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Hola senors, i'll start by stating the obvious, gang roleplay is dying out.. I truly believe that due to current meta of putting a Hi-Vis on and shuffling through bins it has severely affected the roleplaying ability of gangs atleast in the aspect of selling weed/coke to other players and also the use of the product itself within the gang.. Since the bins I personally have not had one single person come asking me for any sort of drug and I've counted a handful of times I've actually seen people selling coke, instead im seeing whitelisted gangs ride around in a 4 man on the back of a bin truck, I have absolutely 0 issue with the bin job and I think the mechanics and concept is completely refreshing and makes a nice change from the good'ol taxi, however I don't quite understand the huge disparity between the risk to reward when it comes to collecting trash with more or less zero risk in comparison to selling drugs on a corner in which a police chase might ensue and in the event you're caught you'll lose your product of which you've paid a decent amount to obtain in the first place and then also sent to Bolingbroke with some jarring G6 no doubt ;)

I believe that the amount of money you receive from a sale should most definitely be increased not massively but enough to atleast balance it out with the legal jobs and hopefully we'll then start to see more gangsters acting like gangsters, just a suggestion but hoping the true scummy criminals of the city will back me up here.

Seaman over n out
Adding a framework like this around drugs I believe would also help https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/illicitly-enhanced-consumables.424292/
For sure but that in itself is a whole lot of dev work, when literally tweaking the multiplier for a drug sale is a nice easy quick fix to help us gangsters out and keep us supplying the smackhead locals of Los Santos

Im sure they'll get round to adding alot more detail into the drug scene at some point, but right now is a super rough patch for crim RP, specifically gangs.
The ability to obtain coke for a whitelisted gang is one of the few unique features and main selling points of being in those gangs, and it's just not being utilized at all, ultimately if the whitelisted gangs aren't seeing the demand for coke they aren't going to be stocking it how they usually would which then more or less completely writes off any sort of RP in that zone I can do with my non Whitelisted gang, not to mention the insane prices coke actually is nowadays for what reward you get from selling it but thats an in city issue I suppose.
IMO , the economy has scaled out of control, i think it needs a full player cash wipe, readdressing of jobs, legal low pay, illegal high, maybe look into the suggestion of moving the decimal point 1 to the left so its £39 for a smoothie instead of £390 etc... This is the only way that the balance of legal/illegal work and the spiralling economy can get sorted imo
As a police main #MakeDrugsGreatAgain 😄 Always enjoyed a good chase no matter what time of day and often had some good RP with those involved. Bins are a fantastic addition but you’re right, high risk high reward.
IMO , the economy has scaled out of control, i think it needs a full player cash wipe, readdressing of jobs, legal low pay, illegal high, maybe look into the suggestion of moving the decimal point 1 to the left so its £39 for a smoothie instead of £390 etc... This is the only way that the balance of legal/illegal work and the spiralling economy can get sorted imo
I’m completely with this, me myself have attained millions on millions on my character but what you really have to realise is its pixel money mate 🤣 you can’t ignore the fact that the RPUK economy is in tatters and the easiest way of fixing it is to reset the entire system and overhaul the inflated prices, realistically GTA 6 is around the corner, so many aswell make this an enjoyable final stretch, I’d love to see the server booming with people having to grind again, there’s far too many generational wealth stackers in the server thinking they’re passing their GTA money through the bloodline
+1 with a caveat, the risk vs reward needs to be balanced. If the increase from drug profits doesn't balance that out, you won't see a notable uptick in drug sales. The bin job is popular because there are few downsides. The biggest is the police aren't going to seize your trash and throw you in prison.
+1 with a caveat, the risk vs reward needs to be balanced. If the increase from drug profits doesn't balance that out, you won't see a notable uptick in drug sales. The bin job is popular because there are few downsides. The biggest is the police aren't going to seize your trash and throw you in prison.
Coke within the realms of realism should absolutely be the best, most profitable type of business conducted, I’m unsure as of why it’s not really, when really take into account all of risk you take when selling drugs, you’re way way more likely to get robbed, you’re almost certainly going to encounter police at some point during your selling session, there’s so so much more RP potential to come being a massive source of income as opposed to a waste of time currently
+1 from me! Seen in the #development-public that the drugs payout has not been touched either at all or since the other legal job updates, so i think it's overdue it gets some dev attention and the pay gets balanced with trucking/binning! Let them gangs no longer be cringe on the back of a bin truck!
Massive +1

Bins is boring as hell but makes you loads of money!! Its also affected every other job in the city!. Not many people are driving lorry’s or tow trucking! It’s bins bins bins.
Massive +1. The only people who sell drugs now are people who don't know about the bin job. Make drug dealing great again.