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Unban Appeal - GENERALLL - GTA RP


Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Matias Cano
Steam ID: 76561199422007646
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk18472
Ban Reason: G3.1 G3.5 C1.7
Why do you think you were banned: G3.1 - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

G3.5 - Using information you have gained through the play of other characters to influence the course of roleplay, either directly or passing this information to a 3rd party to tell your character. Example: Character A is a cop that knows a raid is about to happen on a gang, Character B (same player) is a member of a rival gang. Character B does not know about the raid, Character A is unable to tell someone else to tell Character B about the raid. Character A may not use Character B's vehicles or assets.

C1.7 - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense.
Why should we unban you: I respect and understand the rules are put in place to protect the RPUK community from multiple offenses but in this instance - unfair advantages. I understand there was suspicion surrounding the robbery which is partially why G3.1 rulebreak was given among the other rulebreaks. I understand the seriousness of that type of rulebreak and want to promise the staff that I did not give any OOC information to anyone regarding what I had on me at the time of the robbery. When I was robbed, it was shortly after having been killed off from Cutlass. I’ll admit, I was upset because I was in Cutlass for time and my course of RP resulted in me being killed off. I had joined an opposing gang that Cutlass was actively fighting at the time. They then robbed me for what I did have on me because of my association. I was robbed for a large amount, not once - but twice. I hold my hands up, I should have clipped it. In the future, I will always clip these moments. After having such a big loss, plus the bitterness of being killed off, I wasn’t sure where to go from there. Although it does seem immature to jump to that mentality, I decided that my time on General ran dry and realized that my RP was better when I was on a different character.

With my other characters, I realized I had to play the part of that character and its back story. I realized a bit too late that Jermaine was my most ideal course of roleplay. I found myself actively playing into his traumas. It allowed me to be in a constant mindset of RP. I recreated it, considering him coming back from the dead considering the witchcraft his character went through. Reflecting on this, it could have been a great course of roleplay had I first gone through staff and explained what I was looking to do and how to go about it. Instead, I acted on my own accord and I take full responsibility for this rulebreak. It was completely foolish to not have discussed with staff leads. There is no excuse for how I approached this, but I know moving forward to never consider acting without asking. Staff volunteer their time to help the community and I should have utilized the resources made available to me.

In all fairness and honesty, I know people thought it was the same character, and I take full accountability for this. There is no excuse. I know that I should have gone about things differently and I can’t explain what I would do next time because there will not be a next time, I can assure you. If given another chance, I will make sure that I do not interact in any rulebreak, if I'm not sure, I will reach out to staff VIA ticket. I will not be hasty with things and respect staff's time and wait on their responses. I would love to be given an opportunity to return to RPUK and show staff and the community that I value the roleplay and I promise to follow the rules.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You've been a part of the community long enough to know the rules. Received a total of 6 bans (including this one) and 4 warnings, all of which center around your 'crim' play style.
Do you have any regard for the rules? Your history would tell me otherwise.

Now onto the ban itself,
Can you tell me exactly in detail what happened, during these 'robberies' which lead you to be banned?

You've quoted the rules, but can you tell me why we have them in place? Other than unfair advantages, what else might be affected?
There is no justification for the rules I have broke and I have been a part of this great community for a very long time. Although I do respect and understand the rules, I didn't believe this to be a violation at the time. I say this because the things I did that resulted in my ban weren't done for fun or to interfere with other people's roleplay. However I accept full responsibility for my actions and understand how serious they are. In response to your question regarding the events of the robberies, I was robbed of a significant amount of money after I was killed off from my former gang because of an in-game argument with myself and the third party, which caused my character to try to kill everyone there. This did not result in my ban in any way. I remade a character that I had erased because I didn't have enough spaces. SL Stuart clarified why I should be banned and where I went wrong. Rules are in place to prevent roleplay from being ruined in due course and to prevent community members from abusing certain mechanics. Players that disregard roleplay guidelines may cause others to lose their feeling of immersion and realism. It would ruin the moment and make the experience less fun for everyone if someone suddenly started talking about something unrelated or just started acting wildly during a serious roleplay situation. This is because the fundamental goal of roleplaying games is to create an immersive environment in which players feel as though they are living out a fictional existence inside the game. Everyone's experience is ruined if players behave inappropriately or violate any rules in a sense.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your reply.

Why did you not come forward to staff, to ascertain what you intended to do, was allowed?

Do you understand Character separation? Did you delete a character with the name Jermaine Malik, then recreated him and continued with his 'memories'?
What about the time frame in which your other character had left Cutlass, and then you rejoined a week later?

Should you be unbanned -
Your character Jermaine Malik will be deleted. You will not be allowed to create him again.
Prove to us, that you are here to RP, by creating a legal character, and play them for 3 months. What legal profession you get into, is your choice.
E.g. Police, NHS/Fire, G6, Solicitor.

Would you be opposed to this?
Evening @Violet_

To be honest, I didn't consider if this was allowed or not, and I've since learnt my lesson. As a member of the community, I frequently inquire about various topics in tickets, whether or not it is permitted. I didn't give it any thought in this case. It was primarily for roleplaying, which I found enjoyable and desired again.

I do have a great understanding of character separation, including how and why the rule is applied. in response to your question concerning my reenactment of a character using my own memories. Yes, I regrettably did so without recognizing my mistake. I was ignorant. I recreated a character with the same memories, which included a lot of roleplay with Cutlass, which is why I left Cutlass and returned a second week later on a different character. I fully understand why Jermaine Malik was removed, and I would learn a valuable lesson if this character was deleted. I also know I'm capable of providing the community with high-quality roleplay, therefore if I was banned, I would be interested in returning and reapplying to G6 and the police. Since I am aware that the staff team's concerns are always for the greater good of the community, I would not be against any decisions they make for me.

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I didn't give it any thought in this case. It was primarily for roleplaying, which I found enjoyable and desired again.
So, would this be something we may potentially see a repeat of? Just because you enjoyed something, you thought you could break the rules without inquiring with staff?

I left Cutlass and returned a second week later on a different character
Do you not think this would be confusing to other players?
Why would you want to rejoin a gang that you had been previously killed off from?
Hello, Violent No, this will never happen again since I've learned from my error and fully comprehend the guideline/rules. As always, I will always start a ticket and ask questions if I have any questions.

In regards to your second question. Yes, Players found it quite confusing because my number was different, among other things. Jermaine Malik joined Cutlass because of their previous roleplaying experiences with Kane Kash. But these were recollections that were not to be recalled.

Thank you for your responses in advance.

Why did you not think to cease what you were doing on that character, if players found it confusing? Did no alarm bells ring, or any subconscious thought of what you were doing at that time, was wrong?

What was your intention, in going back to the same gang? As you said, you had a disagreement;
in-game argument with myself and the third party, which caused my character to try to kill everyone there.
Did you hold a grudge, and want to get back at them some how in RP?

To be honest, no. Not until a ticket was opened with me did people begin to ask questions. A few people occasionally asked me why my number had changed, but I didn't give it much thought. After being thoroughly informed why what I was doing was incorrect, I realized my error. To be honest, I didn't give it much thought when I recreated the character.

I had no intention of rejoining the same group it was just the direction that the roleplay took me. Although it was in roleplay on my General character, I did have a quarrel and I don’t take it outside of RP. Regarding your final question, I have no resentment because it was only roleplay, and if my character is unbanned, it will succeed in other RP revenues. not pursue his former group.


I do hope going forward, you will start to think before you act, and start to apply some common sense. Especially now, as you show a degree of understanding in your ban.

I'm open to giving you a chance, with restrictions as stated previously:

You are not to play a gang character for 3 months to show us you're here to roleplay.
You will not be allowed to log onto any character other than your legal route character.

You can choose police as stated in this appeal or NHS/Fire or Gruppe6.
These factions have strict rules that you're expected to abide by and any ban/warning within the 3 month period will result in another perm.

This is to build trust again and prove to us you can follow rules.

Jermaine Malik will be deleted. You will not be allowed to create him again.

Are you willing to accept these conditions?
I do accept all these conditions and look forward to returning back to the role-play.

We have gone ahead and wiped the character Jermaine Malik.

As per your conditions above, please create a new character - and apply for one of the factions within two weeks. This should allow you enough time to build your characters start.
I will be checking your progress with this character.

If you accidentally log onto one of your other characters, log off immediately and inform staff.

Needless to say, this is a golden chance - do not waste it.
If you are unsure at any point, you are always free to open a ticket on Discord.

Any Ban/ Warning you recieve within the next 3 months will result in a permanent ban, and will be much harder to come back from.

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