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Reviving Criminal RP (or bin job thread #37)

Leroy C

Staff Team
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Legendary Donator
doing invasions in Irithyll Dungeon
Heyo everyone,

I wanted to bring up a suggestion that might be a bit controversial, but I think it’s worth discussing. A while back, we had a great variety of jobs on the server—everything from mining to taxi driving, food deliveries, and more. It was also fun to see gang members and criminals actually out on the streets hustling. One of the key ways for criminals to make money back then was drug dealing, which added different layers of risk and excitement. You had the possibility of getting robbed, busted by the police, scheme to rob other dealers, build connections/a network of customers and plugs, etc..

Fast forward to the introduction of bin jobs a few months ago. It’s no secret that bin jobs are incredibly overpowered in terms of how much money you can make. It's had a massive impact on the economy, so much so that now, even the most hardened criminals are grouping up to collect garbage bins. Why? Because it’s a super fast, risk-free, and entirely legal way to make a ton of money.
This has had some unintended consequences:
  • Drug dealing has nearly vanished from the streets.
  • Police now flood even the smallest crime scenes, because there’s no need to spread their focus on patrolling for drug dealers.
  • The crim-life feels less immersive, as criminals are now opting for garbage routes over selling drugs.
My suggestion:

Implement a check at the bin job NPC that verifies whether a player is part of a whitelisted F6 group, and if they are, they’d be refused the job.
I’m only suggesting this for bin jobs. I believe other jobs like taxis and food deliveries should still remain open to everyone.

On a related note, I also think drug selling prices on the streets could use a slight bump to make that route more appealing again, but that’s for a different discussion.

  • Forces criminals to engage in other methods of making money, make drug dealing great again.
  • Encourages the police to patrol for actual criminal activity (like drug dealing) again.
  • Creates more of a divide between legal and illegal activities, giving people slightly more of a meaningful choice about the path their character follows.
  • The return of criminal activity on the streets could create more dynamic RP scenes and higher risks, such as robbery and police involvement.
  • dev work
This is probably going to stir up some debate, but I'm really looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts. I think this could bring some balance back to the crim side of things and revitalize parts of RP that feel a bit stagnant.
I expect some people to say this change would ruin gang life even more because gang members won’t have access to easy money anymore. But my argument is exactly that—gang members shouldn't have access to easy money. It would be great if drug prices on the streets could be increased to make it more fair, but gangs used to be so much more than either binmen or bored at war. There was a time when gangs upheld a higher level of RP, which has dropped significantly since the introduction of bins.

People used to want to join gangs for reasons of RP and character progression. Pocket checks within gangs were meaningful because they showed dedication and graft. Nowadays, you just do some bins between push times to make up for potential losses. It has taken away a layer of depth that used to exist within gang culture.

If you're new to the city and want to join a gang, you should work your way up, make some money, gain respect, and earn your place—just like people used to. Once you’re in, you're rewarded with mutual respect, new plugs, and a host of criminal RP avenues. Not just going from legal binmen to illegal binmen, without noticing any real difference in the experience.

Thank you for your time reading.
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+1 criminals shouldn't be able to just walk around freely and act like their just common peasant like all the others.
+1 i kinda agree with this, Gang members with high crime backgrounds and daily shootings shouldnt be able to go and work for a government LS SANITATION bin job.
everything you said it 100% true. Every turf is dead. even to fix this would be bump all drugs and bring back coa hill as coa are now active again.
Drugs need a big buff - dialling up the pay is a good step - I think a little bit higher for coke and the other drugs need serious evaluation.

Robberies need a buff in payout (shop/chemist) to make them worth the police response

Banning gang members from being bin men is a heavy handed overccorrection. We need to look at WHY are gang members opting to be literal waste men instead of banging their clique and making that sweet crime money

Maybe a reduced payout on government jobs like bin man for those with a serious offence in past history. That way crime can get the RP of doing bins with their mates but it’s not the most lucrative thing drawing them away from high risk high reward ways of making money.
Drugs need a big buff - dialling up the pay is a good step - I think a little bit higher for coke and the other drugs need serious evaluation.

Robberies need a buff in payout (shop/chemist) to make them worth the police response

Banning gang members from being bin men is a heavy handed overccorrection. We need to look at WHY are gang members opting to be literal waste men instead of banging their clique and making that sweet crime money

Maybe a reduced payout on government jobs like bin man for those with a serious offence in past history. That way crime can get the RP of doing bins with their mates but it’s not the most lucrative thing drawing them away from high risk high reward ways of making money.
I agree with your points as well, I'm not sure how much work it would require to bump the payouts for illegal activities, but it would definitely be a step in the right direction to make illegal options more appealing to crims.

The only thing I can see with reducing pay for past offenders is that would require a hell of a lot more work. Using AE as an example-we don't hire people who are gang affiliated, which is something we thoroughly and manually check during interviews. It offers people who want to stay legal an avenue of work that pays well and incentives staying legal. I get that it may be an overcorrection, but it would at least force crims to go looking for other avenues to get their money up and actually get involved in more 'underworld' RP stories like they used to. Gangs might actually start fighting to control the island again rather than going to war just because they made a quick buck and are now just looking for any reason

I also get that some people just find bins fun, but there's ways around that as well. Just create another character who's, again, mainly legal and works a sanitation job.
everything you said it 100% true. Every turf is dead. even to fix this would be bump all drugs and bring back coa hill as coa are now active again.
1% MC are often into meth selling, could get the Lost MC pushing meth onto the streets hah
Heyo everyone,

I wanted to bring up a suggestion that might be a bit controversial, but I think it’s worth discussing. A while back, we had a great variety of jobs on the server—everything from mining to taxi driving, food deliveries, and more. It was also fun to see gang members and criminals actually out on the streets hustling. One of the key ways for criminals to make money back then was drug dealing, which added different layers of risk and excitement. You had the possibility of getting robbed, busted by the police, scheme to rob other dealers, build connections/a network of customers and plugs, etc..

Fast forward to the introduction of bin jobs a few months ago. It’s no secret that bin jobs are incredibly overpowered in terms of how much money you can make. It's had a massive impact on the economy, so much so that now, even the most hardened criminals are grouping up to collect garbage bins. Why? Because it’s a super fast, risk-free, and entirely legal way to make a ton of money.
This has had some unintended consequences:
  • Drug dealing has nearly vanished from the streets.
  • Police now flood even the smallest crime scenes, because there’s no need to spread their focus on patrolling for drug dealers.
  • The crim-life feels less immersive, as criminals are now opting for garbage routes over selling drugs.
My suggestion:

Implement a check at the bin job NPC that verifies whether a player is part of a whitelisted F6 group, and if they are, they’d be refused the job.
I’m only suggesting this for bin jobs. I believe other jobs like taxis and food deliveries should still remain open to everyone.

On a related note, I also think drug selling prices on the streets could use a slight bump to make that route more appealing again, but that’s for a different discussion.

  • Forces criminals to engage in other methods of making money, make drug dealing great again.
  • Encourages the police to patrol for actual criminal activity (like drug dealing) again.
  • Creates more of a divide between legal and illegal activities, giving people slightly more of a meaningful choice about the path their character follows.
  • The return of criminal activity on the streets could create more dynamic RP scenes and higher risks, such as robbery and police involvement.
  • dev work
This is probably going to stir up some debate, but I'm really looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts. I think this could bring some balance back to the crim side of things and revitalize parts of RP that feel a bit stagnant.
I expect some people to say this change would ruin gang life even more because gang members won’t have access to easy money anymore. But my argument is exactly that—gang members shouldn't have access to easy money. It would be great if drug prices on the streets could be increased to make it more fair, but gangs used to be so much more than either binmen or bored at war. There was a time when gangs upheld a higher level of RP, which has dropped significantly since the introduction of bins.

People used to want to join gangs for reasons of RP and character progression. Pocket checks within gangs were meaningful because they showed dedication and graft. Nowadays, you just do some bins between push times to make up for potential losses. It has taken away a layer of depth that used to exist within gang culture.

If you're new to the city and want to join a gang, you should work your way up, make some money, gain respect, and earn your place—just like people used to. Once you’re in, you're rewarded with mutual respect, new plugs, and a host of criminal RP avenues. Not just going from legal binmen to illegal binmen, without noticing any real difference in the experience.

Thank you for your time reading.
Another post about drugs/bins, but this is a +1 if any gangsters on here complain you wouldn’t be able to hit bins anymore, just leave the f6
Talking and thinking it through with some other people, this suggestion is starting to make less sense. It seemed like an alright solution at first, but it doesn't account for non whitelisted gangs which would fall under the same umbrella.

-1 on my own suggestion for now.