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I mean you can say doing bins is boring, but selling drugs for hours on end is just as mind numbing. God forbid coalition hill was as popular now as it was last year. You'd have 10-15 people rinsing set sof cars for literally hours and hours. It's more so, people want all the profits with no way to lose money. Bins is decent but you know not as tedious as selling coke or weed. Mentality changes, and opinion changes.

As they say it's not the destination that you want, it's not even the journey it's who you become on the journey.

People have had everything on the server they could possibly want, I mean look at the two powerhouses, the Lost and the Firm, I'm sure they get bored but what do they do they roleplay their characters and try to make a change. I think people are taking the game way too seriously it's been a thing for years and we all need to take a step back realise that maybe we're part of the problem and better yourself first, then tell others the same. I've done it and maybe you need to too. (Not you specifically jack :ROFLMAO:)
the thing with drugs is that there is a risk! it creates rp! you can go to prison! police chase etc (you know what it can do!) Yes its a game and people should take breaks I 100% agree

I would like to some change to the whole making money meta! when making loads of money there should be a big risk! and it defiantly shouldn't be easy
the thing with drugs is that there is a risk! it creates rp! you can go to prison! police chase etc (you know what it can do!) Yes its a game and people should take breaks I 100% agree

I would like to some change to the whole making money meta! when making loads of money there should be a big risk! and it defiantly shouldn't be easy
So what is your idea of this change? As it stands your only solution to this "problem" is that you want bins to be removed. I am all for people suggesting new things and new ways to better the server but it needs to be constructive. Any ideas?
So what is your idea of this change? As it stands your only solution to this "problem" is that you want bins to be removed. I am all for people suggesting new things and new ways to better the server but it needs to be constructive. Any ideas?
Have things updated that allow people to get into roleplay ! yeah maybe not remove them but I know it would get people doing other jobs!

do the police like not having to chase people for selling drugs? or doing something other than pulling over a bin truck ? I know I would get bored with that Roleplay!
Have things updated that allow people to get into roleplay ! yeah maybe not remove them but I know it would get people doing other jobs!

do the police like not having to chase people for selling drugs? or doing something other than pulling over a bin truck ? I know I would get bored with that Roleplay!
I mean some like a good chase, but there are SO many opportunities to explore with roleplaying a drug dealer or a supplier, and most just don't. Same with lots of other of other crime.
The issue here is not the job, it's the players.

Let me expand on this, the issue is that people would much rather win-max everything on the server, it's like when food delivery came out you saw gang members, off-duty factions do food delivery jobs the same thing is happening with the bin jobs heck even taxi/mechanic jobs before these jobs came out you would see taxi/mechanic trucks everywhere, taxis were the biggest problem for a while people being rammed off bikes, off the road by a maxed taxi that barely took any damage it was a big problem.

I myself with bins only did them a few times on two different characters, I could have quite honestly grinded it out but I believe that jobs should not be 100% focus on the server there are quite literally other things you could do in role play but people don't prioritize it because they want to be constantly making money to buy weapons and cars.

The criminal side of role-play I quite honestly do not see any of it anymore and when I do it's the most shocking low quality standard I have seen in a long time and quite honestly it has declined heavily (not all criminals) but most are not understanding their place in the server, if the role-play behind criminal characters/groups was raised to a higher bar then I think people would actually prefer the crime side of RPUK but it's not fun to be new to the server and offered a gun within the same day playing a UK based server, it ruins the fun in gaining trust and building relationships, nowadays it seems like "Oh I have spoken two sentences to you, I can give/sell you a gun now!".

If people want change they need to start by enforcing that change because back in the day it was much more fun with the crime side and a lot more creative, guns were a sensitive topic if you brought up guns around gangs/factions you would be labelled a potential snitch or undercover police officer, you would have to gain trust of gangs/factions through the course of weeks of role-play but nowadays it's watered down heavily you can get a gun within 24 hours within this server and that's not due to the economy it's due to the players not caring about their character or others characters development in the server.

Do I agree that the bins at the start paid out WAY too much? Yes.

Do I agree it needs to be removed? No.

Do I agree that players need to take it in their own hands and try to make a difference within the server? Yes.

I find this topic very interesting and I am always down to give an opinion and receive one back to discuss it, I know this might not be a very popular opinion but it is what I see!

This is my opinion, not the opinion of the staff team.
Pretty sure the Lost and Firm never got on it either. They have regularly been handing out opportunities for people to do 'other' work.
I think both of us tried at the very start, more just to see what it was all about. That said yeah you are right, we have done loads of things to create other work for people, some take it, some don't.

I'd also suggest to those who want to see more crim RP, why not just go and help create it? If the pay-out isn't an issue and you value RP over money, then it's proven by the RP.
The thing is right it's all well and good saying if you don't want to do it, then don't, go create other RP, but you have to remember that peoples time is limited if you work etc... if people don't have a lot of time, and they want to enjoy the things you can do on the server then currently they are being pushed towards bins because they need money. It's not as simple as saying go do taxi instead, because the pay outs from the bin job has directly impacted the price that a lot of things are being sold for. Car dealerships upped prices, because the economy is so inflated, auctions are going for much much more now because of the amount of money a lot of people have, so if other players want to be able to get these things in their limited time, they are having to do bins as well

I mean you can say doing bins is boring, but selling drugs for hours on end is just as mind numbing. God forbid coalition hill was as popular now as it was last year. You'd have 10-15 people rinsing set sof cars for literally hours and hours. It's more so, people want all the profits with no way to lose money. Bins is decent but you know not as tedious as selling coke or weed. Mentality changes, and opinion changes.

As they say it's not the destination that you want, it's not even the journey it's who you become on the journey.

People have had everything on the server they could possibly want, I mean look at the two powerhouses, the Lost and the Firm, I'm sure they get bored but what do they do they roleplay their characters and try to make a change. I think people are taking the game way too seriously it's been a thing for years and we all need to take a step back realise that maybe we're part of the problem and better yourself first, then tell others the same. I've done it and maybe you need to too. (Not you specifically jack :ROFLMAO:)
Drugs are different though, isn't they? There's a lot more risk and roleplay involved in it. People can tax you at certain spots, the Police can come for you, other crims can try rob you. Theres a lot of risk when it comes to selling drugs - I say bring back coalition hill 🤣 What I'd really like to see is the ability for whitelisted gangs to set up moving drug spots, like once per restart, saying Ballas for example can set up a drug area in Sandy or something like that. Gives more RP for them, to create a 'client base' and set up these spots whether on the map, let Police find them etc...

I think when it comes to pay outs, the bottom line is yes the bin job pays too much compared to other illegal ways of making money, but you can't reasonably expect people that maybe only have a couple of hours a night to be happy settling for something that pays considerably less and has much more risk, when there's easier ways. That's like asking gangs to use sedans in gunfights, just because its easier for people to catch them. It isn't going to happen. Either reduce the pay out from bins, or re-balance illegal methods.

For example, I was told recently that small banks only pay out like 500k...? How does that make any sense in the current state of the server, say you have 4 people doing the bank. 4 guns, the drill, other things you need, that's like a £3m risk (plus your time you put into the prep), for 500k when realistically there's a high chance you get caught.
Imo I have always said this, all the jobs need to be balanced where the payouts are around the same. This way, people will move away from it and do other jobs just so they can have a break from doing the same job over and over again.
For example, I was told recently that small banks only pay out like 500k...? How does that make any sense in the current state of the server, say you have 4 people doing the bank. 4 guns, the drill, other things you need, that's like a £3m risk (plus your time you put into the prep), for 500k when realistically there's a high chance you get caught.

Can we just Buff the illegal business? instead of making drug selling to local's worth more, can we up the payout for bank robbery's? like a small bank giving 2 mill instead of 500k, and add robbing the casino vault for like 8 million with a high ass risk where they would need to kidnap one of the casino workers (we got like 5/6 atm i believe) to get their ''keycard'' to access the buildings. you could do where the casino can be robbed once every 2 months or something, make it a huge city event and get the newsreporters to come down with a camera and everything.
Can we just Buff the illegal business?
That doesn't fix the problem of an overinflated economy though, just means illegal stuff will pay even more again and add more money into the economy. It needs to be rebalanced if anything, not just increased. Don't get me wrong, I don't have the perfect solution, I'm just going off what others have said here and on other things, a lot of people thing bins pays too much, and other pay outs are too low.
That doesn't fix the problem of an overinflated economy though, just means illegal stuff will pay even more again and add more money into the economy. It needs to be rebalanced if anything, not just increased. Don't get me wrong, I don't have the perfect solution, I'm just going off what others have said here and on other things, a lot of people thing bins pays too much, and other pay outs are too low.

1. bins get nerfed again ( sorry not sorry, it's not about the pay it's about laughing with friends, also collecting trash shoudn't pay more then being a police officer it's just common sense)
2. criminal activities that require lots of rp will get buffed but not the local jobs which require no rp (means crim will pay more but only if the rp is involved)
3. more economy black holes like the casino 1728143020595.png (https://fivem.gabzv.com) (we need to see people want these new things and that they will be used A lot)
4. when the next city *version* update happends we will get new cars in so people get to buy new cars (waiting game really)

The money is already in, and taking it away will only upset people, merely nerfing everything will only upset people, so we give some and we lose some, as long as we gain more fun and lose more money. in the end, you don't need 20 million here to have fun and we don't need to start taking all the money away either.
The economy is already done and dusted, most people have 5+ mil in their banks because of bins, its all anyone does. All you see is bin trucks and people asking on tweedle if anyone wants to join them, its become mundane and lifeless at times.

You try sell coke for an hour and make what 80k? its pointless with the way bins are flooding the economy. Its a vicious cycle now because what do you do, decrease bin pay and everyone will just complain because they want to make the most amount of money they can in the littlest amount of time? or do you increase drugs, taxi's etc to the point where everyjob/activity pays 400k an hour, flooding an already flooded economy?

I'm seeing a few Reponses about " if you value RP over Money then just do drugs anyways" , drop bins to paying 50k each within an hour's work and see how many people are still doing it then
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Yeah it might be cool but put it this way.... someone has worked for months and months to get a item! and then bins come along... 3 days of working on them and they have the same thing that took you months....

personally it shouldn't be like that and everyone doing bins to make there money is boring and wrong!
So instead of balancing the pay the answer is remove it?
its not for the pay! that's in the only thing people do bins for! its made roleplay drop since being added to the server!
Why is it the "only thing people do"?
easy money.... it shouldn't be easy to get anything here! people need to work to get somewhere!
If the money was no easier than other jobs do you think people would only do bins?
This is being over complicated. Bins pay the best. end of. no one does anything else. I was once told this server is for strong and long RP. Storys built over time. relationships and everything earned over time. Not getting everything in a week. The answer is not removing it or adding more money sinks into the server or cars costing a lot more as we have all seen. that makes it unfair for new players.
There is a very simple answer to all of this.

Unpopular opinion, but I urge people to really think about it - the payout for the bins is absolutely fine - banging out taxi's from memory could net you around £100,000 per hour - so I don't see that £115,000 for 45 minutes (4 man, fairly spread round) is OP.

Running bins with friends, or meeting new people is great as well - usually someone fucks up somewhere and something funny happens - it's just more social than rinsing NPC taxi's or food drops.

The big issue here is people knocking out 10 runs a day - so why not just limit the amount of bin rounds you can do per 'storm' - or rather than getting a bonus for multiple runs, you instead receive a payment penalty - for example:

4 man bin run - 40 drops.

Payout 1: £120,000 per person
Payout 2: £80,000 per person
Payout 3: £40,000 per person.

Or simply limit the size of the jobs

Run 1: 40 bins
Run 2: 34 bins
Run 3: 26 bins

That is how you solve this problem without removing what is an incredibly social job.
There is a very simple answer to all of this.

Unpopular opinion, but I urge people to really think about it - the payout for the bins is absolutely fine - banging out taxi's from memory could net you around £100,000 per hour - so I don't see that £115,000 for 45 minutes (4 man, fairly spread round) is OP.

Running bins with friends, or meeting new people is great as well - usually someone fucks up somewhere and something funny happens - it's just more social than rinsing NPC taxi's or food drops.

The big issue here is people knocking out 10 runs a day - so why not just limit the amount of bin rounds you can do per 'storm' - or rather than getting a bonus for multiple runs, you instead receive a payment penalty - for example:

4 man bin run - 40 drops.

Payout 1: £120,000 per person
Payout 2: £80,000 per person
Payout 3: £40,000 per person.

Or simply limit the size of the jobs

Run 1: 40 bins
Run 2: 34 bins
Run 3: 26 bins

That is how you solve this problem without removing what is an incredibly social job.
Great suggestion that with the bonus, although imo just removing the bonus would be enough as headpops or other issues hit the jobs fairly hard so the little bit higher base pay for 3/4 man compared to regular jobs is fair.

FYI though running 4 man bins starts out at about 150k/hour (assuming no issues) and rises to about 250k+/hour which definitely makes it OP compared to other jobs which pay ~100-130k/hour if you are going ham on them.
There is a very simple answer to all of this.

Unpopular opinion, but I urge people to really think about it - the payout for the bins is absolutely fine - banging out taxi's from memory could net you around £100,000 per hour - so I don't see that £115,000 for 45 minutes (4 man, fairly spread round) is OP.

Running bins with friends, or meeting new people is great as well - usually someone fucks up somewhere and something funny happens - it's just more social than rinsing NPC taxi's or food drops.

The big issue here is people knocking out 10 runs a day - so why not just limit the amount of bin rounds you can do per 'storm' - or rather than getting a bonus for multiple runs, you instead receive a payment penalty - for example:

4 man bin run - 40 drops.

Payout 1: £120,000 per person
Payout 2: £80,000 per person
Payout 3: £40,000 per person.

Or simply limit the size of the jobs

Run 1: 40 bins
Run 2: 34 bins
Run 3: 26 bins

That is how you solve this problem without removing what is an incredibly social job.
oeh love that, i never understood why people would do 10 runs in a day and then complain and brag they earned millions in a week.