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Permanent Ban Appeal - YamiRs

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

Never appealed before.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned in the Morrison's blanket ban and keeping information about some members of the Morrisons gang attempting to break rules such as RDM and VDM. This all started when someone from the Morrisons gang got banned and it led to other members breaking rules. While this was going on I was informed by other gang members that they would break servers by RDM'ing and VDM'ing. I was asked by Management if I knew anything about the gang breaking the server rules to which I denied, the reason for doing this was that I didn't want to get involved in the drama and wanted to avoid 'snaking' out my gang members, which at the time I was a staff member and I realise that it was the wrong thing to do and I should have either stopped them from breaking the server rules or contacted management about the gang members planning to break the server rules. At no point did I abuse my staff powers and I left the staff team and the police due to starting a masters degree and a few days after Morrisons blanket ban and me leaving the staff team and PD I got banned by Wilco.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I've recently just finished my degree and have been working full time after finishing my final year at university and since that I had more time I was interested in playing GTA FiveM roleplaying servers which I enjoyed playing since it has similarities to Arma 3 roleplay and I missed playing / roleplaying and in between I was starting to get back into Arma 3 but was playing Exile game mode.

Why do you want to return ?

The reason why I want to return is because I enjoyed being apart of the community and interacting with friends and other members of the community which I've played on the community for multiple years. I've got over 5000 hours on this community and since I've been banned from RPUK I've played on multiple communities on different games such as FiveM and none of them have been as enjoyable like RPUK was and seeing that a lot of members from the community that I've known have come back and started playing again made me want to play Arma 3 again. There's multiple Arma 3 roleplaying servers out there but none of them have a community such as RPUK and the members make the community great.

Why should we unban you ?

I think that I should be unbanned because I've been away almost 2 years from the community and I realise what I did was wrong when I was approached by Management and I should have been clear of the situation I know what I did was childish and I could have dealt with the situation in a better manner. While being apart of the community and a staff member for multiple years I was never banned and had a clean record and I made sure that I maintained a high level of roleplay at all times and made sure that I set a good example to the members of the community and helped out as much as I can. While being apart of the community I had a lot of good memories and realising that my silly mistake could have been avoided and I could have still been apart of the community. Being away for almost 2 years made me realise of my mistakes and with that said If I do get unbanned such things will NOT happen again and I will make sure that I abide by all server rules follow any terms and conditions set by Management as they see fit.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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You didn't deserve to be part of the staff team and certainly don't deserve to be part of this community again!
This above was in your ban message on the forums, Its a true statement...I think you and your friend beginning with A was the worst two staff team members we have ever had, This community allows us to put trust in who we think would do a good job to fairly uphold the rules and you didnt give a flying fuck.

You decided rather than ban any of your friends for multiple rule breaks you just sat there while they broke the rules, planning multiple things to cause disruption while being pretty vile and racist even to other members.

Do you honestly think you should be a member of a community like this again ?

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This above was in your ban message on the forums, Its a true statement...I think you and your friend beginning with A was the worst two staff team members we have ever had, This community allows us to put trust in who we think would do a good job to fairly uphold the rules and you didnt give a flying fuck.

You decided rather than ban any of your friends for multiple rule breaks you just sat there while they broke the rules, planning multiple things to cause disruption while being pretty vile and racist even to other members.

Do you honestly think you should be a member of a community like this again ?
I understand that what I did was completely stupid and it resulted in me being a bad staff member and I am not denying that and I should have come clean and I didn't and I still regret not doing so or even doing my job as a staff member and sorting out the issue but before that I made sure that I did everything according to the server and staff rules and never abused any of my powers. I understand that after such actions that It would be hard to trust someone but I think that everyone should get a second chance and I want to be apart of the community which I invested multiple hours on.

While being banned for almost 2 years it made me realise that my actions were very stupid and immature and I would appreciate if I was to get another chance to be apart of this community.

Any terms and conditions you have I will gladly agree to them.

Its going to be a no, I have given this great thought.

You was given a position of great trust and respect by this community and you were extremely dishonest, In that position of trust and you put two fingers up at this community and all its members.

Never appealed before.
You did not bother coming back to appeal or make amends because you were too busy joining in with the trolling and childish antics after your departure.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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