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Bagging more than 1 weed at a time

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Scott Weiland

Well-known member
Brief Summary:
First of all, was unsure what to call the title so theres that. Now onto the suggestion:

While bagging weed you can currently only bag 1 item at a time. Adding an option to perhaps bag any amount you wish would be a nice Quality of Life improvement for most people.
This would hurry up the process of making items that require 2 items to be made into 1 and would prevent people from getting RSI and to prevent people who stand afk for 30 minutes using AHK to automate the process.

Detailed Suggestion:

Currently to bag weed you have to have a Plastic Bag and the Buds in your inventory to make them. With the current system you have to do it 1 by 1 by either right click and use on the Buds or double click on the Buds.
Having to do this 7000 times with the current amount of buds, me and my friends would most likely end up with broken mouse buttons and RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). 
It seems a bit ridiculous having to double click 7000 times (basically clicking 14000 wow math) to bag all our weed. Now, you might say; But there are multiple of you guys, surely that should speed up the process? Well it does and it doesn't. With 1 house we get 7000 buds and we got 4 houses at the moment with the possibility to grow in all 4 of them. You can imagine the pain of having to bag 28,000 buds (7000 per house) every time the weed has grown.

I am unsure if there are other professions which have to do this the same way and I am unsure if it is a way to bag more than 1 weed at a time as I have not gotten any help or tips about this through RP, OOC chat or on Discord, neither does it say anything about how to do it on the wiki page.

The Pros:

- Speed up the process of weed making.
- Reduce the amount of time people have to stand idle in their houses making weed.
- Prevent people from developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrom because of RSI just to bag some virtual weed.
- Cops would get to see more people dealing weed and then having more to do.

The Cons:

- You can make weed faster, I don't know what other cons there would be....
- Locals in the city would be going through a weed epidemic

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
- There would be more weed in circulation which would give cops more to do and make weed a nice way for house owners to make money. 
- Would prevent people from breaking their left click mouse button and developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrom.

There would be more weed in circulation which would give cops more to do
there is already plenty of weed

also there is ways to bag more than one at a time. Maybe go speak to some gangs about this. if a gang likes you enough maybe they will tell you it may not be much quicker but at least it's not spam clicking

As said there are ways to speed this up in a more efficient manner.

I don't see an issue. I do 100-200 or so every now and again to start bagging or pay someone else to do it for me, or sell the bags and bud to the person themselves to bag.#

I'm quite happy it remains 1 at a time to offer some balance.

There are ways to bag more than 1 at a time, go find out within roleplay, you can get hold of weed far too easy. No need to make it even less balanced by allowing mass bagging.


The gangs are the ones that are meant to have the means to do this sort of stuff. Regular civilians already have many ways to make very good money.
-1 for me

I agree with this for server performance and time wasted that could be spent on RP, an update last month made it so you only bag 1 weed per second where as it was quicker before that, so why not go the extra mile and make it so it bags 10 weed per double click so server performance increases even more. Everyone is using a program to double click for them so why does it matter any way, what RP do you get out of standing there for an hour doing nothing but bagging weed? 

I agree with this for server performance and time wasted that could be spent on RP, an update last month made it so you only bag 1 weed per second where as it was quicker before that, so why not go the extra mile and make it so it bags 10 weed per double click so server performance increases even more. Everyone is using a program to double click for them so why does it matter any way, what RP do you get out of standing there for an hour doing nothing but bagging weed? 
alright then what about the thing that currently does 10 bags a click that's not instant how many should that do and how long should it take? 

There should be a faster way to bag weed, and currently gangs and police cooperate which doesn't seem very realistic at all. Especially when cooperation with police is even accepted by the gang leaders. It would make sense for perhaps a couple of guys in gang would be snitches/confidential informants and that the higher ups in the gangs would actually crack down on this. But at the moment it is very common for entire gangs to be confidential informants to the police where every gang member has a speed dial to a cop they know so they can call in illegal activities that are conducted by Civilians.

The gangs are the ones that are meant to have the means to do this sort of stuff. Regular civilians already have many ways to make very good money.
-1 for me
Gangs have many ways of making money, guns, weed, any other run that civilians can do as well. Who is to say gangs should be the only one to make weed?
At the moment the server doesn't really have too much things you can do. You go make money and then either buy; House, Car, Boat, Plane, guns or go make/lose money at the Casino.
There is nothing else to spend money on currently and most people go and do fishing runs or drive like maniacs in fuel trucks.

The gangs are the ones that are meant to have the means to do this sort of stuff
This is meant to be a "realistic" server right?
Anyone in the world who can get their hands on some seeds and the right equipment to grow it can mass produce it in large quantities as long as they have space for it. I see no reason as to why gangs "should" be the only ones to have the "means" to do "this sort of stuff"

Why should another job in the game (weed making) have to take hours afking in your house/gang house just to bag a couple of weed bags using an auto clicker/macro. <-- This doesnt really seem like something the server needs right now, another job that doesn't create any RP. 
The only RP that comes from weed dealing at the moment is after hours of bagging weed you can go and sell those bags to other players in bulk or go and chase down Locals/Npcs in the gang areas.

If the only thing gangs are going to do is complain whenever something that they think should be exclusively for them, then perhaps they should first start acting like gangs and actually conduct gang activities 🙂 

I disagree weed does not create any RP.  There's sufficient business opportunities around it and how you come to sell it, meeting new people, helping new players, involving them in the story. It is what you make of it much like anyone else. Don't need to be in a gang to do that either.

The only benefit implemented gangs have is the speed it gets bagged (and thus less clicking) with the right equipment. Weed is otherwise VERY low maintenance.

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I disagree weed does not create any RP.  There's sufficient business opportunities around it and how you come to sell it, meeting new people, helping new players, involving them in the story. It is what you make of it much like anyone else. Don't need to be in a gang to do that either.

The only benefit implemented gangs have is the speed it gets bagged (and thus less clicking) with the right equipment. Weed is otherwise VERY low maintenance.
You think weed doesn't create any RP? You must be mad, when I first joined the server before everyone was just fishing and trucking, I was getting a shit load of RP through weed, those were the good old days. 

You think weed doesn't create any RP? You must be mad, when I first joined the server before everyone was just fishing and trucking, I was getting a shit load of RP through weed, those were the good old days. 
That's the opposite of what I said.

Scott suggested you don't get RP with weed. I'm saying you certainly can, it's just effort I guess many don't want to contribute towards. But that's reflective on most things you do on this server. It is a roleplay server after all.

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That's the opposite of what I said.

Scott suggested you don't get RP with weed. I'm saying you certainly can, it's just effort I guess many don't want to contribute towards. But that's reflective on most things you do on this server. It is a roleplay server after all.
Oh my bad, I must have misread it, your wrote "I disagree weed does not create any RP" which sounds like you think weed doesn't create any RP. But guess we're in the same boat, I think drugs bring some great RP to the server, and with the recent baggies situation I don't even see anyone sell to locals anymore, sad sight for the server. 

The double negative probably threw you off.

Yeah the bag situation is sad. Sure the clicking is some effort but once you've got your money back for the pots, it's very cheap to grow weed from that point. Cost of bags on old price would see you with 95%+ profits.

Scott suggested you don't get RP with weed.
Did I say you don't get RP with weed ? 🤔

The only RP that comes from weed dealing at the moment is after hours of bagging weed you can go and sell those bags to other players in bulk or go and chase down Locals/Npcs in the gang areas.
I believe I said that the bagging process takes way too long if you are thinking of bagging all the weed you grow from your house. Which is where I pointed out people would sit afk while using macros to bag the weed, even confirmed by other members of this community on this very same post.

Why should another job in the game (weed making) have to take hours afking in your house/gang house just to bag a couple of weed bags using an auto clicker/macro. <-- This doesnt really seem like something the server needs right now, another job that doesn't create any RP. 
The bold bit is what I interpreted as you saying weed dealing overall (ie the 'job') doesn't create any RP. 

Sure the bagging can be dull in bulk but I usually do small bits at a time to put in bags every now and again when going in and out of my house and it isn't too bad. 100 at a time maybe. 

I love the operation we have of meeting new people in the city and giving them something to do, keeping in contact, inviting them into the office we have to complete business. I think new players enjoy it too.

I quite like this idea but i would like to see it in the way you would use the smelting so if you wanted to bag 7000 at one time it would do it automatically but would do a long progress bar for it this would prevent the constant clicking and would be exactly how the smelter works 

I quite like this idea but i would like to see it in the way you would use the smelting so if you wanted to bag 7000 at one time it would do it automatically but would do a long progress bar for it this would prevent the constant clicking and would be exactly how the smelter works 
Exactly, that would be so much better. The current method is just bad for everyone, the server and the user. Or at least let people buy a 100K bagging station from the furniture store where we can bag in that method you just mentioned. 

Exactly, that would be so much better. The current method is just bad for everyone, the server and the user. Or at least let people buy a 100K bagging station from the furniture store where we can bag in that method you just mentioned. 
yeah i dont understand why gangs are the only people to have those machines it makes no sense. if they were 100k that would be better and have it like smelting i think would work 

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