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Un-ban Appeal - charlito - 11/27/19

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Well-known member
In-game Name
Sir Skengworth III

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
2.7 Trolling

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
For stealing a police car via slingloading and placing it on a roof so the cops couldn't get to it.

Why should we unban you ?

I was not intentionally trying to troll the police, I was just trying to have some fun messing with the cops as rebels often do. Didn't know it was trolling, doesn't state anywhere in the rules that stealing with slingloading isn't permitted, nor does it seem like it would be trolling as in my view its a creative way to steal a vehicle and create an interesting scenario for the police given there is more to the situation than just stealing the car and leaving.

To clarify, I was not just going up to random cops in ongoing situations and stealing their cars, I had allies/friends interacting with the police on the ground at the same time, placed the cars on top of a roof and was going to land my Orca to interact / bargain with the cops to get their cars back, but they started a gunfight and killed me.

In my opinion banning me for trolling in this case isn't in line with the "new lenient system" that staff are meant to go by. A lot of people do far more malicious things that make no sense within roleplay (ie knocking out randomly), but this is generally accepted as just a bit of fun. I was acting within the boundaries of rebel roleplay (stealing) and decided to be a bit more creative, and instead of recieving a warning or a talking to (this is the first time I have done this) I was banned straight away which I feel is overly harsh. Yes, I have been banned previously but given the circumstances I feel it was not really fair to ban me without speaking to me to ascertain if I was intentionally "trolling the police" or just trying to be creative in my rebel roleplay.

Cheers for your time.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

In my opinion banning me for trolling in this case isn't in line with the "new lenient system" that staff are meant to go by.
The new lenient system actually involves us giving out temporary bans to give people a chance to learn from their mistakes and improve to avoid further bans....

26/11/2019 21:47 - 2.7 (Perm) 
18/11/2019 22:00 to 25/11/2019 22:00 - 5.3 (1 week) 
04/11/2019 01:27 to 06/11/2019 01:27 - Forum Report 7.1.3 (48hr) 
14/10/2019 15:02 to 15/10/2019 15:02 - 7.1.3 (24hr) 

Yet you seem to be stretching the boundaries on that new system more than anyone else so far, this ban for trolling appears to be a small part of a much bigger issue. So before we talk about the incident you've just been banned for lets talk about your general conduct.

Three of the 4 bans above all relate to offences committed during gunfights, your bans from before the 'mass unban' we also virtually all involving crap roleplay. Are you even here to roleplay or do you just want to shoot people?

Next up, before the mass unban you were warned for you conduct in-game - constantly complaining if situations don't go your way and just making the game a bore for people having to argue with you over petty things. You were told very clearly to stop this yet I see the below:

(Direct) le poopi: // exploiting the fact you have less than 10 cops on.. should not be allowed to do what you did...

(Most certainly wasn't exploiting)

(Unknown) C H A R L I T O: lol mate we dont even chat to you, kindly stop starting shit in ooc

(Excellent way to respond to someone raising an issue with you)

etc. etc. etc. Your chat logs are awful to say the least. Why have you, yet again, not done what you've been told and listened to what the staff team has told you?

Is there honestly any point in us processing this appeal if you're just going to land a month ban within a week and then get yourself permed within a few days of the expiring? 

Are you even here to roleplay or do you just want to shoot people?
I am most certainly here to roleplay. I understand I have been banned 3x before, all of which were justified, but 2 of those 3 in my view were not malicious on my part. Firstly, I was banned for providing low quality RP to someone who spawned in the same town I just killed them in, I understand its no excuse to break the rules however I hope there can be some kind of understanding there. The 3rd ban was due to some confusion on my part on the NLR.

I enjoy roleplaying more than anything else on arma which is why I try to come up with interesting situations.

Your chat logs are awful to say the least. Why have you, yet again, not done what you've been told and listened to what the staff team has told you?
At times my in game behaviour has been out of order. I've been toning that down recently since hanging out with certain group that are laid back and just trying to have fun. Im not a particularly toxic person, however at times I can be as im only human. In general I have been trying to be a more chill guy.

Is there honestly any point in us processing this appeal if you're just going to land a month ban within a week and then get yourself permed within a few days of the expiring? 
I feel there is because I put a lot of time and effort into roleplaying and generally being a community member on RPUK. Yes, I have been banned a fair few times before, however, I feel these punnishments are more down to my own stupidity rather than me maliciously going out of my way to break the rules. I am not and never have maliciously tried to ruin other peoples experience through breaching the rules.

You have been banned 9 times since 12/6-18 

And while your unban appeal is up you also received a new ban in this report 

So since the new ban system was implanted you have received 4 bans and 3 of them is for low rp so saying in your unban appeal you are here for roleplay doesn't add up consider you have 3 ban for low rp. 

That said i think you need some time off the server and you can make a new appeal in 6 month. 

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

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