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Unban Appeal - reese2023 - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: reese (knight?)
Steam ID: 76561198259804644
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16581
Ban Reason: c2.3, g2.4
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned for combat logging and not valuing my life
Why should we unban you: i have been a part of this community without having much problems for a few years now, i would hope that i would know better than to break what is easily the 2 biggest rules to roleplay as keeping things realistic to a situation and not logging. in my last appeal i think there might have been some confusing i wasnt saying i didnt want to bleed i was saying i didnt have the option to. and that i logged out becuase it was 4am on a school night (i take my kids to school) and that it stated that i could bleed out in 30 minutes instead of 10. had i been in or thougtht i might have been involved in any rp i could have waited it out. but i was in a npc car trunk away from people and was falling asleep. usually i would have been tucked up in bed but i had previously (maybe 10 minutes prior) had bled out after a 1 hour long rp where i was held hostage. and the only reason i was still on was to loadout my character and be at a garage, which is where the situation happened where i was shot. i can see the places i made mistakes and will definately do my best to learn from them and not repeat such amateur play.

to answer the question asked by danoo in the last thread i cant honestly say i know of the steps to take as i have luckily never had to leave during a rp situation but i of course more than welcome a chance to learn the steps.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Why did you let your last appeal time out?
Did you not have access to the internet during this time?
@reese2023 If you're playing at that time in the morning then you must expect you would get into some form of RP. You would have been able to bleed out so I don't buy that you didn't have the option. What's the truth?
@reese2023 Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.
@reese2023 If you're playing at that time in the morning then you must expect you would get into some form of RP. You would have been able to bleed out so I don't buy that you didn't have the option. What's the truth?
I was playing at that time of the morning because i had been involved in a RP situation that lasted a very extended amount of time, one i wasn't able to bleed out from until being driven around and tortured by people who have nothing better to do but extend role play hours past its natural and realistic pinnacle, but i am not complaining we are all trying to have fun where we find it, after that concluded is when i regeared (bought my clothes back, bought a knife and a phone etc) ready to get off the server. My last stop was to the closest garage i had a car in. Which is where this situation did occur, a very silly situation where a man in a supercar rammed me from the garage to the drive-in parking on the next street beacuse i said something silly in a silly voice (i think) im sure you are aware how different of an environment the city is at these times. after returning to the garage and the situation leading me to be shot played out, the guy put me in the trunk of an npc car and left me there. it was clear from all on the scene that there was no pursuit to roleplay anything from my death and i gathered i was just being left there to bleed out (which makes sense to me in that situation and it being pretty silly) im not sure how long i waited but i would guess from memory 5 minutes before realising the timer was telling me i could bleed out in 30 minutes instead of the usual 10. if you insist it would have been the usual 10 minutes then i must have been mistaken and can only blame tiredness. but upon seeing that i decided to jump off and save the fun for another day. i had nothing i wanted to save, i had no items i would care about losing. i had no reason why i would avoid bleeding out. i was just already up later than i should have been and with a completely black screen and nobody around i shot off for the night. i would imagine that checking my inventory you would see i had nothing to lose and checking the logs how long i waited before getting off.
"a man in a supercar rammed me from the garage to the drive-in parking on the next street"
Do you have any footage of this?

Are you aware you can open tickets or type in ooc to let us know?
I'm sure you can understand without any context or knowledge of your intentions this looks like a clear black and white combat log right?

I can understand the staying up later than you should BUT your story doesn't actually line up with the information I have.
To be direct, you rammed a car, got told to exit the vehicle, you then decided to pull out a knife and stab someone with a gun pointed to your head.
To which you then got shot.

I'd like more honesty here.
If you were so tired and wanted to avoid a situation, why did you engage in confrontational roleplay?
good afternnon @PsianaRama thank you for getting back to me,

Unfortunately no i dont have footage of the events.

I can understand the staying up later than you should BUT your story doesn't actually line up with the information I have.
To be direct, you rammed a car, got told to exit the vehicle, you then decided to pull out a knife and stab someone with a gun pointed to your head.
To which you then got shot
yes the story you have is pretty accurate, only that i would like to add to it tying it in with my last reply.
I had been downed and driven around, revived, tourtured and then killed for over an hour beforehand (totally separate scene and people).
after respawing and doing the whole: run to the atm, get to the clothes shop, buy back essentials, get food ect
the last step for me (which i maybe should have left for the next day) was to go and log out next to a garage i have a car in. as i entered the car park (one next to exotic autos) a guy was sitting in his car afk. i cant remeber what i said but i know it was something silly as i was just seconds away from logging. as im about to exit the car i think i may have said 'cool car maiiiin' in a silly voice. he then rams into me (im in a local car) and throws me into the road, then again and again and again until i am up steep steps opposite and on the next street inside another car park (multi level) i get out the broken car and stand on as wall while he tries to ram the car up teh wall into me, he does this for maybe 10 seconds and drives away, i jump down and get in another car and drive back to the garage hoping he has moved on from whatever it was he was trying to gain from randomly ramming me across the city. i drive up and see him in his car again and hit it, which is where your reply then becomes the next part.
you rammed a car, got told to exit the vehicle, you then decided to pull out a knife and stab someone with a gun pointed to your head.
To which you then got shot
then after being called a silly boy ect, im placed in the trunk of the npc car crashed into the wall at the back of the garage, with someone there telling another i could stay there. if i remember correctly the car was disabled and i had no sense that a rp situation was being pursued or that there was anything left for me to do other than bleed out. which is when i noticed after a few minutes(maybe) that the timer didnt have the usual 10 minute countdown but a 30 minute one, i checkesd the time and counted the hours before i had until i had to wake and then logged out, opting to wait out the time the next day. the next day i tried to log on to a be met with a ban for combat logging and nvl.
also to add i think i may have typed in ooc to ask about the timer but i may have just thought about it.

thank you for reading my replky and i hope i have given enough information.
Tell me about what you wish to do on the server, should you get unbanned. How will you make sure to not find yourself in a position like this again?

Also, explain the NLR rule and what consequences it would have if it was not in place for me please, in detail and in your own words.
hello @Sammy thank you for your quick response
Tell me about what you wish to do on the server, should you get unbanned. How will you make sure to not find yourself in a position like this again?
i dont have any specific plans, im not apart of any groups or have any set job as of now, i used to be a registered hunter so i may pursue that again if unbanned but generally i just wanna get back to the hustle and bustle, seeing where the day takes me.

Also, explain the NLR rule and what consequences it would have if it was not in place for me please, in detail and in your own words.

the new life rule means that you forget the events leading to your death and not return to the situation or location for at least 15 minutes. and ending the roleplay involved with it. if it was in force people would just return and carry on the fight or arguement, and bleeding out would be of less consequence.

if any more information is needed let me know
There is much more to the NLR rule than what you have listed. Please explain to me each point, so I can make sure you have understood.
There is much more to the NLR rule than what you have listed. Please explain to me each point, so I can make sure you have understood.
sorry @Sammy
i thought you wanted a summary.

  • your character is not to remember any of the roleplay leading to your death or the event of it
  • if you was kille dby somewhere you had previous issue with then it is now over and concluded
  • if you bleed out to escape a relationship with someone or a group then bleeding out ends that relationship
  • you are not allowed to return to any location or a location it spread to or that you know the rp has movedt o for 15 minutes at lease
  • you cant reenter the situation and must excuse yourself if accidently you do. not to let your character effected by NLR be involved in that same ongoing scene
i hope that is more of an explanation
Very well.

I have just wiped your inventory and will issue and unban, however, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and you will have a much harder time getting unbanned.