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Permanent Ban Appeal - Peeta

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

At first I got banned on ts for 1.6 for ddos. Then I decided to rdm wich was a stupid idea and got reported for it twice. And then I decided to join spam the server with childisch names.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I´ve being testing other servers. But there´s like no rp on them so after a while I got tired and wanted to come back here again and have some fun. And I´ve being taking small breaks from playing arma 3.

Why do you want to return ?

Because I enjoyed my stay on this server and the people I interacted with. And I want to talk to some people I haven´t talked to for over a year and maybe play with them.

Why should we unban you ?

Because I want to play rpuk again and talk to some old friends and have some fun. I know that what I did was very imature but I hope I can get another chance and prove myself. This is my first ban but still a "big" one. I can come talk to any staff member if you would like me to. I did enjoy this server but at the time I thought I was very "cool" to do these kind of stuff but I regret it today. I´ve being waiting over 6 months before appealing this and I hope thats enough time for u to belive that I´ve changed. And if I offended anyone I can personally say sorry to the person. I´m very sorry for wasting staffs time to deal with me in the past. I know it hasn´t being 6 months since my denied appeal but I heard from a old friend of mine that you guys are mass unbanning people and I was wondering if I could get a second chance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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@Robin420 Care to give some more details about your antics

In terms of the mass unban you are on the 1.6 Remain list meaning you will be need appeal a permanent ban so moving this into under review while we await your reply.

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@Robin420 Care to give some more details about your antics

In terms of the mass unban you are on the 1.6 Remain list meaning you will be need appeal a permanent ban so moving this into under review while we await your reply.
@Wilco Okey, so it all started with me and a certain person from this community! Me and this person where having "beef" or just didn´t like eachother very much. So one day I was in a private ts with some people wich I can´t remember who was there but I´m sure they know. That day I somehow got that persons IP (the guy I "hated") So I decided to message one of my swedish steam friend the IP and told him to "ddos" it. I then sat in that private TS with all them people and I bragged when they all saw that certain person dropped connection and I said that I did it etc. At the time I thaught I was really cool and somehow got some kind of revenge or idk towards this person. Today I really regret doing this and I´m really sorry for that person that got "ddosed" x amount of times and I would never do something like this again. I´ve realized since I was banned what I did was really bad and nothing that someone should go around bragging about. It is also illegal to "ddos" people and I knew that at the time but I never thaught anyone would find out. Someone in that private TS must of recorded me bragging wich he did the right choice and I dont hate him for it because what I did was not right and I deserve to be permed. Once again I´m really sorry towards the person that got "ddosed" and I will never go back to those "tracks" again I give you my word for it! That is the reason I got 1.6d

I only got banned for 1.6 on the teamspeak at first so I thaught I was going to get banned in game aswell so I logged out. But then I logged back on the other day and found out I wasn´t banned in game and I was thinking for myself that maybe they (you) have forgotten to ban me in game. So I decided to go around and mass RDM. I managed to do it twice and didn´t get banned for it at the time. But I did get reported for it on the forums and got banned like a few days later. What I did wass stupid and I ruined other peoples roleplay/gameplay by doing this. There is nothing fun about being RDMed. It have happend to me alot of times and it isn´t funny. I cant really say anything else on this except that it was stupid and I shouldm´t of done it. I´m sorry to whoever had to take there time to report me and I´m sorry to whoevers roleplay/gameplay I ruined. This is my RDM ban that´s included in the 1.6

Now over to the last part! A few weeks after my ban I decided to log on the server with alot of immature names and one of them was really racist! I´m really sorry for doing this I cant change what of happend because it is allready done but if I could for a second change back the time I would never of done it. When this happend I was thinking for myself that I never would be unbanned and might aswell do someting for attetion. I was watching a rpuk stream and I wanted to see peoples reaction when I logged on and once again make me feel cool. I got nothing against other nationalities or race. I dont support racism and I think it´s horribly that it happens all around the world. The only reason I did use a racist and immature name when I logged on is for the attention and reactions. As everything else i´ve written I really regret doing this to and I really would like a second chance and prove you guys and this community that I can be a nice person and not become what I was. This is also included in my 1.6 ban.

I dont know if this is included in my ban or not but I got banned on Vladic Ca´s stream with the name pee_7a because I said "do a mass unbann".

Sorry if my grammer is incorrect! English is not my first language so dont blaime me! xd

We have been really fair with unbans and appeals recently but there is limits

I just cannot unban someone who got another members IP, asked someone to DDOS it, bragged about it and then because you was removed from TS you decide to go on our server and RDM our members.

Then racism... why for what gain or what reason ? To satisfy your odd personal needs.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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