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Ricardo Ban appeal

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In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I got banned cus I basically flamed a group who was metagaming to steal me and my mates.

I got a bit tilted and I may have called him a "nonce" and "mentally chalenged", I do know you shouldnt use the OOC chat to say these type of things and that I cant swear at someone, especially in ooc with mean intentions...

Why should we unban you ?
First of all I never had any troubles with bans that I can remember, I've always been a clean player and I really just got tilted and I know should have stayed quiet but I guess now its a bit late.

Also Im a good roleplayer and I usually just try to have fun interactions with the people on the server and not just be a total trainwreck like a lot of people i see on the server.

Im still guilty 100% tho and I know what I did wasn't right at all and obviously went agaisnt the rules.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I understand

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

(Unknown) Ricardo: why are yall acting like cunts
(Unknown) Ricardo: youre the one shooting everyone cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: you were obviously trying to steal us mate lmao, youre just rdming at this point cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: just cus u have ars now you think ur a big boy mate
(Unknown) Ricardo: just stfu you fucking cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: but u did fag
(Unknown) Ricardo: stfu cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: all in my gopro mate
(Unknown) Ricardo: stfu cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: ofc u fucking cunt
(Unknown) Ricardo: stfu trynna play this blame game
(Unknown) Ricardo: just dont like nonces like you
@Richard Godric so when things don't go your way, you act like this towards other people ?

@Richard Godric so when things don't go your way, you act like this towards other people ?
@Wilco So you try to take moral high ground over everyone who does a ban appeal?

I obviously dont act this way towards everyone "when things don't go my way", like I said i did get tilted and it was pretty late which of course has no value to you but i was a bit grumpy at that time.

With this said I shouldnt even have said anything in ooc no matter how tired or upset I was, after all were suposed to be in a roleplay server and those run profits are just a way of having fun on the server, but some people take it way too serious; 2 wrongs dont make a right but we're still not talking of the metagame they commited, even after being warned to not land their heli or they would get shot, guess what? They still of course did and even after being killed they came back to the same local to still try and steal our stuff. Guess were just gonna ignore rule 5 completely.

Before even responding with shitty Sartre like arguments try to understand that not very human being is gonna act morally right on the internet and that everyone can have bad days which can make you contradict values you support.

With this being said it's still wrong to act this way especially when you play on a server with strict but needed rules, what I said to those individuals was wrong and there's no way to revert the situation now, but that's why Im here to explain the situation from my pov and to apologise for breaking the rules, that's what ban appeals are for, right?

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Lost interest after the first line so I did not bother to read on.

The answer to that first line is No!

I just don't want "cunts" in our community or at least people who talk to other members like one! (that's your favourite word is it not ?)

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