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Delivery Jobs!


The Land Of Yorkshire
So with the new trucking jobs added ive seen a lot of chaos! a big problem ive seen is how messy the trucking yard can get and how its to small for these trucks! id like to suggest we move the trucking job down to the docks with the containers! this will allow players to move there trucks easier have less crashes and overall hell in the area! I would also like to suggest we get a fuel pump at the depot I suggest this because the trucks seem to spawn in with half a tank most of the time and its annoying to go out the way of finding a station to get your lorry in! 

I would also like to suggest the lorries be a bit faster! I understand the serious RP but I doubt I'm the only one who thinks they're a bit too slow! I know we have the MOC Phantom in base game GTA5 and I think it would work well with the lorry jobs it could be a bit to fast but that can be changed with the vehicles.meta file! I would like to try and help with testing these ideas as its my IRL Job and have a decent understanding of lorries id like to think! 

I would love to see different types of trucking jobs not just fuel! Job ideas = moving logs from Paleto bay sawmill , food! to shops, flat bed but with items maybe that could be added!, trains! other lorries! building supplies/ materials, maybe even a postal service with the big covered trailers! NHS/FIRE/POLICE/G6/PARKRANGER supplies! 

I think the jobs pay is perfect and dialled! 

Personally there's just a couple of things that need sorting to make it a perfect job system id love to hear what other people think of my ideas and see what others would like to see added to the trucking job! its proven to be very popular! I see more truck divers than taxi so you've done something really good @Mike Polo

if there is anything I can do to help with testing and whatever is needed let me know! 

I agree, I tried trucking the other day for old times sake, the money adjustment is perfect, but the speed of the trucks and the depot could use a rethink, but its not a deal breaker for me! 

back in the day the orange gang ( was it tians ? cant remember the name ) use to sit in the depot directing trucks was kinda funny!

I agree, I tried trucking the other day for old times sake, the money adjustment is perfect, but the speed of the trucks and the depot could use a rethink, but its not a deal breaker for me! 

back in the day the orange gang ( was it tians ? cant remember the name ) use to sit in the depot directing trucks was kinda funny!
Wouldn't be so bad if people stuck to signs (driving thru no entries) and abit of order.

Old gang was Vikings I think that used to chill at the truck depot unless was Titan before them!

only issue with bumping speed. It becomes a great VDM weapon for baldies. If you want it to be faster use your own upgraded truck imo

The rented trucks are a stepping stone to your own truck, they’re not so bad and honestly trucks aren’t that expensive that you need to use them for a long time. 
Theres plenty of fuel stations you can fit into as well, and honestly the chaos of the depot was sometimes the funniest thing back when Ron used to be a job before. I remember there was someone in there for a bit before, RPd as a foreman type thing - sold fuel to people, directed traffic etc… just need to think out the box a little. Maybe someone should get a van full of fuel, smoothies and whatever else, head down there and start selling them…

Would be nice to have other types of delivery job instead of just fuel. A hub in the North (Paleto) would also be nice. My only feedback regarding the speed of trucks overall, is that they should be faster on the way back after unloading. 

Would be nice to have other types of delivery job instead of just fuel. A hub in the North (Paleto) would also be nice. My only feedback regarding the speed of trucks overall, is that they should be faster on the way back after unloading. 
Yeah I can agree on that! would be really good to be a tad faster or even get to speed quicker with the trailer! 

The rented trucks are a stepping stone to your own truck, they’re not so bad and honestly trucks aren’t that expensive that you need to use them for a long time. 
Theres plenty of fuel stations you can fit into as well, and honestly the chaos of the depot was sometimes the funniest thing back when Ron used to be a job before. I remember there was someone in there for a bit before, RPd as a foreman type thing - sold fuel to people, directed traffic etc… just need to think out the box a little. Maybe someone should get a van full of fuel, smoothies and whatever else, head down there and start selling them…
that's a well good idea!... someone is going to make bank now lol

only issue with bumping speed. It becomes a great VDM weapon for baldies. If you want it to be faster use your own upgraded truck imo
yeah I guess that would be a possible... or if we could buy the faster ones but maybe have limited stock ?

The speed of the trucks is sort of irrelvant as long as the time spent driving is rewarded fairly which it is currently - doing an hour of RON jobs in a phantom is almost identical to an hour of taxi in a maxed OG taxi and it's cash free.

Now, don't get me wrong having spent many an hour towing the slow vehicle trailer and even slower fuel trailer around the map, I completely understand the desite to go faster but honestly if the truck speed was increased not only would it not make sense in RP to have dangerous cargo flying around at high speed but would also need tbe pay for the deliveries lowered which would hurt the people using the worst trucks more too, not to mention the carnage (which I would personally find hilarious but others probably not so much)

I know people might think 'that's fine for you to say' and so be it, but my opinion is the same mega phantom or not.
