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Unban Appeal - Jay Small - GTA RP

Jay Small

Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jay Small
Steam ID: 76561199011756624
Ban ID (just the numbers): 427403
Ban Reason: (C1.2) Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned using offensive language, in a play on words setting
Why should we unban you: Hi staff

Hope you are all well, Firstly i would like to thank Danoo for replying to my original appeal, as in all fairness i believe i appealed to soon also may not have actually taken the correct time in thinking it over and not realised the seriousness of what i actually did.

But after reviewing over the past 2 weeks i can see what i said was not only wrong it was disgusting and i understand why you took the action you did, as although it was not in a derogatory or horrible way to offend anyone it is still not right in any setting and not welcome in the community so for that i can only apologise once again, i can sit here and honestly say that i wont be doing it again.

It was never my intention to cause offense to anyone but regardless if it was intentional or not i shouldn't have even said what i said and feel disappointed in myself, not only personally but for the community also.

I would love to have another chance in the community and to carry on with the roleplay in RPUK, all i can say is i wont do it again and i apologise once again, thank you for your time in reading this.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hi phoenix thanks for the reply i cant lie i couldnt find it i thought it was that 427853 is it this one ?

Your ban ID is shown to you quite clearly when you try to join the server.
oh yeah not had to do this in like 2 and a bit years my apologies, 19042 thanks for the help my bad
Hello there @Jay Small , I hope you are well.

We are sensing a bit of a pattern here in terms of walking on the line with these offensive terms, wouldn´t you say?
Why exactly is it that you keep on trying to find workarounds for certain words, knowing full well you shouldn´t be using them? What are you getting out of this exactly?
Hi there Sammy

Thanks for your response I wouldn’t say it’s I’m trying to make a pattern at all, a member of cutlass said about me having batty riders on so when I called him a batty I didn’t think it was going to cause a issue as he said it to me a few days prior.

Like I said I have never actually directly said it to another member of the community in a malicious way, nor would I intend to I’ve been called things myself but never felt the need to report it as I could see was not meant on a malicious way, albeit I am not making a excuse for what I said but I can also say it never would have even been on here for discussion if the rdm charge was put up.

But In saying that I am glad it got highlighted to make me realise that I was massively in the wrong and using language like that in jest should not be tolerated anyway shape or form, or be welcomed in to this community so for that I can only apologise once again, so yes I believe I have learnt a big lesson from this and don’t intend to walk on the edge of these comments or any other comments again

Thank you for your time Sammy
Hello Jay.
Besides being warned for C1.2 on the 05/10 and being banned under the same rule only 14 days later being bad enough - You've got quite a few warnings and kicks on record, so let's lay it out for a better view, shall we?

03/11/2022 - You start playing on RPUK.
03/11/2022 - Kicked for a name change
04/11/2022 - Kicked for a name change
06/11/2022 - Kicked for a name change
12/11/2022 - Banned for G2.9 - Transferring Assets
13/11/2022 - Unbanned
20/11/2022 - Warned for C2.2 - Exploiting

Off to a pretty rocky start, I'd say - But this is two years old and for some time you manage to stay clean (or wasn't caught?), but let's move on...

09/04/2024 - Warned for G7.3 - Poor Roleplay Execution
11/04/2024 - Warned for G1.6 - Breaking Character
13/06/2024 - Warned (AGAIN) for C2.2 - Exploiting
17/07/2024 - Warned for G1.2 - RDM
27/09/2024 - Warned for G2.6 - Misusing OOC Chat
03/10/2024 - Warned for G2.6 - Misusing OOC Chat
05/10/2024 - Warned for C1.2 - Discrimination (Homophobic Slur)
19/10/2024 - Banned for C1.2 - Discrimination (Racial Slur)

This is a LOT of unnecessary staff intervention for one player, don't you think?
You clearly find it hard to realize your responsibility to play by our rules, else your record wouldn't look this bad.

Now, one thing that I will say that is in your favor - and likely the reason you have been warned so many times rather than being banned sooner, is the fact that you've always had a polite and respectful tone and attitude when talking with staff - and as much as we appreciate this (we really do), we must also take into consideration your history of rule breaks...

Jay, appeal again after the year change - none of that 'New Year, New Me' crap - but have a hard think whether or not you are WILLING to abide by the rules while playing, because I don't doubt your ability to - I do have some doubt about the mindset you've had while playing and catching these bans and warnings...
Understand that, should you be unbanned in the new year, you will not have the favor of easily acquiring any more warnings. Punishments
will be harsher, because your warnings and opportunity to change are spent.

That being said, I wish you a nice Christmas Holiday, and a good New Year when it comes.
Take care!

(May appeal 01/01/2025)