day ago I started running around Kavala as a hobo. Look how far I've come. I now still run around Kavala with @Smurfy_E3 @night_stalker_ @carter @AntonW (I cant find your profile) and we are all still big hobos 😄  I never imagined this day would...
  12. Psychos Ross


    Wayfarer, Its Ross. We go back a long way pal. Sad to see you go! Lots of good memories, lots of nice hats :D. If you ever want to come back a few of us old Psychos still play! Feel free to join us anytime! Big love brother and all the best!
  13. Psychos Ross

    Un-ban Appeal - rossatron99 - 11/07/19

    In-game Name Ross Steam ID 76561198050806598 The date of your ban. 11/07/19 Member of the team that banned you. Deleter Reason given for your ban. 7.1.3 The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was banned for...
  14. Psychos Ross

    Report a Player - Ross - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Regardless, this report highlights the rules you broke, like it, dont like it staff will see it. I cant change that. I think my actions were acceptable as stated above. I will now leave it up to staff to decide if you cut the RP short by not complying with gunpoint demands or not. I'd...
  15. Psychos Ross

    Report a Player - Ross - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Hello, Firstly saying thanks 'babe xoxox' is extremely childish considering we were both being extremely professional. When someone has you at gunpoint it is wise to listen and not over-talk them. Just like helicopters if you cant hear someone because you dont have ear plugs in, its your...