Anonymous Monkey
GDPR Removed
Brief Suggestion:
I think people have been asking and waiting a long time for a huge criminal update, yet nothing has come. I've seen it said that it's because there is no in detail suggestions for different illegal jobs, so... here it is
If you have any ideas that you want added to this suggestion, DM me on discord please and I'll update this. Anonymous Monkey
Main Suggestion:
The entire point of this suggestion is to gather ideas of my own and the communities and pass it over to the DEV team in a formatted way. I really really want to see these criminal updates added in some way, shape or form as RPUK is starting to become really dry for me & I want to be able to enjoy the server a lot more. I think that others will say the same.
Either way, thank you so much to the DEVs for all the work that yous do, I get it's hard with the criticism from people, especially when unpaid. but whatever you can take from this and implement would be highly appreciated!
I think people have been asking and waiting a long time for a huge criminal update, yet nothing has come. I've seen it said that it's because there is no in detail suggestions for different illegal jobs, so... here it is

If you have any ideas that you want added to this suggestion, DM me on discord please and I'll update this. Anonymous Monkey
Main Suggestion:
Local House Robberies
The amount of potential with house robberies is beyond imaginable. I think that this should require an advanced lockpick or drill, at which point you can go to certain houses that you are told by a 'boss' over the phone are empty. Once lockpicking in, you can begin to search furniture such as cabinets or chairs.
There should be a high chance to find rare valuables which can be sold to a Black Market (will be seen later in suggestion)
When searching furniture, the police should receive a dispatch of a 'Reported Burglary' OR 'Suspicious Activity in the area'. This allows for police to intervene in the robbery. The closer the house is to the middle of Los Santos, the higher the rewards should be as police will arrive a lot quicker, adding more risk to the criminals involved.
Fake Number Plates
These should be very expensive of up to £100,000 - £150,000. This means that they won't be abused for unworthy purposes. A vehicle with these plates should be somewhat easy to notice from a police POV to keep it fair and balanced. Whist fake plates are attached, fines would NOT be given to the vehicle for speeding. The owner, if wanted, would NOT flag ANPR cameras.
To ensure that this feature does not make criminals immune to ANPR or Police Tactics, if police is behind a vehicle on fake plates and attempt to scan it's plates. It would come back to an Unknown. Every vehicle should have a VIN number attached which can be searched up on the PNC. Maybe use the vehicles original plate as its VIN to make things easier to develop?
The VIN number can ONLY be checked if the vehicle is pulled over and the officer physically goes up to it and checks it. At which point, a very harsh punishment should occur to the driver, this could be points, prison, fines or even the vehicle impounded for 2-3 days.
The location that I had in mind for this is the LS Customs shop behind MRPS.
VIN Scratching
I think that with the current state of scrapping vehicles, there should be a way to VIN Scratch locally owned vehicles, making the vehicle your own! This should come with very big risks with a also a very nifty reward. For example, you find a Comet that you'd really like to own. You steal the local vehicle and take it to a 'Dodgy Customs'. (I was thinking to use the LS Customs behind MRPS). Here, you can scratch the VIN number and make the vehicle yours. You should also be given a number plate with the vehicle that comes back to 'Unknown'.
To balance this, the price of scratching the VIN should vary dependant on the vehicle & police have FULL authority to scrap and remove the vehicle from the owner as and when they are caught driving it, no matter the crime committed.
Bank Robberies
Yeah well... these. People have wanted bank robberies to make a return to RPUK for a really long time now, and I think it's time they make a return. I think that the big bank should stay the way it is, it has a HIGH pay-out, while keeping a HIGH risk. It's somewhat perfect. However, the smaller banks around Los Santos are completely useless. There is nothing you can do inside of them.
The smaller banks around the city should be a lot easier to rob however there should be methods in place to ensure that the system is not abused and made boring for the police that are responding to them. The LC69 Software is a MUST. You should have to hack the systems to get into the vault. Once inside, instead of using a drill, you should be able to use an Advanced Lockpick as they are much easier to get a hold of, and the pay-out of the smaller banks would be much lower at around £75,000 to £150,000 depending on the hacking skill.
I think that pay-out for robberies like this, including the Pacific Bank, should vary each time that it is done. For example, if the hacking is done flawlessly, the money reward at the end will have overall increased.
The banks should go back to giving out DIRTY MONEY. It makes so much more sense for stolen money to be dirty and 'not usable' straight after a robbery. Usually, the money would be washed out through a legal front, but what if the server had 3-4 washing locations around Los Santos (which there are a few already on the server, just don't work). This would mean that for the hours after a bank robbery, police could patrol around known washing areas, if they ever find out within RP
To make sure that the bank scenes don't become a too common occurrence for Police, only allow for 1 bank to be done every 1-2h, and make sure that the risk vs reward is very even. If you lose the situation, you lose a good amount of money in your attempt. This means that people will show higher roleplay in making sure that their escape will be planned.
Shop Robberies
This section will be quite small, as the system currently is fine. However, the risk vs reward is currently not worth it at all. I suggest that the pay-out for these shop robberies change depending on the skill of the player. With the new game system, after lockpicking the till, you should begin to collect cash using the circle game. It should be slow to begin then get VERY fast. Depending on how many you get correct, is how much money you receive in the end with the maximum being capped at around £25,000.
Drug Rework
Currently, selling & creating drugs is extremely, extremely boring. It's a no skill, no roleplay graft. Without allowing much metagaming to happen from the suggestion, weed just takes a little time to grow, but not much interaction needed. Cocaine is easy and quick to get access to, depending on who you are, but takes a long time to process. Other drugs... currently are not worth it to make at all.
If drugs saw a rework on RPUK I would like to see the way that drugs are obtained to be changed. I think that weed could stay similar to how it is currently, however make it give much less per plant, but grow quicker. Also when harvesting, change the pots so that they stay put as the time spent placing the pots down after harvesting is unrealistic and unnecessary.
Cocaine should be able to be processed and creating in many different ways. Having ways to create cocaine realistically, using materials would be super cool and make things so much more fun for a criminal character. I would increase the price of drugs tremendously. I mean... it's so cheap at the moment.
All drugs should be very different and have other uses from just selling to locals.
The way that drugs are sold COULD change, but to be honest, I don't think that it's needed. The system at the moment works, and isn't awful. Maybe remove the ability to sell on motorbikes to help balance it for the police, or just make the chances lower for the locals to accept the deal from someone on a motorbike.
Burner Phone
As the server is currently, police can see way too much from phone logs. Police getting full character names from tweedle handles, phone numbers is IMO stupid and unrealistic. I get it helps a lot in their investigations but if you're doing illegal things online you're going to be hiding your identity in some way, shape or form.
I think that the addition of a somewhat pricey burner phone would tackle this problem completely. The burner phone would NOT have the same amount of features as the usual and standard phone. This phone would only have access to text messages and phone calls. However, to balance this for the police, if a burner phone is seized, the police can search the contents of it completely. It would not be a smart idea to carry this phone around if not using it!
The tweedle issue I mentioned could be completely tackled through another system... but I will get onto that next.
Dark Web
With the brand new addition of a laptop, currently it has no purpose. If there were to be an addition of a Dark Web, it means that people would FINALLY stop using tweedle for illegal purposes, and if they did.. well.. police have the power to fuck them over.
The dark web should ONLY be accessible through a USB obtained by getting a blank USB and completing a hack in a building somewhere maybe? OR have the USB sold by gangs for a reasonable price. This means that deals can be made over the dark web, and if police manage to get and keep a USB, they can do sting ops on the dealers there. The roleplay using a dark web system would be so much better & less OP for police.
Black Market
The black market should be a local NPC located in a very dodgy location. This location should rotate every week. Gangs should be very aware of the locations of the black market, potentially through a text message or some sort of app on the laptop. This means that police can find the location if they have a snitch, infiltrate or manage to find or buy the location.
This black market would buy items from people for a good price. Valuables stolen from people houses such as art could be sold for 10-25k making house robberies a risky, but a rewarding crime to commit.
Maybe this black market could sell the Dark Web USB that's needed to access it, or other useful criminal items that are currently obtained through unrealistic means. However, these items that are sold should only have a LIMITED and RANDOM stock per week. Get lucky and get their first

The entire point of this suggestion is to gather ideas of my own and the communities and pass it over to the DEV team in a formatted way. I really really want to see these criminal updates added in some way, shape or form as RPUK is starting to become really dry for me & I want to be able to enjoy the server a lot more. I think that others will say the same.
Either way, thank you so much to the DEVs for all the work that yous do, I get it's hard with the criticism from people, especially when unpaid. but whatever you can take from this and implement would be highly appreciated!
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