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Unban Appeal - ewantulloch1 - GTA RP


Active member
The Chippieones

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ewan Tulloch
Steam ID: 76561199017547175
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19068
Ban Reason: G2.9, G3.1 & G5.7
Why do you think you were banned: Hello Staff, Hope all is well.

I am not entirely sure why I was banned for these specific rule breaks, I have read through the descriptions of these rule codes and still unsure, Obviously I must've done something wrong and Obviously i'd like to correct these mistakes I have made.

First of all i'd just like to explain my confusion and Give some details which may be relevant towards my bans, My girlfriend saw me playing on my PC and inside of the RPUK server and said she thought it looked fun and wanted to give it a try, So I made her a character on my account so then I had 2 characters total, 1. Ewan Tulloch 2. Gracie Smith, She played for a little while doing a bin run and some taxis whilst also meeting some people at AE, She said that she enjoyed it and wanted to play more but obviously I also enjoy playing RPUK, So I built her a PC and set it up for her beside my Set-up, She made her character and flew in and me and her roleplayed it out that she was new in the city and I was showing her around within the city, She said she wanted to make money so we went and got her Sanitation License and done 2 bin runs, She said she was annoyed about the fact she had made around 100k on her character on my PC so I read through the rules (G2.9) in particular and saw the rule is - Transferring money or items between your OWN characters is not allowed by any method, I thought since technically it was on my PC so the character she had in the first place was one of my characters that it would've been okay with transferring the 100k to her new character onto her PC, I then left the server and then tried to join back later that night and saw I was permanently banned and feel it might be directly linked to this situation.

This may not be the case and this might not be linked to the Ban but from my understanding right now that this situation might've affected the reasons for me being banned.

- To address each ban reason I'd like to start off with the ((G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.)
I sent my girlfriend 100k from her character from a separate PC to her PC as I thought it would've been okay, Maybe it wasn't and I believe that this was an honest mistake.

Secondly (G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.
This may have been because me and girlfriend's setups are literally right beside each other and a staff may have heard our voices through each others mic and thought it was a Discord call or something, I could be completely wrong and I may have done something else wrong, I am still unsure on what I done to break this rule.

Lastly (G5.7) Character Growth - Your character should have long term growth. Your character should not join our server on creation and instantly be a millionaire crime lord. All characters should grow into their roles – initially starting off with few resources and knowledge of the city.
This is another I am unsure about, My character has had long term growth in my opinion as I've been in the city for around 2 years now, which is how I'm unsure about how I've broken a character growth rule.

A full explanation on these rule breaks would be amazing as it would help me understand what I've done wrong and then discuss on how I'll not do it again and hopefully not be back in the appeal section.
Why should we unban you: Obviously I can't fully comment on why I should I be unbanned because i'm not 100% sure on why I was banned but what I can say is that I've been clearly banned for multiple reasons and I'd like to rectify these mistakes I've made and get back into RPUK, I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience I have caused and hopefully move forward towards me getting unbanned and back to roleplaying within this amazing community.

I appreciate any staff that took there time to read my appeal and hopefully we can come to an agreement on how I can move forward from these bans, Looking forward to a reply

Kind Regards, Ewan
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello there @tullochewan , I hope you are well.

You are not far off in your assumptions, so good job on acknowledging your mistakes.

Now, the fact that your girlfriend was playing on your account is an issue in itself, can you tell me why that might be?
The issue of transferring money from "her" other character will be clear, once you have understood the above...

The metagaming comes in due to you setting the transfer of assets up out of game and the character growth rule comes into play due to her character being very fresh and receiving a decent amount of money off the bat.

Please answer the above question and also explain the broken rules to me in detail, including why you think they are in place and what the consequences would be if they were not.
Hello @Sammy , I am not to bad thanks for asking, I hope you are well also.

Thank you for reading my appeal and as you said I feel I have acknowledged my mistakes well with the information I had before with this reply I hope to acknowledge my mistakes in a bit more detail whilst also answering your questions

Now, the fact that your girlfriend was playing on your account is an issue in itself, can you tell me why that might be?
Now that you have pointed this out I understand this could be a big issue in itself , People such as hackers may enter my account use cheats to make x amount of money then transfer it over to a second account where they don't hack on and this would maybe stop them from getting banned on there main roleplay account, same explanation if it was someone who found a glitch to make money and then transferred it. Another reason could be that anyone using someone else's account could already been banned by the RPUK staff on there own account and therefore is ban evading, The last reason I could think of is that if someone was to have a younger sibling as such who isn't 18 could easily gain access to someone's account by logging onto there PC and playing which is obviously in rule violation of a PEGI ban.

The issue of transferring money from "her" other character will be clear, once you have understood the above...
I have now understood that this careless mistake could've been a much bigger problem, I will now make sure no matter what that if I'm transferring money to anyone within the city that I will make sure that I am not breaking any rules by doing so, This was a careless mistake and I am obviously very sorry because it has now lead to me being in the forums and taking up staffs time which isn't needing to be used replying to unban appeals.

The metagaming comes in due to you setting the transfer of assets up out of game
I now completely agree that I have broken this rule and there was no RP behind this transfer of money, To improve and promise that I will not be back in the forums regarding a metagaming ban I can make a guarantee that if doing anything within city I will make sure it is 100% kept within the city.

the character growth rule comes into play due to her character being very fresh and receiving a decent amount of money off the bat.
I also now understand this rule break as I was unsure whether or not this was my main character or my girlfriends but with your explanation this has helped me understand how this rule was broken and I feel like this is a rule break that is not so easily broken and I'd like to completely acknowledge my mistake and tell you that this rule will not be broken in the future.

explain the broken rules to me in detail, including why you think they are in place and what the consequences would be if they were not.
First off I'd like to thank you for your explanation of my rule breaks and giving me a chance to reply with hope that I will be allowed back within the server as I feel like I have been in the city a long time and I've really enjoyed it so far and I'd like to continue enjoying it, So thank you.
explain the broken rules to me in detail, including why you think they are in place and what the consequences would be if they were not.
I'd like to start by your request explaining these rules in my own words and then give you my idea on why these rules are in place and the consequences if not. -

G2.9 Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. :

G2.9 is a rule set in place for people who trying and transfer things between there own characters in order to gain an advantage in certain RP scenarios this rule is here to stop people doing this as people may abuse this system, for example if (1st Character) is in a gang war and anytime they want to make money they keep getting "G-checked" or robbed they may switch characters (2nd Character) as then they gang they are fighting have no reason to rob or kill them, so then they can make money and then they would transfer it back to (1st Character) so then they could purchase items that could help in situations which they couldn't before such as guns, Another example of someone breaking this rule could be that (1st Character) has found out that the police are about to raid them so they could transfer items to (2nd Character) to stop the police from finding these items. If this rule wasn't in place it would completely deteriorate the RP within the server and with it the integrity of the RP.

(G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages. :

G3.1 or more commonly known as metagaming can be a powerful tool if it is not a rule set in place, people can use external communication to alter the course of the RP which completely ruins the immersive experience for everyone involved, An easy example of this would be that people being in a Discord call whilst also being in city could be used to exchange information on the whereabouts about people or certain things within the city, this rule can be easily broken and would completely destroy RP inside of the city if this rule wasn't in place as people could communicate all the time without people knowing inside of RP.

(G5.7) Character Growth - Your character should have long term growth. Your character should not join our server on creation and instantly be a millionaire crime lord. All characters should grow into their roles – initially starting off with few resources and knowledge of the city.

G5.7, This rule is here so that people can be fully immersed within the city, Following there own character grow and go through the ranks of the police or a gang, Watching every penny saving up for there next purchase, Searching the map for any sort of hidden things that could lead to more roleplay opportunities, This rule is set in place so that it encourages roleplay within players and encourages people to grow relationships within the city to find out these things and also to interact with people so that they aren't just going straight for the best paying job and stacking the cash, they are talking to people around the city, growing relationships and forming bonds if this rule wasn't in place then the city would descend into chaos and would be nothing more than a "100k or die" server.

All 3 of these rules are implemented so that the RP standards don't drop and that the RPUK community continues to thrive year after year and allows people to make there characters and build there own story whilst also having fun doing it.

Thank you for your reply to my appeal, I have tried my very best to understand your reply and answer your questions to the best of my ability, I understand I have done wrong and I am in the forums asking for another chance as I enjoy this community and the people within it and I'd like to continue my journey with my character within RPUK

Kind Regards,

Good morning @tullochewan .

Thank you for the lengthy response, I see you do understand where you went wrong.

Now, there is still one issue - Your girlfriend is welcome to appeal her own ban, of course, but currently she is still not allowed on the server. How can we trust that she will not be connecting through your PC and play? Firstly, the character "Gracie Smith" on your profile will be deleted anyway. However, I do have a tummy ache unbanning you, considering using the same PC and account is exactly what got you both into this situation.
Good Morning @Sammy

Thank you for reading my reply

Your girlfriend is welcome to appeal her own ban
As she is new I have explained this to her already and if she does want to come back then I will make sure she makes an appeal on her own behalf with detail and shows her remorse for he participation in the Ban.

How can we trust that she will not be connecting through your PC and play?
When I was banned she blamed herself for it as I was only trying to help her which I understand her POV but I am taking full responsibility as she didn't really have a clue as to what we were doing to be honest, She said that she doesn't want to join again for multiple reasons, She said she found it awkward talking to people through a computer screen whilst roleplay another life which I understand as this isn't for everyone, However if she ever was to return she has her own PC now and I can guarantee I will not let her play on my PC not just for RPUK but just in general.

Firstly, the character "Gracie Smith" on your profile will be deleted anyway
That is completely fair and I don't oppose this as this character was created solely for her, To be honest in my whole time in RPUK I've never wanted to make a new character anyway maybe once or twice I've thought of making a new character and going down a fully legal route maybe through the Police but still not entirely sure that's what I want to do right now so I will only ever have my Own character which I will obviously not let her play on.

considering using the same PC and account is exactly what got you both into this situation
This situation is all a bit unique to me I've never seen anyone do this in the unban appeals, I mean i've not been reading the forums every week since i've joined so i could be wrong but the fact that now that my Girlfriend has her own PC now and I bought her GTA V on her PC if she does wish to return to RPUK she can appeal herself and if it does get accepted then she can return but other than that she will not be returning without an appeal and without being able to return on her own PC

I am once again reiterating that I am sorry and being in the forums is a waste of the staffs time and I hope with my appeal and with the promises I have made I can return.

Anything I can do to help my case I can do no problem at all

Thank you for reading my reply

Kind Regards,
Very well.

I am satisfied with your responses and will issue and unban on yourself. You should have no trouble connecting, as I have removed the IP element of the ban that is keeping your girlfriend from playing.
Keep in mind, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again. If you stay clear for that time tho, you will fall back onto the FBS.

Do me a favour, as you connect, please delete the character "Gracie Smith" yourself. It will save our devs and leads a little time, they are busy as is! :)

Now, keep your head down, don´t do anything sill and go give her a hug so she feels better ;)
