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Report a player - 859 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Mark Gore

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 859

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/31/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 30

What best describes this incident ?: G2.4

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Was at lower, Noticed a voice that I remembered from previous issues with robbery and harassment (On the clip you can overhear some other people having issues with such person). We ask him to drop his phone while a gun is pointed at himself and a knife in my hand.

He drops his phone and another person rings the number what's been texting him and his phone appears, After trying to zip tie the person he runs away and then stabs myself. His out numbered never valued his life and processed to stab myself. There is a gun shot, Unsure who from but he was clearly out numbered tried to rob a vehicle to get away and resorted to stabbing.

He was carried away by someone and taken to hospital where he later "popped" his head.

Couldn't resolve the issue as he popped his head in the hospital.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Information what was sent to myself that the person who shot me was "Gooba " No RP was done by himself and turning up to a situation where its still outnumbered and proceeding to shot me isn't really acceptable.

As there is no radio or phone commutation to them or location as the phone and radio was requested to be dropped so I think there was some OOC going on here. And was informed he was taken to the hospital by such person. 

Mark and I have spoken on Teamspeak regarding my involvement in this report. To my knowledge, there is no report against me in this and my involvement has been explained and resolved. 

Mark can confirm this.

Thanks for the chat in Teamspeak Mark. 

- Gooba

Hi Gooba,

I can confirm me and Gobba resolved the issue of the shooting, Its just about the other person now.


As there is no radio or phone commutation to them or location as the phone and radio was requested to be dropped so I think there was some OOC going on here. And was informed he was taken to the hospital by such person. 
As i was the guy in the Burger Mask who pulled up with Gooba i will respond to the acquisition of meta gaming.

As you can see in the video @Emilio The Studpulled out his phone at 55 second and the was told "Put that fucking phone away, don't be calling no one" before putting it away at 1:03. I believe that is when i received a message from Emilio saying "Come please" and i knew the location because i received a text beforehand saying "If i haven't called you in 10 mins" and a GPS.


I think this proves there was no metagaming involved here.

I was also present at the situation along side MarkGore hence for my comment below:

In a situation where there is about 3 guys with knives and 1 with a gun you are not going to take your phone out at that point there is no value for life he clearly shows that he doesn't care about the fact there is multiple people questioning him with weapons in hand, and from your screenshot of him messaging, you can clearly tell that he had full intention to cause trouble.

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Hey bud,

I'm the handsome and muscular fellow that was being held up in this video. Before this encounter, I was scrolling through tweedle looking for phone numbers in an attempt to get me a hot little strap. After calling a few people, I instead started prank-calling to have a little bit of fun, got bored, and decided to find people. A few minutes later I found a group at legion so before I went up to them I sent my boy a message to come find me in case I get into some trouble and I do that because a few minutes before I was starting beef with people over prank calls.

I understand that you feel this is no value of life because you outnumbered me but you chose to ignore the fact my boys pulled up behind you with guns in hand. When my boys pulled up only you and another fellow had blades out and at that point, I didn't feel as in much danger with my backup there so I tried to make a break for it. Also, I didn't try and rob a vehicle considering I arrived in it.

- Emilio "Stud Muffin" Ruiz

In a situation where there is about 3 guys with knives and 1 with a gun you are not going to take your phone out at that point there is no value for life he clearly shows that he doesn't care about the fact there is multiple people questioning him with weapons in hand, and from your screenshot of him messaging, you can clearly tell that he had full intention to cause trouble.
The fact that the people didn't actually announce they was with yourself, No dialog from yourself towards them really. With the amount of people there and the amount of demands things get mixed up.

If you arrived in that vehicle is there any reason why it wasn't there in the beginning of the clips? Am pretty sure but can't confirm that your friends turned up in that car if so doesn't this mean its pre meditated what you was doing? At the start of the clip you're in the recovery truck. With that vehicle nowhere to be seen.

And personally you've just confirmed you purposely put your life in danger as you sent your friends a message about finding you if they don't hear from yourself as you was going to a situation where your life maybe in danger.

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I asked if the two that showed up were your friends and got no reply at this point only Gooba had a weapon in hand out of the two of your friends. 

From my perspective the situation was a poor performance of Rp and thats why i made my comment up above.

I understand if you want to go and mess around everyone has there way of Roleplaying, but i just though as i stated the encounter was done poorly.

Ps: Emilio please stop continuously calling me in game it gets really boring and annoying after a while <3.

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The fact that the people didn't actually announce they was with yourself, No dialog from yourself towards them really. With the amount of people there and the amount of demands things get mixed up.
Did you expect my friends to pull up, state there names, and affiliation? Did your crew state they were with you? I think its fairly obvious when they pull up and start speaking  that they're with me. At 02:51 the man with blonde hair states "no no these are the guys he was with earlier" so clearly you were told we were together.

Ps: Emilio please stop continuously calling me in game it gets really boring and annoying after a while <3.
Deal with it in rp

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I think its a bit unfair to say deal with it in Rp when I can't exactly block your number.

I try to go about my Rp but instead have to deal with an annoyance of you constantly calling me?

Actually let's not continue this debate here as its not valid to the report.

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I will like to add some more information about this.. 

So after another encounter by themselves I believe they've used the channel frequency on this report to 
(G1.5) Powergaming

They've forced an scenario where no matter what the outcome will be they would win as they've used the information on this report to get the radio frequency, They admit on the radio that they've been listening all the time this forces out of RP and frustration as his now using this as a come back in the city.  

This will be the second time now I have considered they've been metagaming, We was creating a roleplay situation with themselves after kidnapping my wife but all the effort of the roleplay has been destroyed due to this.

I have also been supplied some information that these people are also admins. 



So after another encounter by themselves I believe they've used the channel frequency on this report to 
(G1.5) Powergaming

They've forced an scenario where no matter what the outcome will be they would win as they've used the information on this report to get the radio frequency, They admit on the radio that they've been listening all the time this forces out of RP and frustration as his now using this as a come back in the city.  

This will be the second time now I have considered they've been metagaming, We was creating a roleplay situation with themselves after kidnapping my wife but all the effort of the roleplay has been destroyed due to this.

I have also been supplied some information that these people are also admins. 

Do you have any evidence of them metagaming the frequency of this report? Because in that video all I can hear is their voice but it doesnt tell me how they got it, theres "infinite amount" of possibility on how they could have gotten it and I cannot go off your word and speculation alone, so I would need more concrete evidence on this matter to action anything, if you do have it please provide it.

As for the original report about "Value of Life", before I get into it, I would like to ask you @MarkGoreto provide myself with a longer clip of after you got killed, as I want to see how the rest of the situation played out, please let me know if you can provide it, thank you.

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As its been 10 days I've deleted clips since this taking place.

Afterwards he was taken to the hospital, So was I. That was it all over with

Normally you would keep the clips regarding an open report, regardless of how long its been but thats just me I guess, okay will review all the evidence and decide on the outcome soon.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


After carefull consideration and review of the provided evidence and the points brought up by either party in this topic. I have concluded the following.

I do not think Emilio has not valued his life in this particular case, from the video I can clearly see that whenever he was threatened by a weapon it either being (a switchblade a machete or that pistol), he complied with the demands that were given to him however sometimes a bit slow. Towards the end your group of people gave him to much slack and had weapons holstered and Emilios friends rocked up which he used to get away from yous and pulled a switchblade himself, all in all with that I do not see an issue either as you should have controlled the situation better as a group and had someone watch him that had a weapon to him (which you did not) or ziptied him sooner, clearly you were poorly preapered and organised and thats why the situation ended as it did. Since you said the issue with you being shot by Gooba has been resolved I will not dig further into that side of things, glad you could talk it through.

Report Declined.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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