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Ability to search ziptied people but not take from inventory.

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Isaac Ess

Well-known member
Brief Summary:
Ability to see what people have in there inventory but not take from it.

Detailed Suggestion:
I think the ability for civ's to be able to search people in zipties would be would be benficial to the whole server. I think it should be like what it is for police where we can view whats in peoples inventories but not take from it to stop trolls coming along and just zip tying people and taking things with little to no RP. This will stop people lying about what they have and only drop a few things in their pocket.

The Pros:

  •     More realistic.
  •     People can't lie about what they have.
  •     People will be more careful with what they carry.

The Cons:

  •     Dev work.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? 


The amount of people that lie and don’t value their life and drop everything in their inventory infuriates me. This would defo be beneficial and like you said make people more weary of what they carry around. 

I think this is a good idea, but if you want to do this you would have to actually put in rp of patting them down, cops have to spend like 5 mins everytime they do it. I think civs should need to rp it well.

I think this is a good idea, but if you want to do this you would have to actually put in rp of patting them down, cops have to spend like 5 mins everytime they do it. I think civs should need to rp it well.
I would hope so, as this is a roleplay server. Though it lacks a lot of quality RP often, it just opens more opportunities for people to sort that issue out down the line when there's low quality RP being provided.

I was just about to type up a very similar suggestion.

There needs to be a search system. We rely on people being honest about what they have and it’s open to significant abuse. In the past few days I have had one guy who had just processed a bunch of meth tell me he had nothing (we watched him do it) another with a weapon who said he didn’t have one but then later pulls it out….

I don’t quite get the reasoning behind not being able to search someone anyway as with how serious this server is on the RP side it should definitely be a thing.

either way if you won’t allow a fully fledged search system where we can remove stuff at least allow for a list to show what people have on them, add a pat down animation and your good to go 🙂

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YES, this needs to be implemented for sure, people dropping 1 bullet saying thats all they have, or some people claiming to not have a firearm, plus imo it will help the roleplay on the server as well. AGREED

I think this is a good idea, but if you want to do this you would have to actually put in rp of patting them down, cops have to spend like 5 mins everytime they do it. I think civs should need to rp it well.
Could be nice to have it done in a way that you have to go thru a timer to search the pockets so you cannot just open it instantly, so eventually police/friends can arrive in time and make it a bit more difficult and exiting.

100% good idea, the amount of times I've 'frisked' someone after asking them to drop everything and you know for a fact they have other stuff but won't drop it is crazy and annoying. This at least lets you see what they're carrying and the other person would know they can't lie about what they have. if anything makes both parties have to RP better which is only a good thing.

YES! The amount of times i know for a fact that people have lied about what they have on them and wont drop it unless you hound them even when you have a gun pointed at their head! +1

If it was possible to implement a timer type thing when searching like on tarkov? Make it take a minute or so to complete but with this method you may as well let players remove items from others rather than just see what they have. I was super shocked when I found out there was no existing search system in place, this server has it all and this is one thing it’s missing badly. The current version of doing this is so exploitable/ open to abuse  😞

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+1, this way seems like a good way to stop trolls but add some good features

+1 The amount of times I have been in situations where people have lied and admitted to lying after roleplaying searching them is just stupid, I feel like this will bring more realism to roleplay instead of someone saying "I dropped everything!" then still having a sawn off shotgun in their pockets.

Amazing suggestion!

The only thing i would insist also is putting a rule into effect that states there has to be quality RP involved in order to search someone, it could otherwise end up being a hands up, searched, off they go with little to no RP like it can be on other servers. 

I really would like to see this come into play on the server, a much needed Quality of life improvement in my view.

This is something we are looking at implementing, however there is no set timeframe for it.

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