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Standardise Combat Reviving Rule


Well-known member
Gruppe 6
Standardise Combat Reviving Rule

Detailed Rule Suggestion:

The rule 11.4 currently prevents NHS/Police/Poseidon from reviving whilst a shot has been fired within the last 5 minutes, whilst allowing civilians to do so.

I think the rule should be changed to include civilians. The rule was written when the civilian defibrillator had a script that took around 5 minutes to revive someone - the revived person would have a bright screen with text & music for a long time before they could move / do anything. The defibrillator has not done this for a long time, and so the rule should be changed accordingly.

Or you should make it so everyone can revive

Outline how your rule will improve the server/community:

Prevents a massive imbalance in gunfights, where civs revive each other and are able to rejoin a gunfight 5 minutes later (or claim they got shot at whilst "leaving" and rejoin the gunfight instantly)

Think about any bad points your rule suggestion might have:

I imagine civs will dislike this rule change

What punishment if any should breach of this rule have:

Whatever the current punishment is

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Mass imbalance? The only time we have had a defib strat work is when we locked ourselves in a tower and didn’t touch the roof. Poseidon/Police get unlimited defibs, wayyy more People(generally), stretchers with the Medkit. Rebels get to combat revive if they go to a hospital, and purchase the stretcher and defibs(for 20k a piece). It is fully balanced imo 

p.s - really mature for what? An SI?

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p.s - really mature for what? An SI? Grow up- just because someone else gets something doesn’t mean you need it too

Or you should make it so everyone can revive
Whatever way you take it. You want it the same for both. You can still figure out what he wants either decision you want from your post. 

you should make it so everyone can revive
??? That is literally what you said
I assumed it was obvious given that I clearly suggested a rule change and then suggested an alternative, that I would be after the primary change. 

I understand how it can be a pain for factions, but I do feel like how it currently is steers more towards balance than if rebels couldn’t combat revive. The factions get the numbers, so rebels should have a way of evening the odds more. 

It’s not really a common occurrence to see rebels get combat revived anyway, we need to go and buy defibs and then we’d also be vulnerable when actually reviving. 

If factions could combat revive like rebels then there would be a massive balance issue. Because instead of 5 rebels reviving each other to survive, you would now have 20 cops reviving each other and constantly hitting. 

I don’t think there’s enough to warrant a change of this rule right now, it gives a benefit to rebel which can be nice and helpful.

This thread right here shows whats wrong with the ethos of the server.

Whatever rebels get, cops must get. 

Why even be a rebel anymore? 

Why even go on the forums anymore if us cops can't even say hello without wanting to destroy the entire server... All he did was make a suggestion for something he felt was unfair. Clearly, you guys don't think it's unfair, then explain it in a good way to us "Hey, this isn't actually that unfair, because of this and this", instead of always assuming the worst. It's not always easy to see it from a rebel persepctive, so show us, explain, have and adult conversation instead of this complaining. This is an adult community after all.

PS. I think this applies to cops responding to rebel suggestions as well, you just so happened to have a reply where I could express this DS.

Why even go on the forums anymore if us cops can't even say hello without wanting to destroy the entire server... All he did was make a suggestion for something he felt was unfair. Clearly, you guys don't think it's unfair, then explain it in a good way to us "Hey, this isn't actually that unfair, because of this and this", instead of always assuming the worst. It's not always easy to see it from a rebel persepctive, so show us, explain, have and adult conversation instead of this complaining. This is an adult community after all.

PS. I think this applies to cops responding to rebel suggestions as well, you just so happened to have a reply where I could express this DS.
Rebels have been getting shafted for years now, if we don't show distaste, the server will become even more whitelisted faction sided. 

What do you expect to happen? Rebels to be passive on these threads? I don't see you playing rebel, I don't see you having to deal with the shit rebels do.

Why even go on the forums anymore if us cops can't even say hello without wanting to destroy the entire server... All he did was make a suggestion for something he felt was unfair. Clearly, you guys don't think it's unfair, then explain it in a good way to us "Hey, this isn't actually that unfair, because of this and this", instead of always assuming the worst. It's not always easy to see it from a rebel persepctive, so show us, explain, have and adult conversation instead of this complaining. This is an adult community after all.

PS. I think this applies to cops responding to rebel suggestions as well, you just so happened to have a reply where I could express this DS.
Your telling us to act like adults when anything a rebel says gets at least 1 face-palm from AR. 
