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Report a player - Multiple Individuals (Miners and Co, Padrinos, Section 18, Multiple others ) - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Xavier Stanley
Reported Players: Multiple Individuals (Miners and Co, Padrinos, Section 18, Multiple others )
Date: Sep 11, 2024
Time: 16:30
What best describes this incident: NLR / Temporary Groups
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Just so this report doesnt get confusing as it involves numerous groups. I will mention all the groups and their session ID's here

Section 18 - 11 , 94 , 45
Padrinos, Miners and co and others - 2 , 9 , 56 , 167 , 163 , 59 , 63 , 200 , 91

Hello so i want to start of with saying that i did liase with some of the reported players above however it seemed like we did not get anywhere and they did not understand from our POV that they had broken a rule.
Staff lead Stuart shed some light on the situation e,g. NLR rule break and Zerging to them in QE and despite this i felt like they were trying to justify what they did even though i believe it to be a clear rule break.

Context. Myself and Remy Clevedon were out on the rob. We had seen a Session ID 59 get out of her car. We decided to take her hostage to provide some other RP somewhere else. Unfortunately Remy's game crashed and awaited until he came back. This is when 167 and 91 approached me asking me where the driver is. I told him his head popped and we waited.

Shortly after this Remy loads back in and gets in the car. He starts driving off and is instantly rammed and told to get out of the car. Eventually, we were threatened with firearms from numerous people and so we retaliated. It ended in a shootout where more than 6 people were involved.

Myself and remy were finally downed after injuring multiple of them. We were taken to sandy hospital by Archie padinos. After we came out there was roughly 8 people there. Again breaking the Temporary Groups Rule.

After this we were taken to lighhouse, where they identified us and had some RP and we were shot. Multiple people were downed that returned to the same situation. From my understanding, the following returned after being downed in the initial fight. 11 , 94 , 45 , 2 , 59 and potentially others who i cant seem to figure out. Im sure staff have logs for stuff like this.

To summarise. There was a large number of individuals that were teaming breaking the temp groups rule which is less than 6. On top of this, people that had been downed in the gun fight prior, had then come to the execution which is a break of NLR.

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Ill be happy to reply if there are any questions. Thanks
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Refer to clips above ^^
Okay I believe I am apart of this report for the end of the sandy hospital luttwrally I pulled up as your just about to get out of the hospital bed and then I'm there for the lighthouse part. (Fot reference I'm the one in the smart look blue t-shirt, suit pants)

So just a little bit before that I was at the smeltery doing some smelting, I was with a friend that was also smelting and when he didn't come back from getting some more materials I ring him and he said he had been in a shoot out so I ask him where he tells me that it was by AE so I go past AE anyways to get to my container so as I got past I don't see them I drop my stuff off at the container ring him again to which I get told he's at sandy hospital.

Knowing there had been a shoot out I grab my weapon and head to sandy hospital where I had been told they was. All this time unaware of how many was already there as how do you ask that in game, plus if your mates in danger first reaction is right I'll be there. Knowing my mate isn't in any group I didn't believe he would be with many people if anyone. When I arrive I see about 4 to 5 people so to my knowledge I'm like oh sweet I'm good.

So we then grab you and put you in zipties and rake you to the lighthouse, which when we get to the lighthouse I believe there was still only 6 of us at this time we pull up to the lighthouse, only after we decided your fate did we call the blue sultan in as we believed you was rhe ones who robbed them and we wanted them to see your punishment at no point did they help at the lighthouse they just watched.

I can only speak for what I seen and what I know, I wasn't there for rhe initial start (the shoot out at AE) So litterally the end of sandy hospital and the lighthouse. Hope I've cleared it from my end I believe I am ID 163 I'm on my phone so hard to read the numbers but again I'm the one in smart wear.

Any further questions I'm happy to reply if they are directed towards myself or a part of the situation I was in thank you for your time
Hi @AA001


I was sat at the smelt protecting due to people out robbing the mines and taking some ores that I was buying! I have told Section 18 to carry on with what they're doing and to let (me / Mickey / Lewis / Archie and Bradly! Sort anything out if it does go down south! shootout etc! While I was sat at the smelt Archie talks over the radio and tells us that Velvet the "Hostage" has been taken and that someone else is driving her car! While making our way to AE area we find out that Remy's Head has popped! so with that happening we waiting until he was back etc

We then carry on without knowing who is where and what cars the "robbers" are in. We knew the sultan was our main target and that had Velvet was in the car. When Remy spawned back in and started driving away you have said guns have been pulled but no one had shot or pointed a gun from our end. you then proceed to shoot Archies car from the back causing him to follow you and for him to start shooting! and this can be seen in "Part 2 at 0:19/3:00 "Zee" Pulls m1911 and shoots archies car"

time stamp for clip = "Initial threat Part 2" 2:26/3:00
You're asking who the blue car is after they tap you! Yes it is Section-18 but you didn't know this but seen in the clip "Remy" Pulls a Micro SMG out and makes the first shot causing them to get involved with the situation you're claiming us for teaming! yes it may look like it after the situation had ended but I told them that it was me (me / Mickey / Lewis / Archie and Bradly! to sort the issue out and get the boxes and ores back of course not actually knowing it was you guys after the QE chat

Why has Remy pulled a gun on the Blue sultan not knowing who it fully is and could just be some random person driving along? I had completely lost eyes on the Black sultan and had no clue on where anyone is!, I turn up to - Metor St [Spanish Ave] Hawick - with me getting off my bike and shooting at you in the Christmas hat. you run away and as seen in a clip sit in a bush

Screenshot "Remy" Having the Micro SMG pointed ready!

You see them before this and ask over the radio who is in the blue car. nobody responds. after speaking to Section 18 they was heading to the parking to get crates for smelting but like anyone else they have heard something and gone towards it! which we all do!! You can say that they shouldn't be in a active shootout but you had someone on a bike and also had Lois ringing you and in the middle of the first couple shots from me! so I'm very unsure on how many you guys had? From what I have seen out of your clips there was Zee/Remy/Bobby/Liam/ Lois Maybe? / and two people stood over by Bobby's Visione - The car. Please could you list the people that was involved with you around the AE area?

I had been downed and taken to Pillbox in the city which I was treated by Fred the Paramedic while I was in Pillbox for around 15 Minutes or more ( I didn't time it) After leaving pillbox I got to the Light house taking someone there and Expecting to Leave I have then said that we can't have this many people here and giving Velvet the Keys to my BF400 with doing this more people have turned up and we aren't sure who it was at the time and the situation coming to an end!


I Don't believe this was a combat situation and I had all right to turn up at the light house as there was no more threat and it was my initial problem for the robbing at mines and my whole Characters business!. If the gun fight was still on going I wouldn't of been there due to the rule

Thank you MrT
Hey @Lewis Johnson Thanks for the reply. I don’t have questions for you at this moment in time.

Also thanks for the reply @MrTurn1p
When Remy spawned back in and started driving away you have said guns have been pulled but no one had shot or pointed a gun from our end.
If you listen to the clip which you are referring to, you can clearly hear something saying “Don’t try nothing don’t try nothing”. They also aimed a revolver I believe out the window which you can see. The glass just hasn’t broken for some reason.

Why has Remy pulled a gun on the Blue sultan not knowing who it fully is and could just be some random person driving along?
I can’t comment on this however I’ll get in touch with Remy and ask him to provide his POV. We also did know it was section 18 prior as I do know them and have sold guns to some of them previously.

Please could you list the people that was involved with you around the AE area?
From our side, we had Myself, Remy, Liam and Bobby. And we are all in the same F6
If the gun fight was still on going I wouldn't of been there due to the rule
How could you have known there wasn’t going to be a gun fight where we had people still standing from the fight. On top of this, regardless of whether there was a gun fight or not, staff lead Stuart cleared this up in QE yesterday when he said “if you have been downed in the same situation, you cannot return, no matter what.” Hence breaking the NLR rule.
@AA001 for the moment I just have a few questions for you regarding the evidence that you have provided to this report;

Why have you trimmed the evidence of the gunfight down into 4 different clips which seem to have context possibly cut away?

We ask in the Report a Player Guide that you provide 3-5 minutes of unedited footage before the alleged rule break, now I understand the entire situation from the Gunfight to being treated at sandy to where you were then taken lasted around 30 minutes in total but from when you zip tied that person to when you died should only be around 10 minutes which your evidence only accounts for half of that period roughly.
Hi @Kyle Kamara Thanks for the reply

I trimmed the footage down to show the important parts of the situation. Things like us waiting for Remy to come back from a head pop, to me waiting in a bush didnt seem like they were important for context hence I trimmed it down to make it easy to understand. I do apologise as i thought this was sufficient enough. Like I have said, I have asked Remy to provide his POV for further context and hope that it should clear it up. He will do so once he is back from work.
Hey @AA001 thank you for taking the time to report this incident.

Alright, so enough time has passed for all sides to respond to this report. The first thing I want to mention to you is the 'Report a Player' requirements. Specifically, I want to point out the following requirement: "Any clips must include 3-5 minutes of unedited footage before the alleged rule break occurs so staff can gain some idea of context and lead-up. Reports which do not fulfil these requirements may be automatically denied without discussion, at the discretion of staff."

Now as I've already touched on the fact that the evidence has been edited in breach of the requirements, if I were to take a look at what you have shown it doesn't give me a full picture of all events due to time missing between each clip I'm unable to distinguish the a clear timeline of events.

Taking Hostage Part 1 - 1:26 | This clip is where the situation starts but then the clip ends abruptly just after when Remy's game crashed.
Initial threat Part 2 - 2:59 | The clip resumes once Remy has returned roughly 3/4 minutes after the ending of the last clip, I have no idea to know what has happened during that time period.
Shootout Part 3 - 1:17 | Again we're dealing with another clip where there has been a cut from the prior clip
Getting shot Part 4 - 0:51 | Same as above another clip that has been trimmed to where the context of it is pointless to us now.
Getting taken to Sandy Hospital Part 5 - 0:43 - I don't see any relevance of this clip to this report as it currently stands.
Session ID's at Sandy Hospital Part 6 - 0:09 - This clip only shows IDs of people outside Sandy nothing to say those people here are directly connected
Session ID's from Lighthouse Part 7 - 1:59 - Now this clip is more useful to show people who are actively involved in the situation that has followed after the gunfight but what it also seems to show is that you were more interested at the time of getting people's session ID's than roleplaying with the people who had taken you actively walking away from someone

I also want to mention something that has been stated and ruled on previously regarding NLR which I will also apply to this case as I can say there seems to be a clear break in combat from the situation of whenever you went down to being treated at sandy hospital but then I can't say with any certainty if 15 minutes have passed or not for the people involved as mentioned the evidence doesn't help me support this at all.

If you are downed and revived:
You may get involved with the dodgy doctor as a result of that fight, if both the following are true;
  • Combat is not ongoing from the situation that led you to be downed at the dodgy doctor location (there needs to have been a clear break in combat)
  • 15 Minutes have passed as per NLR

As for the reports of Teaming, I want to make it clear that any temporary groups/alliances are limited to 6 characters for high-quality roleplay reasons but from what I can see the 4 or so people who turn up at the end I don't see any way which they have altered the course of the roleplay here and from what from the evidence shows I can't be certain that it wasn't yourself / Remy that got them involved as what I can see is they tap into the back of your vehicle and then Remy shoots at them instantly before I can see if they was truly involved. I want to remind all parties involved that going forward ensure in these situations you adhere to (G11.2.1) Temporary Groups

Report Declined:
Insufficient Evidence, failure to adhere to report requirements
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