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Report a player - Zombie Killers - GTA RP

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[President] Johnathan Jones
Sandy Shores
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Johnathan Jones
Reported Players: Zombie Killers
Date: Nov 22, 2024
Time: 21:30
What best describes this incident: G4.5
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We have been fighting with ZKs since last week and have subsequently since then made war rules. I'll add the war rules below, however, they aren't likely to be relevant for this report.

  • KOS (Kill on sight) on each other's turfs.
  • No attacks on/in Yellow Jacks (building is riddled with glitches and bugs)

So far this has mostly been good with the conflict, with some questionable moments, but, as a group who doesn't like the idea of reporting unless really necessary, these small things we have let slide. Examples for context would be, NLR ( Adding a considerable amount of players to the F6 since the conflict started, shooting at Pillbox after just checking out and breaking NLR, and picking members up through chain link fences to name a few ) … None of which really affected the course of roleplay, but when combined with what this report is based on, it brings their whole mentality within the server in to question.

The problem we have has raised regards last night at the Autoshop. Approximately 10 members defended Autoshop from ZK, which was a good situation for the most part. But unfortunately, as we encounter so regularly on the server, when people begin to lose a situation, they break rules to try and swing it in their favour.

We had downed multiple ZKs in the Autoshop, but all of the ones that got downed downstairs, got picked up, taken Pillbox, and then returned to the same on-going fight? The hold exceeded 2 hours due to people being taken to hospital, and then being brought back to the situation. One particular member of ZK Archie Wet, was in fact downed twice at the Autoshop, but returned to the fight 3 times! This makes no sense? We requested him too a Liaison, however, the request either wasn't seen or ignored.

The final bullet point of rule G4.5 to quote is " Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed". I honestly struggle to see how you can justify returning after being downed, as you certainly wasn't forced back.

The situation reached a point, where only two of ZK were remaining alive inside Autoshop, but as expected they all start re-appearing at the Autoshop 20 minutes later after being picked up. Problem is, the gang is made up of plenty of people that should know better. Pete, Archie Wet and whom ever else they were with clearly either hadn't read the rules or do not understand them. They clearly waited out the 15 minutes, but didn't take into consideration returning to the same fight.

The only reason the entire situation went on as long as it did was due to ZK members returning to the fight, and some returning on more than one occasion. I didn't want to chime in on 'Win Mentality', however, I cant help but feel the only reason these rules were broken was to achieve the win at any cost. I find it hard to believe that no one in their F6 understood nor was familiar with this rule.

If there was confusion, someone in the F6 should have corrected any lesser experienced players instead of participating part of the rule break. Some who were downed, came back, but waited outside in cars, again to pick up people from the fight they'd been recovered from?

I'd like to understand the thought process of coming back to the fight on several occasions, and why this rule wasn't relevant for this particular situation
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/j8Epm49x9Ed0k1Clh?invite=cr-MSxERGYsNDA4MjAwNTUs https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/j8Fnkxne6v2p4G320?invite=cr-MSxEWVosNDA4MjAwNTUs

Here is also a questionable pickup: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/j8FGfpVliCm2JZERW?invite=cr-MSwzamQsNDA4MjAwNTUs
"So far this has mostly been good with the conflict, with some questionable moments, but, as a group who doesn't like the idea of reporting unless really necessary, these small things we have let slide. Examples for context would be, NLR ( Adding a considerable amount of players to the F6 since the conflict started, shooting at Pillbox after just checking out and breaking NLR, and picking members up through chain link fences to name a few ) … None of which really affected the course of roleplay, but when combined with what this report is based on, it brings their whole mentality within the server in to question."

These points were discussed in a liaison between myself and you with staff present. I can only assume you've mentioned these to try and tarnish the name of the gang. There hasn't been a "considerable" amount of players added since the conflict started and there were robberies and small skirmishes before war was officially announced. Since the war has been officially announced, no additional members have been added to the F6. The "NLR" at pillbox was after one of your members were attempting to force rape roleplay and was promptly told to stop. This is when the member of TFA began boasting about "you just got bummed" and was shot as a result as nobody should be subjected to this line of roleplay after being told to stop, especially without consent. I assume this wasn't reported as it would have exposed this fact. As to the claim of being picked up through a chain link fence, are you able to provide evidence of this? As I am unable to see it in the clips that you have provided.

"The situation reached a point, where only two of ZK were remaining alive inside Autoshop, but as expected they all start re-appearing at the Autoshop 20 minutes later after being picked up. Problem is, the gang is made up of plenty of people that should know better. Pete, Archie Wet and whom ever else they were with clearly either hadn't read the rules or do not understand them. They clearly waited out the 15 minutes, but didn't take into consideration returning to the same fight."

There were more ZK members that remained alive but you were unaware of this as your members were holding the ghost peak on top of the stairs, and over the course of hours, didn't come down to check if ZK members had remained inside the shop or left. Members of yours were grabbed and the remaining members of ZK took them to dodgy and then our turf. It was roughly an hour with no interactions inside the shop before ZK returned and wiped out the two members of TFA that continuously sat at the top of the stairs. All downed members of TFA/ZK had either been picked up or bled out during this time. These are different scenarios.

"Some who were downed, came back, but waited outside in cars, again to pick up people from the fight they'd been recovered from?"

Could you provide proof of this please?

"The only reason the entire situation went on as long as it did was due to ZK members returning to the fight, and some returning on more than one occasion. I didn't want to chime in on 'Win Mentality', however, I cant help but feel the only reason these rules were broken was to achieve the win at any cost. I find it hard to believe that no one in their F6 understood nor was familiar with this rule."

I encourage all of my members to present good, enjoyable roleplay for both parties. You pushed for KOS and on a daily sit at the top of stairs holding a ghost peak and shooting on sight. There is no room for interactions, we are unable to move you from that spot even with 5+ members trying to pick up your downed members and you use this to your advantage to force gunfights and not allow roleplay to progress naturally. That doesn't seem like a healthy roleplay mentality to me.

TFA have been shooting on sight away from the turf, long before KOS on TURFS was announced and we discussed in liaison that we would talk out any issues we encounter with each other before heading straight to the forums. It appears to me that you lost the situation and have decided to try and have some "get back" on the forums instead of in roleplay.

The fact is that we withdrew from your turf multiple times for lengthy amounts of time and created different scenarios with members of yours that we found around the city to which you didn't have the knowledge of this as you sat in a room the entire time waiting for a gunfight and didn't check downstairs/outside even once.
holding a ghost peak
I'm going to respond here because I was accused of this in LOOC

I'm sure you are well aware there is a Anti Ghost Peek Script which makes it so when the barrel of your gun is behind cover you cannot shoot your gun and as seen in the clips presented as evidence I wasn't Ghost peeking I had a right hand peek down a set of stairs which gave you guys a major disadvantage but it was not a ghost peek.
I'm going to respond here because I was accused of this in LOOC

I'm sure you are well aware there is a Anti Ghost Peek Script which makes it so when the barrel of your gun is behind cover you cannot shoot your gun and as seen in the clips presented as evidence I wasn't Ghost peeking I had a right hand peek down a set of stairs which gave you guys a major disadvantage but it was not a ghost peek.
I just want to make you aware that, despite there being a script, this is still possible in certain locations.
"before war was officially announced. Since the war has been officially announced, no additional members have been added to the F6."

You sat there and acknowledged that the RP had already taken place and the war had been going on for one week already this was all said with a staff member being present. You then went on to state that these guys joining was pre-planned and IMO this should be a clear violation of "G11.3.1" possibly other things depending on how you view it. I am interested to know the RP behind that, as it's a little strange how their joining could not wait and it comes across like the only reason they have joined is because of the conflict and you looking to get reinforcements due to you losing the conflict.

"Could you provide proof of this please?"

How is it that there is a clip of the same guy dying twice, there's the proof?

"members were attempting to force rape roleplay"

I am not too sure what you are trying to get at here but id suggest being very careful, there was no such attempt to do that RP just the "/e hump" emote where both of you were indeed fully clothed if anything this is now yourself looking to drag other peoples name through the dirt just to attempt to get a one up on the situation at hand as this event occurred last week and if you had an issue with the RP you could have easily reported the same way we could have when you shot our guy not even being out of the beds for two minutes but we viewed roleplay scenario and decided to run with it instead.
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"You sat there and acknowledged that the RP had already taken place and the war had been going on for one week already this was all said with a staff member being present. You then went on to state that these guys joining was pre-planned and IMO this should be a clear violation of "G11.3.1" possibly other things depending on how you view it. I am interested to know the RP behind that, as it's a little strange how their joining could not wait and it comes across like the only reason they have joined is because of the conflict and you looking to get reinforcements due to you losing the conflict."

There has been minor conflict between MEMBERS of our groups. Most of which TFA have been hiding out of colours and doing the most not to interact with ZK's. I specifically stated in the liaison that these members were pre-planned to join before these little scuffles between our group. As TFA have been losing the so-called conflict from the very beginning, which in reality is TFA sitting behind locked doors and posting tweedles, I fail to see how this is looking to get reinforcements due to "losing the conflict." The first actual fight of this war happened yesterday, to which TFA again lost and have resorted to this report as you clearly are unable to deal with this in-game.

"How is it that there is a clip of the same guy dying twice, there's the proof?"

You made the claim that people had came back from pillbox and waited outside to pick up people and take them to pillbox. I would like to see the proof of this.

"I am not too sure what you are trying to get at here but id suggest being very careful, there was no such attempt to do that RP just the "/e hump" emote where both of you were indeed fully clothed if anything this is now yourself looking to drag other peoples name through the dirt just to attempt to get a one up on the situation at hand as this event occurred last week and if you had an issue with the RP you could have easily reported the same way we could have when you shot our guy not even being out of the beds for two minutes but we viewed roleplay scenario and decided to run with it instead."

As did your members pull weapons out in this scenario fresh out of the beds and shoot at police. Doing /e hump and saying "I'm bumming you" and "you've been bummed" isn't unacceptable in your mind? Would it have been more severe if this had happened to a female in this community? It's despicable behaviour and after asking in OOC if this could be ended, the response was along the lines of: "It was just dry humping." So I will say it again, these actions are disgusting and I would appreciate if you would have a word with your members as nobody in this community should be subjected to this weird behaviour.

As I stated previously, ZK removed ourselves from the bike shop for significant portions of time and roleplayed entirely different scenarios all across the city with various members of your group. You may consider it the same situation as you sat in a room the entire time looking to frag, but we were out and furthering the story line. These were different situations.
We had a liaison with a member of staff who explained that the war would of started when we first began fighting (ie When we held your roofs and when we pushed you at Maze Bank Arena). The war didn't 'begin' when we had an OOC discussion. This was explained pretty clearly in the call that we all sat in on.

Your members were seen returning to the scene, the clips prove this. Staff may be able to see logs from your other members being downed and shooting etc.

I'd be interested to see your perspective of the situation, as it was clear to everyone in there, no-one did e/ Hump whilst saying "I'm bumming you" and infact you're just fabricating it as you go to dramatize it. The first mentions of Rape and Bumming came from yourself, so perhaps provide this proof, or perhaps don't try cause stigma around something that clearly wasn't an issue for you at the time 'ooc'.

The initial situation in Auto Shop had 5 of you downed on the stairs. Your guys hadn't even bled out from the initial situation before some of you was back. The rule states that you Must not return to the situation in which you was downed. Regardless if you had drove around the city for an hour, the situation was still on going as your guys was still downed on the stairs. The last two TFA went down minutes after all of your lads on the stairs reached the respawn timer. It was the same situation. You forced the RP to return too Auto Shop. You can try find grey areas, but essentially, Archie Wet, Pete (Alexander Putin) returned to the same situation and from what we believe, others did too.
"The initial situation in Auto Shop had 5 of you downed on the stairs. Your guys hadn't even bled out from the initial situation before some of you was back. The rule states that you Must not return to the situation in which you was downed. Regardless if you had drove around the city for an hour, the situation was still on going as your guys was still downed on the stairs. The last two TFA went down minutes after all of your lads on the stairs reached the respawn timer. It was the same situation. You forced the RP to return too Auto Shop. You can try find grey areas, but essentially, Archie Wet, Pete (Alexander Putin) returned to the same situation and from what we believe, others did too."

Nobody returned that was downed in the situation while there were members on the stairs. It also wasn't "minutes after." This is clear fabrication.

You're right. He infact said something much worse: "Oh yeah, take it like a bitch." As shown in the clip below.

And then went on to say: "Imagine allowing yourself to get bummed in public, what a weird guy." And then also laughed when being told to cut it out. Should this behaviour be welcome in this community? Do you stand by this behaviour?

"We had a liaison with a member of staff who explained that the war would of started when we first began fighting (ie When we held your roofs and when we pushed you at Maze Bank Arena). The war didn't 'begin' when we had an OOC discussion. This was explained pretty clearly in the call that we all sat in on."

You are spinning what was actually said in the liaison. We discussed this with staff present and that staff member was also unable to tell us how this actually worked. There were small skirmishes between our groups, beef if you would call it, not outright war. No members have been added to the F6 since war has begun and it seems you're grasping at as many straws as you can as you've been unable to settle the beef in-game and instead have looked to do it on the forums instead. This shows the mentality of you and your group, as you and your group have already been spoken to about your fragging/winning mentality as has already been discussed in that same liaison with staff present.

Lets not turn this into a short novel for staff to read. Replies to reports should only be made if you are providing evidence that may alter the outcome of staffs decision. Not for users to type paragraphs back and forth, quizzing one another.

Any more redundant posts will result in this thread being locked until staff review it.
Clearly as this has turned into one big accusation of multiple things. Firstly i will say that i never like it when people use a report against them to then bring up other things you then consider a rule break. You should have reported that at the time and not brought it up after the fact. It never sits well with me.

So what i am going to do, is waste some of my time over this week to go through every single person online in both groups and figure out who has actually been downed at Autoshop and then returned again. So, obviously this will take some time. What i will ask of both of you as leads is that you ask your members IF someone DID do that. If you could then both reply here with their names. Number 1 it will not waste as much of my time. 2. I will consider the fact they have been adult enough to admit it which will reflect better on their punishment. So, @ShadowDirector and @KiloC if you could both do that please. If there is none or nobody admits to it then just dont reply back.

Ill start looking into this this evening when im home hopefully and try get it wrapped up by the weekend.
Right lets try make some sense of this then. So lets get a couple of things clear first. So the information here was between around 21:15 to 00:30 on the 22nd going into the 23rd. The location of all this information was in or around AutoShop including the bridge nearby.

So, between the time of 21:15 and 00:30 there was ever ONLY a maximum of a 25 minute gap without someone from one of those 2 groups being killed. There were other gaps of 10 and 15 minutes. This shows me that the core fight of that area was continuing there the whole time. Now, whilst i can and have seen that there were other little scraps going on at the time as i have seen deaths on ZKs turf, fight at maze bank. They are not included in what we will call the 'core' fight at autocare. So whilst people believe that they are entering a 'new' fight conveniently at the same place they did die at. It was not. TFA never left, maybe because it was like hoards of zombies (pun not intended) coming back to continue it.

So from the side of ZK's we have these people who have died then come back and died in the same spot again:

Leyton Davies - 1 Day ban G4.5

Leyton Lean - 1 Day G4.5

Archie Wet - 1 Day G4.5

Ellis Jones - 2 Day (FBS) G4.5

Lewie Robertson - 2 Day (FBS) G4.5

Tyson Drake - 1 Day G4.5

Kenny Lake - 1 Day G4.5

Chirs Jones - Perm (FBS)

Now from the TFA side:

Timmy Chaps - 1 Day G4.5

Derik Derikson - 1 Day G4.5

So as mentioned before so we try to clear it all up in 1 response. The core situation of TFA holding up in autoshop never seemed to have ended. I know other things also happened around the city and other places people were shot and grabbed which is completely fine. However, you should have kept it at that OR as you did try do. Try and get TFA to move where the fight was in there own choice. Ultimately all of those people above did return to the fight that they were downed from before. Even if 1 hour had passed between being revived and then killed again. The place was still the same, TFA were still held up there aiming at stairs.

This has obviously taken a lot of work for staff to go through and have to try pick apart what actually happened. So thankyou to the staff that helped me on this and made it much easier. Now whilst i am fully aware that me looking through logs may not tell me the complete picture, if you chose to break these kind of rules and then report it. You are obviously choosing to subject your whole group to this scrutiny wether it may be right or wrong. I have given the group leads and others involved days to come forward and help. Some have and some have not. So i am proceeding as i see fit with the information i can see in black and white. So to everyone that has been punished and the other gangs reading this. Just pick another fight somewhere else. Dont break rules for a win on the evening. Its not worth it.
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