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Unban Appeal - Cliffoffedddddd - 02/05/20

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Perm for threatening to Ddossing and RDM

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for a lack of care in the server which then lead to my actions of threatening to ddoss an individual. Once I found out I was soon gonna be perm banned I RDM’ed 9 cops during a Bank.

Why should we unban you ?
Wilco I’m filling out this appeal to ask if I may have one last chance with the RPUK community. Although I am on the no appeals list. This is not my second a 3rd perm ban appeal. I hope this time I can do some good in the community and come back reformed.

I have a had very bad ban history within this community compared to other communities. The reason for this was because after I stopped playing RPUK rather than leaving the server on a good note I decided to think recklessly and attempt actions which effected the gameplay for others that were on the server. For the last month or so I question my absurd actions of why I would ruin second chance like I did. Why the fck would I throw away a get out of jail free card just because I was leaving the community.

Wilco I rushed my ban appeal that I got banned for as soon as I got banned at which I never thought over the rules and actions that I broke. In the end that appeal got declined and I got moved to the no appeals list. Throughout the past 2 months I know I have said this above already but I’m still questioning my actions and why I would do such a thing.

Wilco I’m asking for my last chance to do well on this server after that I won’t bother appealing since I have had far to many chances. I ask of you Wilco to allow me to have one last chance with this community as the community itself has recently been doing fantastic stats wise, as well as the large expansions the community is doing which I wish i can be apart of.

I hope I can prove to you and the rest of management that my 3rd chance won’t be another let down.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

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Hello Wilco, 

I hope all is well with you and the RPUK community, as recently I have seen that the community overall has been doing outstandingly well and expanding into new games. 

Wilco I’m writing this email to beg if I may have one last chance with the RPUK community. As recently the other communities that I have been playing have been getting to repetitive for my liking anymore, I know this doesn’t mean anything for me to have a if not second a 3rd chance at the community due to me childish actions of threatening to ddoss someone in order to look “big” which totally did not happen if anything I lost a few mates of mine because of it. After this my careless actions to attempt to log onto the server and RDM some members of the police department. 

I have a had very bad ban history within this community compared to other communities. The reason for this was because after I stopped playing RPUK rather than leaving the server on a good note I decided to think recklessly and attempt actions which effected the gameplay for others that were on the server. For the last month or so I question my absurd actions of why I would ruin second chance like I did. Why in gods name would I throw away a get out of jail free card just because I was leaving the community. 

Wilco my rushed my ban appeal that I got banned for as soon as I got banned at which I never thought over the rules and actions that I broke. In the end that appeal got declined and got moved to the no appeals list. Throughout the past month I know I have said this above already but I’m still questioning my actions and why I would do such a thing. 

In conclusion Wilco I’m begging for a second chance on the server. Or for me to fill out a perm ban appeal for it to be looked by yourself. I beg of you Wilco to allow me to have one last chance with this community as the community itself has recently been doing fantastic stats wise, as well as the large expansions the community is doing which I wish I could be apart of. 

Thank you Wilco for reading this message I hope I can prove to you and management that my 3rd chance won’t be another let down. If not that then possibly me being given the chance to write out a appeal for my previous actions.

Yours sincerely, 
Received Jan 30th

@Cliffoffedddddd You have never cared about this community,never wanted to be part of it and just decide to be part of the copycat communitys and get yourself banned and unbanned here when you please!

To think another place once trusted you to be part of there staff team ? Ah jokers!

In regards to your email the thing that stands out to be is "stats wise"... server numbers do not indicate Roleplay quality that's what this place is about, not what is popular with the frag kids this week or next.

I cannot seem to find your appeals serious, maybe you have just burnt your bridges here ?

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You have never cared about this community,never wanted to be part of it and just decide to be part of the copycat communitys and get yourself banned and unbanned here when you please!
This was my first ever role play server of which I have hundreds of hours on. I admit after my year and a half of playing RPUK I lost my ways and started to not care about the community, which resulted in a community ban. During that community ban I found other copy cat servers that I played on and threw away my memories of RPUK. It’s not an excuse for me to had done so all because I found what I thought were “better communities”. As well as this, as I said in my appeal if I am to be unbanned in this community yes I will stick to the rules and the community like I once did. However, if I am to be banned again I will not see this community again due to how many chances I have had in the past.

To think another place once trusted you to be part of there staff team ?
I was never on the staff team nor support just mates with Adam Briggs management and Fuel.

server numbers do not indicate Roleplay quality that's what this place is about, not what is popular with the frag kids this week or next.
I understand your perception of me as being combat over role play, which I would say that’s not true since on other copy cat communities I have been NHS in fact high up very recently, and have my time to role play with others on the server. If I was to come back to RPUK I would bring my NHS skills to the RPUK NHS team in order to prove to you that my combat is not over my role play.

I cannot seem to find your appeals serious, maybe you have just burnt your bridges here ?
I am taking this appeal seriously as memories of this server that I once had have come back to me, overall giving me the motivation to start back on RPUK. However, during my time on other copy cat communities I forgot about the good times that I once had here and the mates that I have made on this community. I hope to restore these memories by spending my remaining time on the server that I once started on, due to ArmA 3 sadly losing its population.

I understand how the bridges were burnt when I last left this community and I didn’t look back at the devastation I caused. Yet with this appeal I hope to rebuild what I once broke that being my reputation as a whole on this community. I’m asking for one more chance Wilco for me to prove to you and management that I have changed. The reason for my change like I said above is because those memories that I once had of this community have reminded me how much I once loved it. The memories of me getting home from school and jumping into RPUK with mates to do high grade weed runs while nobody else was on the server for us to be robed. Or the times that I would farm potato’s and role play in Kavala as farmer Cliffoff while waiting for them to grow. All these good memories I once had with this community before I burnt the bridges. As I said before, I do want to go back to these memories Wilco I’m asking for one more chance with this community.

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You can add ban evasion and cheating to your tally. I'm good thanks.


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