ReeeeAgan Unban
In-game Name
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was banned for 1.6 playing and createing a gang with banned players and saying 1.2 to an staff member
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
i have recently started work and been to a couple of festivals and started my second year at college
Why do you want to return ?
i want to return to start playing with a couple of friends who are on the server and to get back to my roots
Why should we unban you ?
firstly i will start of and say what i said to stavik that day was totaly unacceptable and can understand if this stops right here right now it was totaly out of order and i will not try and sugarcoat why i said them things as i was in control i will explain fully later in the apeal but hopeing that we can continue and i will not try and fanny about takeing you around and try and lie to you i will not over my 2 years of arma starting when i just hit 15 i applied for an gang and got in my first one and started fully roleplaying this gang was the salty ponys but before i got banned by matt and thats when i was very new i started roleplaying and fell in love with the server i enjoyed everything about it and the players i loved it i then wanted to be in the medics and i broke an rule i knew i was breaking as i was not 16 and that is not acceptable ethier after that ban i got unbanned and this is were arma dipped for me i then started hanging around with toxic indivdules witch i shouldnt have and this has led me down this path i cant remember fully all the details but somehow i got involved with people like surgay and through this they were friends with a couple of the 183 lot and this is what happened when 183 was a thing i was very chill with a lot of the people and made friends with a few not enough to be in a gang persay but equaintence after getting banned from here i then went to another community that i heard about from some of these players and i started playing there all was fine but arma didnt have the flair it once did i then meet in game the 183 lot but on this other server e.g harris and more i enjoyed playing with them for a while and leaveing cops in that server to play with them over the comeing mounths after that and just turning 16 at the time i will be honnest now i look back i was heavily infulenced and shouldnt have and feel stupid for even writing this as i shouldnt be influnced by others i wasent brought up that way and thats definitaly not the case i have grown into my own person and im not infulced by anyone else but my self now these past 2 years from the start i started playing with them and relised each day became more and more of an toxic enviorment with me being quite an open person and was hateing it there but before this i got unbanned here at rpuk my golden chance per say and i blew it i was told to make an gang and i did as i was once a sheep and started playing with this false persona of a fragger played and played and then it came to the chat with stavik i was in another teamspeak when i was dragged in the channel and they knew they told me to say something if i was to get banned and me being the little sheep i did and said something unmistakable bad to another member of the community and from the bottom of my heart i apogise for this put i do hold up my hands my attitude was allso very shocking towards stavik and would like to apogise to him aswell as he knew me for a long while and hopefully knew i was not like this. shortly after this ban the hate from these players harris a guy called paul and more and many others i chatted with a few nicer people and they said i should leave it took me a while and i did and i can say it has honnestly been the best thing i have done since leaveing i have just been chilling playing arma with more enjoyable people but its not the same as what i use to have here i realy do enjoy this server and when i had the chance to play here i encouterned some magical moments and people will tell u i was not the person i was when i started playing here we had loads of fun times doing roleplay story with the cops for example and i loved it and i want to get back to that not anything else when i left here stupidly i was an idiot and can ensure nothing like that will happen again i enjoy this server i want the chance to play again and im sorry for what i did previouse and i have grown up and i apogise for wasting the staff team and oother people time with my foolish actions and just want to apogise for all of it i have turned 17 recently and just want to show the people at rpuk how i use to play thanks i aint gonna sugar coat anything i was wrong and just wanted to say i was i have a long ban history but all i can say is that this sort of thing if i was to return this wouldnt happen again
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was banned for 1.6 playing and createing a gang with banned players and saying 1.2 to an staff member
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
i have recently started work and been to a couple of festivals and started my second year at college
Why do you want to return ?
i want to return to start playing with a couple of friends who are on the server and to get back to my roots
Why should we unban you ?
firstly i will start of and say what i said to stavik that day was totaly unacceptable and can understand if this stops right here right now it was totaly out of order and i will not try and sugarcoat why i said them things as i was in control i will explain fully later in the apeal but hopeing that we can continue and i will not try and fanny about takeing you around and try and lie to you i will not over my 2 years of arma starting when i just hit 15 i applied for an gang and got in my first one and started fully roleplaying this gang was the salty ponys but before i got banned by matt and thats when i was very new i started roleplaying and fell in love with the server i enjoyed everything about it and the players i loved it i then wanted to be in the medics and i broke an rule i knew i was breaking as i was not 16 and that is not acceptable ethier after that ban i got unbanned and this is were arma dipped for me i then started hanging around with toxic indivdules witch i shouldnt have and this has led me down this path i cant remember fully all the details but somehow i got involved with people like surgay and through this they were friends with a couple of the 183 lot and this is what happened when 183 was a thing i was very chill with a lot of the people and made friends with a few not enough to be in a gang persay but equaintence after getting banned from here i then went to another community that i heard about from some of these players and i started playing there all was fine but arma didnt have the flair it once did i then meet in game the 183 lot but on this other server e.g harris and more i enjoyed playing with them for a while and leaveing cops in that server to play with them over the comeing mounths after that and just turning 16 at the time i will be honnest now i look back i was heavily infulenced and shouldnt have and feel stupid for even writing this as i shouldnt be influnced by others i wasent brought up that way and thats definitaly not the case i have grown into my own person and im not infulced by anyone else but my self now these past 2 years from the start i started playing with them and relised each day became more and more of an toxic enviorment with me being quite an open person and was hateing it there but before this i got unbanned here at rpuk my golden chance per say and i blew it i was told to make an gang and i did as i was once a sheep and started playing with this false persona of a fragger played and played and then it came to the chat with stavik i was in another teamspeak when i was dragged in the channel and they knew they told me to say something if i was to get banned and me being the little sheep i did and said something unmistakable bad to another member of the community and from the bottom of my heart i apogise for this put i do hold up my hands my attitude was allso very shocking towards stavik and would like to apogise to him aswell as he knew me for a long while and hopefully knew i was not like this. shortly after this ban the hate from these players harris a guy called paul and more and many others i chatted with a few nicer people and they said i should leave it took me a while and i did and i can say it has honnestly been the best thing i have done since leaveing i have just been chilling playing arma with more enjoyable people but its not the same as what i use to have here i realy do enjoy this server and when i had the chance to play here i encouterned some magical moments and people will tell u i was not the person i was when i started playing here we had loads of fun times doing roleplay story with the cops for example and i loved it and i want to get back to that not anything else when i left here stupidly i was an idiot and can ensure nothing like that will happen again i enjoy this server i want the chance to play again and im sorry for what i did previouse and i have grown up and i apogise for wasting the staff team and oother people time with my foolish actions and just want to apogise for all of it i have turned 17 recently and just want to show the people at rpuk how i use to play thanks i aint gonna sugar coat anything i was wrong and just wanted to say i was i have a long ban history but all i can say is that this sort of thing if i was to return this wouldnt happen again
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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