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Report a player - Pirus members (Dont have any IDs) - GTA RP

Junior Blanco/Brock Lee

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Junior Blanco
Reported Players: Pirus members (Dont have any IDs)
Date: Apr 16, 2024
Time: 16:30
What best describes this incident: RDM (G1.1) - random shooting at us in the sultan for no reason without saying a word , could come under Mass RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: The video explains itself but at the start of the video we come across a guy driving past us whilst we were coming out the mines in a Silver Bentley, following the Silver Bentley back into the city to where it turns off going past Ballas turf, we carried on going forward to which we wasn't following him anymore. We had no intentions of doing anything to him we were just in the same path as him. But after making a turning we managed to come across paths again to which the Silver Bentley decided to make a U-Turn and start to follow us, then results to him obviously calling for back up with multiple Red cars following us who I assume is Pirus due to the clothing and car colours of Red. After the Silver Bentley and Red cars catch up to us in the Sultan they decide to rams us, after multiple times ramming the driver of our Sultan asked them 'what are you doing' to where they thought it was time to open fire downing 3 of the people (one of the downed players was me) in the Sultan and running over the other on the bike (Biker was also with us).

There was no Roleplay from the Silver Bentley nor Red cars, the only roleplay that was in this incident was from the driver of Sultan which was him saying 'what are you doing'.

I didn't try to resolve it in QE as I was still dealing with the situation as Police turned up straight after they downed us nor could I ask them to resolve it as I didn't know their IDs.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Here we go so i was the one who shot you and you know why as when i had one of your members/friends not sure who you are but i said why are you trying to rob me at the mines to which your friend understood exactly why we was after him.

I was mining for around about 1 hour making trips to and from my vehicle to get new boxes. On the one trip my bike ran out of fuel and as you can see in the clip below the sultan and bike come past me which i noticed they was 4 man up and blacked out so already im like mhmm this is a bit dodgy but to the defence they drove straight past then i see them stop and they must of decided to turn around and then rob me and my friend. To which also in the clip you will see i know exactly what they are gonna do so before they even get out the car or off the bike im back on my bike and driving off. I then phone one of my gang members to let them know what was happening so they can prepare to help me, as you can hear in the phone call Killa says that he will rally the boys and head down there.

Clip to the above refuelling bike and phone call: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/27GcLxPVwjqV30/d1337EpaKFVZ?invite=cr-MSxUWnIsMjMwMzkwOTQs

After this and i knew they wasnt chasing me i then went to get my jester and weapon and go on the hunt as they had just tried to hands me i wanted revenge and i already had my gang looking for the people, to which one of my members then say that they have seen the sultan so i head to that location and then i see the sultan and bike trying to get away to which i followed them and ended up spinning them out and thats when i took the chance to take my revenge. And ended up killing 4 of them to which i only managed to grab one because police turned up so i played it safe and left with the one that i grabbed so i could speak to him and ask him why he was trying to rob me.

Screenshot of one of my gang coming to help: (same car thats been chased later on)
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Clip to the chase: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/27G81Hxz_zXBxF/d1337Lt7p028?invite=cr-MSxEaHQsMjMwMzkwOTQs
Carry on clip of chase: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/27HsqYTkLpF2Zr/d13376oxUI1s?invite=cr-MSxwcnAsMjMwMzkwOTQs

I then take your member into one of the train tunnels and explain why you think you was robbing people by the mines, to which your member understands exactly why we was chasing him. So you knew that their would be consequences to the actions of trying to rob people. Especially if not robbing at the mines was enough you then chase my member down and you say its cause you was going the same way but if you watch the clip on the motorway you only turn off late after realising that i am infact following you at this point.

Proof that we was chasing you because of trying to rob me: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/27GgT6UyrhbBvn/d1337dTfbYdC?invite=cr-MSx2ckUsMjMwMzkwOTQs
Clip to friend realising why it happened: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/27HxOnJaJ9YLdu/d1337ue5Y7Gm?invite=cr-MSxWRnksMjMwMzkwOTQs

Also you had a bunch of time to liase in QE as this was like 1 hour before storm still you could of just put in OOC 'pirus lads who shot me come qe' dont always need their ID's mate. Also your mate that we took has ample of time to grab our ID's also. I would of happily gone to QE and explained my side. I still am happy to do so if thats something you would be wanting to do just put your discord or something below so i can contact you to liase if thats something you want.
Sooo I'm showing the whole situation in this video -
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So we weren't out to rob people at the mines, we were on the hunt for someone who was wearing all grey with a chain on who you matched that, as someone robbed one of our members selling coke earlier on in the day.

But as you can see there was no shot take when he decamped on you, nor in your POV do you hear a shot nor hear him say anything, you've then carried on and took it into RDMing us without saying anything so you haven't RP'd in the whole 8+mins of the situation at all even after switching vehicle to which we obvs don't know so I believe that is consider as poor RP.

Also like I said above, after you downed us and drove off Police literally came straight in, I cant just tell them no leave me alone because I've got something going on at the moment. A couple of us got sent to prison because we had weapons on us to which we were getting processed at the PD. I'm not just gonna give poor RP and not talk too them to deal with this now, that's why I'm here and willing to let the staff for deals with this report make a decision.
I'm willing to let staff deal with this if yound9nt want to liase then mate I believe I've said all from my end and all my evidence is there that I have got. Unfortunate that we couldn't liase the situation. If it was the other way round i would fully understand and want to liase if I've been out on the Rob and then later get shot by them people it's fair game people don't take kindly to guns being pointed at them but no worries I'm happy to let staff deal with it as they see fit.
I'm willing to let staff deal with this if yound9nt want to liase then mate I believe I've said all from my end and all my evidence is there that I have got. Unfortunate that we couldn't liase the situation. If it was the other way round i would fully understand and want to liase if I've been out on the Rob and then later get shot by them people it's fair game people don't take kindly to guns being pointed at them but no worries I'm happy to let staff deal with it as they see fit.
Just to add onto this the initiation would have been you pulling up to me at the mines and pointing guns so in my eyes that's the initiation of the whole situation the fact I went and swapped cars was just me being smart I'm not gonna chase you down on a bike where you could have a chance to hit me off the bike.

I didn't feel like I needed to talk as you initiated it by trying to Rob me and my friend and quite clearly seen that myself and multiple of my gang was after you in that chase you knew exactly how it was gonna end, I get you robbed someone but you need to be carefull who you Rob or things like this will happen it would be the same if you robbed any other gang member in any gang. Not just the thought of robbing as if that didn't initiate the situation enough you then pull guns on a gang member of course he's gonna tell his people and come after you.
I've only just had time to watch the clip from your side as I have ooc commitments I didn't have time to watch it now you say and I quote
So we weren't out to rob people at the mines, we were on the hunt for someone who was wearing all grey with a chain on who you matched that, as someone robbed one of our members selling coke earlier on in the day.
Now when you was in the mines you was on about other people that you could Rob so I don't believe that you was just after a person in grey and you was intact just after anyone who you think would be a easy target.

Also you say you wasn't chasing my member yet when he was driving away from you not sure if it was yourself or someone who was in the car but they are we chasing him, to which someone replied yes try to scare him or something along those lines.
we come across a guy driving past us whilst we were coming out the mines in a Silver Bentley, following the Silver Bentley back into the city to where it turns off going past Ballas turf, we carried on going forward to which we wasn't following him anymore. We had no intentions of doing anything to him we were just in the same path as him. But after making a turning we managed to come across paths again to which the Silver Bentley decided to make a U-Turn and start to follow us,
You said you had no intentions of doing anything but you purposely carried on following him and when he did turn off you or someone on the radio says he's took a left and then you proceeded to take the next left to find him.

Please don't lie in reports it's never good and will always come to bite you in the ass thank you.

I am happy for staff to deal with this and will only reply if staff ask me to do so or I believe there is something else written that is slander.
Neither of you were wearing any gang affiliated clothing. We had no idea that you were part of anything, so to say that just because its a gang, we should've expected retaliation is a bit odd. We had no way to know it was a gang, the only reason we figured out that the shooting was even related was because you told our guy in the sewers so. He didn't comment on it further because he was focusing on providing roleplay and not bringing up rules. He also had no idea there were no words said before we got shot, as he was just nearby on the bike. From his perspective, you chatted to us for a second before shooting, so he had no reason to assume there was any kind of rule broken. He understood that you'd follow up because we tried to hands someone wrongly ID'd, he wasn't aware the shooting happened without any RP, let alone high quality RP.

But let I said before, i'll let staff decide
Thank you for your reply,

As I stated above I knew you had weapons from when you tried to hands/Rob me at the mines, luckily I managed to get onto my bike before you got out the car. So with this knowledge I went to swap vehicles and grab my weapon as previously stated above. While doing this I hear on radio that the same car is now following my gang member (silver bentley), this being known with the other fact that I knew you had weapons, I came to aid my member and and after you eventually stopped chasing him which I'd again like to point out you said you wasn't chasing him but your clip shows differently. I followed you because at this point you hadn't just tried to Rob me but you'd also chased one of my members down, then I believe we got to around little Seoul when a couple more of my members also joined the chase. I then span you out and in my head you pointing guns and trying to rob me and also chasing my member was enough initiation to shoot.

That being said I'd like to say that if that wasn't enough initiation then that's my bad I will put my hands up to that and learn for next time. But you do say on radio that you may have to shoot so you had full knowledge of what was about to happen.

But like yourself I am willing to let staff deal with this as they see fit, thank you for your time in the report mate and hopefully our next interaction is better.
Okay, its clear there was some history into WHY you just shot. However due to the time between the clips and the fact that Junior and his crew wouldnt have known it was because of the attempted robbery with the boxes. Thats why we have ended up with a player report here.

So @Lewis Johnson you definitely could have said SOMETHING to these lads about the previous robbery which might have made them think about WHY this was happening. However, you chose not too. One of your pirus members even says on radio "Are we going to hands these or just shoot" then the video is clipped. You definitely should have gone with the RP route over just shooting.

Lewis will be banned for 24 hours following FBS. This also is the second RDM report this week i have dealt with from Pirus. I suggest you start being more careful as a group.