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State of roleplay in the .co.uk

its a bit tricky as of right now starting a business especially a business that isn't already setup in the server as you have alotta stuff to go through, and you have to spend a long time proving that you're able to run said business and it would be worth it for the devs to put time into, as for people having to be at their business i fully agree there should be some kind of policy regarding people having to spend a certain amount of time at their work even if (like a gas station) its very automated with the cash register it would be nice to see that human interaction more and if anything would push places to hire more employees. As for the food I feel that is honestly a really good idea but could also have the negatives of stores then stocking less seem as it will decay causing shortages unless there would be a way that when its for sale its in a way "frozen" so it doesnt rot as fast. 

On average I spend 20-40 hours a week stood on my own at the motel with no customers XD (yes I have no life). ive only just recently started going out socialising more again and just advertising through tweedle for people to call me.

This is what i mean though, what your targets? what is the CoC wanting to see from you? you get what i mean you don't mind standing up there if you knew your targets and what going on the issue is your putting in all this hard work and seeing no rewards and people get bored and then disapprear because there is no progression no targets. like a target could be get a contract where someone going to pay you and use the room and we will lock it for you. thats one room earned... Flywheels disappeared because they put effort in and got staff and got nothing. it would improve your RP and business adventure if you had meetings with the government and if they come inactive then change them. the server should keep moving not stopping cause of inactivity likes these bars

I do agree the RP has become stale. Bith from a cop and crim side.

For example, being in NPAS the other day, saw two (insert gang affiliation here) cars going the wrong way up a motorway before coming off a jump and big red and crashing.

Units arrived and a decent chase happened until cars just went to turf, set up an ambush and just started shooting at cops.

Honestly astounds me how people on one hand can complain about cops and shit RP when all that happens on a simple traffic stop is baited into turf and shot at.

This does apply to both sides. The amount of disinterested cops I see in custody just writing their report and sending them to bollingbrook after reading their rights at 100mph is ridiculous.

I think what the whole server collectively could do with is a "chill pill" and reminders that they aren't actually a roadman or a cop and that what happens on RPUK is ultimately a game with no real world consequences, just chill and have fun innit

I do agree the RP has become stale. Bith from a cop and crim side.

For example, being in NPAS the other day, saw two (insert gang affiliation here) cars going the wrong way up a motorway before coming off a jump and big red and crashing.

Units arrived and a decent chase happened until cars just went to turf, set up an ambush and just started shooting at cops.

Honestly astounds me how people on one hand can complain about cops and shit RP when all that happens on a simple traffic stop is baited into turf and shot at.

This does apply to both sides. The amount of disinterested cops I see in custody just writing their report and sending them to bollingbrook after reading their rights at 100mph is ridiculous.

I think what the whole server collectively could do with is a "chill pill" and reminders that they aren't actually a roadman or a cop and that what happens on RPUK is ultimately a game with no real world consequences, just chill and have fun innit
Totally agree,  the city is really becoming less appealing. I find it amazing aswell how people in command roles /lead can go inactive for ages and no action . I would love to give my honest opinion on nhs and other things but scared I get removed or it hinders promotion or anything 

I've made a few comments else where. But I'll cover more or less the same points.

The problems I have realised is the lack of encourage for good RP. The forums are filled with reports against people who break server rules a lot. Not to say those we go un-reported. I myself am to blame for not reporting everything I've seen as I like to give people a chance to improve. 

When I first joined this community my RP was mediocre in my opinion but after watching a player do something really unique and fun it encouraged me to go the extra mile and I hope that encourages others like it did myself. 

The other problem I see a lot is the whole "gear fear" the biggest cause of NVL. I fully understand the grind and work that goes into getting gear and the time it takes to get some of the things you get but at the end of the day nothing in this server is designed to last forever, no matter how much you have it will eventually be lost. Players need to adapt a lose mentality and go along with it to create fun rp for those on the winning side. 

The Occult has seen it far too many times where cops suddenly decide to do whatever they want and ruin the experience for other but if they went along with the experience and played along, it becomes far better for both sides.

I would like to see more people take the time to adapt to scenarios if its not going their way and continue to RP to the best of their ability. I don't think the server is unbalanced, the economy might be abit funky but overall the balance comes in with peoples attidute and how they treat others. 

To summaries, too many mandem wannabes playing the server like its gmod darkrp.

I've made a few comments else where. But I'll cover more or less the same points.

The problems I have realised is the lack of encourage for good RP. The forums are filled with reports against people who break server rules a lot. Not to say those we go un-reported. I myself am to blame for not reporting everything I've seen as I like to give people a chance to improve. 

When I first joined this community my RP was mediocre in my opinion but after watching a player do something really unique and fun it encouraged me to go the extra mile and I hope that encourages others like it did myself. 

The other problem I see a lot is the whole "gear fear" the biggest cause of NVL. I fully understand the grind and work that goes into getting gear and the time it takes to get some of the things you get but at the end of the day nothing in this server is designed to last forever, no matter how much you have it will eventually be lost. Players need to adapt a lose mentality and go along with it to create fun rp for those on the winning side. 

The Occult has seen it far too many times where cops suddenly decide to do whatever they want and ruin the experience for other but if they went along with the experience and played along, it becomes far better for both sides.

I would like to see more people take the time to adapt to scenarios if its not going their way and continue to RP to the best of their ability. I don't think the server is unbalanced, the economy might be abit funky but overall the balance comes in with peoples attidute and how they treat others. 

To summaries, too many mandem wannabes playing the server like its gmod darkrp.
What you've said is completely true, if you watch other cities and servers they roleplay anything, even if you break rules in NHS or police, they deal with it in game and disciplined. in this city everything done through TeamSpeak or discord. no one actually here roleplaying 24/7 it's like a hang out and when they get bored let's go shoot up or cause some trouble. this server has so much potential and there some great people but there is so much more can and should be done. it's meant to be a serious RP server and when i attend NHS calls i have people asking me to finger there arss and there bum hurts or someone tells us they was shot in face and the injured person denies it because got stuff dont want to loose. i actually got called a prick and nhs fucking shit because i DNR someone who has vrashed there helicopter and blown up, it's rare you would survive that and same with if your under water for 5 mins before we even get to you then you just talk. i will be dnring people if the injuries match it, report me i will clip it. if people disagree that even if your talking and i dnr you then report me you should be thinking about your injuries. i actually have advised people now after i pick them up saying remember what just happened and what been treated then if i see hem in next 5 mins they clearly aint RP


 I have taken nearly a 2 month break. I cant lie I want to come back but I am struggling because all I have seen since being gone (I have kept a eye on whats happening) is just Gang Beef RP. Like said above if your not playing a gang most people are playing themselves and the city has just become a Discord server. people will just log in to sit there and talk borderline ooc at times. 

I dont know how to achieve this but I think people have lost touch with what RP is about. 

its about losing and sometimes winning

its about creating fun storylines that may not always benefit you 

its about creating someone who is not you. 

People will straight up not RP with you because your not their friend OOC. half the city are sitting in discord servers half arsing it. there needs to be a shakeup of some kind.

Last time I was on I created some RP with someone that got so mad I heard through OOC with evidence that he took a sick day off work just to rob my shop every 30 minutes.

Things don't make sense right now.  

I want to come back and ROLEPLAY so bad. 

very stale at the moment. 

 I have taken nearly a 2 month break. I cant lie I want to come back but I am struggling because all I have seen since being gone (I have kept a eye on whats happening) is just Gang Beef RP. Like said above if your not playing a gang most people are playing themselves and the city has just become a Discord server. people will just log in to sit there and talk borderline ooc at times. 

I dont know how to achieve this but I think people have lost touch with what RP is about. 

its about losing and sometimes winning

its about creating fun storylines that may not always benefit you 

its about creating someone who is not you. 

People will straight up not RP with you because your not their friend OOC. half the city are sitting in discord servers half arsing it. there needs to be a shakeup of some kind.

Last time I was on I created some RP with someone that got so mad I heard through OOC with evidence that he took a sick day off work just to rob my shop every 30 minutes.

Things don't make sense right now.  

I want to come back and ROLEPLAY so bad. 

very stale at the moment. 
This is so true. i feel like this is the same with some staff members, ive clocked which are staff accounts and notice they will only roleplay with certain people or hang.... i don't know if you can shake it up... think it maybe to late/

Honestly it seems like a bit of a slap in the people dealing with your report's face to go ahead and make a whining post about roleplay, when the roleplay provided by yourself was as original as a Ham Sandwich lacking butter.

Perhaps take the notes provided and improve from there is a good start to improving the Roleplay?

Honestly it seems like a bit of a slap in the people dealing with your report's face to go ahead and make a whining post about roleplay, when the roleplay provided by yourself was as original as a Ham Sandwich lacking butter.

Perhaps take the notes provided and improve from there is a good start to improving the Roleplay?

Honestly it seems like a bit of a slap in the people dealing with your report's face to go ahead and make a whining post about roleplay, when the roleplay provided by yourself was as original as a Ham Sandwich lacking butter.

Perhaps take the notes provided and improve from there is a good start to improving the Roleplay?
I spoke with staff and they told me to take it to the forums to discuss. I didnt make this post to argue my report, I made it to start a discussion. From reading the rest of the thread, there is a lot of other people that have similar sentiments as me. Its not that the person I reported did anything out of the ordinary, and that is the problem. I could have sworn there was both a poor RP and a common sense rule at some point. These are both what have helped me know how to act within the server, ive tried my best to make my RP interesting, and I try to apply common sense when possible. 

Jesse made a good point, you guys need to read off of a script otherwise its a court case. My problem however is not when you read GOWISELY, its when the entirety of an interaction from the police I just the reading of a script, rather than Roleplay. 

People want to 'win' (human nature).

Roleplay needs all parties to want to roleplay > win.

The above rarely happens.

When people get dedicated to an RP server with an economy, generally winning comes over roleplaying. There is generally a mentality shift from playing on there to chill and RP to playing on there to get to the top. 

Below is just one threat discussing this matter (on the GTA server):

You will equally find similar threads back when the Arma server was running. 

It does feel like there's something missing at the moment for sure. Server seems to be quiet too but could be the time of year.

Can't really put my finger on it but seems to be a general lack of motivation for RP. Dunno, maybe it's just me.

Last time I was on I created some RP with someone that got so mad I heard through OOC with evidence that he took a sick day off work just to rob my shop every 30 minutes.
This seems a lot like a generational thing, not entirely sure how we can smack these new gens into how to roleplay properly.

State of roleplay is poor. 

People don't want storylines they don't control. Most people aren't roleplaying a character. Leaders don't hold people to account effectively because everyone's in their friendship group. 

Gameplay for the younger generation - most of which whom play here - is very do this, get small reward, repeat. Dopamine buzz, let's go.

Games aren't built for resilience unless you're a fan of souls-like and even then, all they're doing there is prolonging that feeling so you feel like you got *more* gameplay out of it.

RPUK is abit of a grinder, sure. The issue is that people feel entitled to progress, which inherently is not how roleplay should work and leads to poor experiences. This is true on all sides. 

It's a conversation had many times over but unless the mentality changes that it's okay to concede, nothing will change. If you want a realistic UK police service, which seemed to be the initial prerogative, they can't leave till a situation is resolved. They have a script in order to enact powers else they are held up by the courts. In the UK police that fuck up don't just lose their jobs or a case like the states they risk prison themselves.

If you don't want a realistic police service or you want something in between that's really difficult to maintain quality. These are whitelisted faction members and this is not their job. In fact, and I know I'll take a bit of flack for this myself but the officers that *are* also job irl tend to have the most complaints issued against them for unfair roleplay or power gaming.

The UK legal system is a powerful tool to prevent crime. It does it's job. Something like 90% of criminals report that the force used against them by police in the UK was excessive. That's the system. 

Equally, IRL most gang members do not stab the police, or shoot them. They immediately surrender because there's little to no gain. In the states they have a 3 strike rule in many states. 3 felonies and you're life'd. Escape is valuable, wanted, and in their minds justifiable. It never is in the UK. Not really. Carrying a knife? A few months, maybe a year. Stabbing a police officer? Probably getting 12. It just doesn't make sense. 

So, the question really is, what do you want? Because it's certainly not realism. In which case, we should be scrapping any and all police-crim court stuff. Then who holds us to account? Ourselves? You don't trust us. 😂

Police Main here, Didnt realise the problem till I actually hopped on my crim. Sorry lads -  (Give roleplay) Speak to police instead of fleeing and try actually have roleplay = Get arrested, Searched for a gun. Fined for driving past a red light. Sounds about right. Didnt realise the server dropped so bad until tonight, Police handing out sentences and tickets like they have a goal to meet. What a fucking state everything is in atm

Too many people complain about not enough NHS.

When we are treated as revive bots it makes it boring for us. Too many people saying they just want us up. Only 1 in about 20 of the people we treat actually RP their injuries and give us the RP. The rest are "I'm fine get me up".

RP standards have dropped and it's sad to see

Police Main here, Didnt realise the problem till I actually hopped on my crim. Sorry lads -  (Give roleplay) Speak to police instead of fleeing and try actually have roleplay = Get arrested, Searched for a gun. Fined for driving past a red light. Sounds about right. Didnt realise the server dropped so bad until tonight, Police handing out sentences and tickets like they have a goal to meet. What a fucking state everything is in atm
Are you ok ? just making sure 😅never thought i would hear this coming from you, but tbh you are kinda right thats why most things escalate so quickly.

Are you ok ? just making sure 😅never thought i would hear this coming from you, but tbh you are kinda right thats why most things escalate so quickly.
Mate neither, but what I experienced last night just switched my entire perspective on this on its head 
