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Judiciary to be given power of execution


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In Gordon's Cardboard Box
I can feel the downvotes pouring in, just from the title alone 😰... BUT hear me out!

Brief Summary:
I'd like to see the Judiciary be given execution "Sentenced to Death" as an option.

Detailed Suggestion:
It should be a RARE, staff sanctioned punishment which would result in the permadeath of a character. There should be LOTS of RP that comes from this, multiple court hearings, opportunities for legal defence, etc. I'm not for a moment suggesting that we send every petty thief to the firing squad, but for real hardened criminals it could be some amazing RP, over weeks/months before getting to the "day of execution", the likelihood would be that criminals be on bail for the duration of the court proceedings, so gives plenty of opportunities for the criminal to flee or explore other avenues of RP in an effort to evade the ultimate punishment.

The Pros:
- Could give closure to some long standing criminal RP stories and the opportunity for said player to start a fresh "crime-spree" to keep things fresh.
- Potentially, LOTS of RP from the Police/Judiciary 

The Cons:
- Brings the closure to RP storylines (Which, in my opinion, is arguably a positive in some cases!)
- Character assets potentially lost

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
Arguably, yes, but also no. It would bring an "end" to specific criminals, but that doesn't then stop the player from creating a new criminal character and starting a fresh.

I'm well aware that this is likely to be... controversial. If you're not a fan, if you could give an explanation in the replies, that would be fantastic and helpful.

Love it. 

I would, at this juncture like to express my support for this move and as per my current active court ticket request that method of execution be stoning to death via snowballs in the centre of legion square where the vict...guilty criminal will be on a platform tied to a post the ties of which can be cut through a 60 second interaction. 

That is all. 

-1 You say that it has RP potential through court cases and such which I agree with because there is RP to be had there. But in saying that to see a player who has been in the community for year and one day the character they have spent so long with being forced to be killed by staff is bullshit, excuse my phrasing but I do not think that would be fair. All the memories on that character, all the friends and assets gone by someone else's decisions. Personally I don't believe someone other than that player should decide the fate of their character.

i personally am not a fan of this idea as some people have put 1000s of hours into 1 character to get potentially deleted/killed off.

If people are at that stage where they are going to potentially get killed due to their crimes i feel like it should be something agreed OOC with the person who will be getting deleted as a lot of people (including me) would not want to kill their character off due to everything i have done on it and would feel like if i got deleted it would all be nothing. 

But if someone is planning on leaving the server or wanting to delete their character i feel like this would be a fun way to do so. 🙂

also i feel like if people got deleted/killed without even getting a say in it, it would make  them not want to come back to the server at all due to how much they have done on that character

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i don't think any player should have the ability to get someone's character deleted.  Like gang leads, they've spent to much time and effort into getting their gangs names out there , finding trusting members, getting whitelisted, gathering assets, building relationships and finding connections, why should all this just get delete because someone else has decided ?

I understand its a RP server and yes it would add more RP into the server for judges and police, but it will also be the thing that also makes player not return after a 2 year old character is kill off for roleplaying as a crim? 

At the end of the day , its a RP server that we all play to have fun and a lot people choose playing a crim over cop because its what they enjoy, but getting perma killed over just playing the game how its intended it ridiculous in my opinion. 

Another note: since its a UK RP server, the death penalty in the UK was abolish many years ago, So it wouldn't make sense for this to be added.

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-1  No one should get there char deleted without any consent 

Whilst it does sound like it would be cool RP, I'd rather stick to UK Law and keep executions out of it, so -1. However, perhaps a better system for criminals being released on license would be nice.

Whilst it does sound like it would be cool RP, I'd rather stick to UK Law and keep executions out of it, so -1. However, perhaps a better system for criminals being released on license would be nice.
I would also love to see this tbh - The possibility of having license conditions attached to prison releases, perhaps even ankle tags?

gonna have to give it a -1 due to the fact that it is a video game at the end of the day and no one should have to run around on their toes and potentially suffer a consequence as deep as this due to actions in a multiplayer game, people spend years of there life on the game grinding and putting a lot of effort into a character just for 1 potential "fuck up" to take it all away.

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+1 If when your character was killed they weren't deleted but they had a fresh start with police for example a new PNC profile and become unknown to them

You can already be sentenced to life in prison wich, in my opinion, is pretty much the same thing as being executed. Its going  to be a -1 from me.

I would also love to see this tbh - The possibility of having license conditions attached to prison releases, perhaps even ankle tags?
I get where your coming from, but it just sounds like a super unnecessary police buff at this point? i think the system in place at the moment works well with the dynamic of the server

this isn't realistic to IRL UK law if the police want to punish ppl harder CPS should just hand out more life sentences 
- 1

Im gonna put it out there. The police have a LOT more they can use. I hardly see people released on bail. Tbh last case i saw of a actual CID bail notice was on myself and Lucy Webb. Because they dont think bail will work as they dont think crim mains will go with rp. Try it. I dont think we need to execute people 

Mainly because bingle will probably be first to die for targeting judges 😆
