MH-9 Club Camo
Which Arma 3 Classname is your texture for:
Explain your creation:
As we progress as a server and improve a few areas its all hands on deck!
So I have decided to spend most of the evening/night/morning colouring each part of the hummingbird to learn what's what with the goal of creating a template I can roll out to different camos/designs but retain a tasteful look etc.
I am now at the point where I have made a template with every single layer named for ease of use
Please be kind I have not done a texture in Arma 3 since 2015 and these are the first 2 varients i have come up with, I can roll this out to many different camo colours.
If this hits the server this won't be a donator thing, this was designed for every member
Looking for votes and feedback, What do you like/dislike... what can be done better ?

I am open to making changes based on popular feedback:
If successfully approved I confirm this texture will be exclusive to
If successfully approved I confirm I will email this texture to
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