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Something I've considered a possible idea to help bring back up the player numbers on the server is to temporarily remove the AFK kick or increase the timer to 30 minutes.
The thought process is, currently the player count is not reaching max capacity and the average player-count has been declining. A server with a high capacity but low live count could be considered a drawback to a person looking for a server to start playing on (That would be my thought process anyway). The Kick was a good tool back in the days when the server was at full capacity and people were queuing to get onto the server, now it kicks players off even when the server still has another 130 slots available (arbitrary example)
Ideally it would be useful if the AFK kick only kicked in if the server hit max capacity.
I understand that this technically means you lie to a person looking to join a new server by inflating the currently active players, (e.g. 260 active players with 40 AFK), but that lie I think is a reasonable trade off to attempt to get new players onto the server.
I cant say for sure this idea would work, but I think it would be a nice idea to try out.
Just examples of the data showing RPUK doesn't hit max capacity:
From the last week, average player count from the 18:00 restart to midnight that night, starting at 150 on the 26th, peaking at 217 30th (week after Christmas so not exactly a fair example)
From the last month, average player count from the entire day, starting at 102 on the 03rd, peaking at 104 10th.
From the last year, average player count from a 2 week daily period, peaking at 125 over a period of 20/07/2023-03/08/2023 and a decline to the lowest of 85 over period of 23/11/2023-07/12/2023
These statistics aren't great over all (I know the dev team has better statistics to get a more accurate measure of the servers popularity), especially as the main playable hours for RPUK are after people get home from work to play, which shows in the first set of statistics, player count average is much higher if you don't factor in the full day, but that 6 hour play time is still leaving plenty of room and if there's a want to get attention from non UK time-zones, these daily averages still matter.
(just for reference encase its on someones mind, I personally have been kicked by the AFK timer less that 5 times since its inception, so this isn't coming from a place of personal upset)
So in summery, I think it would be a worth while experiment to either remove the timer, double it to 30 minutes (I cant see why someone would be afk for longer than that and still have the desire to remain on the server. They would also die from hunger/thirst at a certain point) or have the AFK timer kick in only when the servers full. Once/if the server is back in a position where queues start to form, reintroduce the timer.
The thought process is, currently the player count is not reaching max capacity and the average player-count has been declining. A server with a high capacity but low live count could be considered a drawback to a person looking for a server to start playing on (That would be my thought process anyway). The Kick was a good tool back in the days when the server was at full capacity and people were queuing to get onto the server, now it kicks players off even when the server still has another 130 slots available (arbitrary example)
Ideally it would be useful if the AFK kick only kicked in if the server hit max capacity.
I understand that this technically means you lie to a person looking to join a new server by inflating the currently active players, (e.g. 260 active players with 40 AFK), but that lie I think is a reasonable trade off to attempt to get new players onto the server.
I cant say for sure this idea would work, but I think it would be a nice idea to try out.
Just examples of the data showing RPUK doesn't hit max capacity:
From the last week, average player count from the 18:00 restart to midnight that night, starting at 150 on the 26th, peaking at 217 30th (week after Christmas so not exactly a fair example)

From the last month, average player count from the entire day, starting at 102 on the 03rd, peaking at 104 10th.

From the last year, average player count from a 2 week daily period, peaking at 125 over a period of 20/07/2023-03/08/2023 and a decline to the lowest of 85 over period of 23/11/2023-07/12/2023

These statistics aren't great over all (I know the dev team has better statistics to get a more accurate measure of the servers popularity), especially as the main playable hours for RPUK are after people get home from work to play, which shows in the first set of statistics, player count average is much higher if you don't factor in the full day, but that 6 hour play time is still leaving plenty of room and if there's a want to get attention from non UK time-zones, these daily averages still matter.
(just for reference encase its on someones mind, I personally have been kicked by the AFK timer less that 5 times since its inception, so this isn't coming from a place of personal upset)
So in summery, I think it would be a worth while experiment to either remove the timer, double it to 30 minutes (I cant see why someone would be afk for longer than that and still have the desire to remain on the server. They would also die from hunger/thirst at a certain point) or have the AFK timer kick in only when the servers full. Once/if the server is back in a position where queues start to form, reintroduce the timer.
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