Mass Unban
Yesterday we introduced our new fairer ban system and today as per the recent community vote for a mass unban which passed by 274 votes to 48 we have wiped the slate almost clean!
This really is a new era for Roleplay UK, We have always been known as that place where the rules are strict and sometimes unforgiving which in the past has been a vital piece of the puzzle in keeping the Roleplay standards high on our servers.
The community however in 2019 voted for a different approach and with that different approach came a new fairer ban system which is more forgiving to players who may accidentally break rules meaning they can come back after looking up and learning about there rule break without having to go through a sometimes very long winded appeal process.
With this slate clean mass unban and the new way we deal with bans we still feel that our standards with rules can still be kept just with this different new popular approach!
To The Returning Players
The community voted that with this new fairer ban system it would only be fair we wipe the slate clean for players meaning that some old faces will be welcomed back with your records wiped completely clean
We do not hold grudges here and to be completely honest we never have, We had a strict rule system backed up with a strict ban system which meant that's the way we processed it and that's the way we portrayed our stern personas.
If you are thinking about returning from your ban then I can assure you that you treated like a normal member and I hope you repay the favour and come back with a fresh approach, I am sure you've had good times here in the past and hopefully those are about to return!
Who has been unbanned
As per the guidelines in the community vote:
Lets look at the numbers!Who this will apply to
Anyone who is currently banned for any breaches of the rules over the past 5 and a half years.
Who this will not apply to
Anyone banned for the following
- Hacks/Cheats/Scripting
- Threats to the server, community or staff team
- Severe cases of Racism, Harassment or bullying.
- Some 1.6 Bans (Some of these players have displayed they do not want to be part of RPUK)
In total before the vote we had 30,003 bans in total and after the mass unban we are left with only 3267 permanent bans broken down as follows:
2264 - Hackers/Script Kiddies/Dupers & Global Battleye Bans
419 - Racism related bans
50 - DDOS / Infrastructure Disruption related bans
534 - 1.6 Bans. These players have displayed they do not want to remain part of this server, There was a further 418 1.6 bans but these have been unbanned after the staff team spent hours reviewing each one.
I am still banned / My Forum account is banned
If you find you are still banned then you can appeal as per normal, If you show that you have full understanding of the rules you broke and can go into a bit of detail why such a thing would not happen again we might judge that you can now return.
If you are unbanned great! If your forum account is still banned then please send me a PM directly with a link to your original account and if you haven't spammed the forums crayola style drawings of our staff team then it will be banned as soon as I can!
If you are banned on Teamspeak please head to discord there is a temporary channel called teamspeak-bans, Please send a message and await a reply!
You Voted, We Listened
Another massive change to RPUK driven by our community and again we thankyou for your votes, we look forward to you being able to welcome your friends back to the community... Hopefully on their travels there Roleplay didn't get too bad!

UPDATE- It turns out requesting this amount of unbans via API might take a while (Ciaran as worked out 8 hours) we have asked Battlemetrics support for some help in processing this quicker however there currently offline, So this might take 8 hours to be completed fully or might clear instantly as and when their support team comes online.
Please be patient... The floodgates are opening slowly
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