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Permanent Ban Appeal - Kennyunban

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Im banned because i threatend a community member with doss, and i called a member a snake.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I finished school and i started my own car rental company so im working hard right now. in my free time i go to the fitness with kennedy, i bought a car for my self, Mercedes c63. what else, nothing special anymore.

Why do you want to return ?

I wanna return because i really missed the roleplay that i had in the server, the lovely nice people that was around and they are still around. I have everyday some hours free so i wanna play on the server. get back to that level where i roleplay really good. I see the server is not full as it was back in the days, i really wanna join and have fun again with everyone. I didnt really play arma after i got banned. so i took a long break, but now i hope i can come back and play.

Why should we unban you ?

I got banned 9 months ago almost 10, i have been growen up now. I have changed alot, Im not toxic anymore, i want to roleplay again because i really like to roleplay. I have been almost member for 4 years. I wanna be part of the communtiy again. I made big mistakes which i have regret now. I should act normal in that situation when i called a member snake and when i threatend him. It was just so stupid what i did. But as i said im not like that anymore. I made many mistakes in my life but i have learned from them all. I want to spend my free time on rpuk the great roleplayers, much fun, i had always fun when i played rpuk. I hope you guys can give me a chance so i can prove my self to you guys. I really wanna come back and play again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Didn't either you or your brother call Nalurah a N***** in teamspeak and then spend time trolling vladic ka's stream ?

Do not get me wrong were having a mass unban but we wont allow disgusting individuals like that to return @Kennyunban

Didn't either you or your brother call Nalurah a N***** in teamspeak
Well.. It was Kennedy saying the word N*****, I know what you gonna say and think now whoever says that here is not tolerated in this community we understand that. But he didnt like say it at her at all. Let me tell you the story before you get me wrong, I had a blackfriend (dont get me wrong lol) on this community he had a soundboard of Nalurah saying ''Hello Gentlemen'' and everytime he joined our room he played that soundboard so you know me and Kennedy were just chilling in our private room just playing some games then we heard somebody join, but obviously we didnt know it was Nalurah joining, because we are ingame so we heard ''Hello Gentlemen'' so Kennedy thought it was my friend the voice everything was the same LOL. So, he thought it was my friend so he said hello N***** and then we heard ''Excuse Me?'' tbh that was the moment we thought wtf? So I tabbed out and saw it was Nalurah and thats the moment you know Kennedy you fucked up. Then we spoke with eachother that it was a mistake he didnt mean to call her n***** etc and we got over it. Obviously he is not that dumb to say it on purpose or whatever, Didnt wanted to get banned so he is not gonna say it on purpose to a community manager. That was over a year ago and he was really lucky Nalurah didnt perm him at the moment imidiatelly, Thats why he wont do some stupid mistake like that anymore in the future, because he has learned from it

then spend time trolling vladic ka's stream ?
I never trolled on vladic ka's stream, i wouldnt do that either, I always enjoy vladics stream, i have nothing against vladic, he is a good funny lad, he is doing his thing which i respect but i never trolled with him. vladic knows whenever he is streaming, most of the time i join and say hi and stay a bit. I do understand why you would think i was also trolling, it was because some people which i played with were trolling, Me and kennedy have a  good relationship with vladic, everytime we make him laugh he makes us laugh, He even made a special unique intro song for us , everytime we joined and said Hi our introsong about kebab would play.

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Interesting story... Lets have a VAR style decision and lets listen to the clip @Nalurah do you still have this clip please ?

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Due to commenting on other appeals, I understand your forum account is currently under a 7 day posting restriction.

Your ban is on the 1.6 Remain list while your brother has been unbanned.

Reason: Threats to DDOS members because they are "snakes" & posting a beheading video to youtube

Care to explain your twisted mind - Link to image

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That was a really stupid move from me, at the time i was mad because i got banned for being stupid. Only because i threatend a member and called him a snake, I will never do something like this again because i have changed as a person. I had to express my anger by doing something but what i did made it only worse for my self. Im not like that anymore, i got full controll of my self now. For that picture i do apoligze to you because that picture is not normal. 

@Kennyunban Hard to understand... the way i processed it is that you took the roleplay maybe too far and thought you was actually in some sort of real gang ? 

Calling other members "snakes" is completely unacceptable, We do not want that rubbish here, its a hostile environment when its like that.

The picture is vile... to actually use an actual real ISIS beheading video/picture and then... and this is the worse bit! share it to people... some in school, some young adults.... you might have crossed the line of no return there Kenny

What about the threats to ddos people ?... The person you threatened had genuine concerns as you are known to do this before ?

@Kennyunban Hard to understand... the way i processed it is that you took the roleplay maybe too far and thought you was actually in some sort of real gang ? 

Calling other members "snakes" is completely unacceptable, We do not want that rubbish here, its a hostile environment when its like that.

The picture is vile... to actually use an actual real ISIS beheading video/picture and then... and this is the worse bit! share it to people... some in school, some young adults.... you might have crossed the line of no return there Kenny

What about the threats to ddos people ?... The person you threatened had genuine concerns as you are known to do this before ?
To be honest i did doss people back in the days but not people from rpuk, wouldnt do that. also i didnt do it like everyday it was just a moment where i was doing it. I stopped with that when i got the ban, i realised what i did after i got banned, all what i did was all unacceptable. About andy i was kinda friends with him, but he came at a point where he was annyoing so i threatend him with the doss. Iknow its really childish but yea it all happend, but as i said before i changed a person im not like that anymore. I hope you guys can give me a chance to prove myself to you guys. And if i dont get the chance i do fully understand. I shouldnt share the video but i didnt realize at that moment about the young adults and the people in school. Im sorry for what i did then.

Your behaviour get more toxic by the day leading up to your ban. Your behaviour was disgusting, disrespectful and you were acting like you owned the place. You were constantly causing issues in-game and then abusing people on teamspeak when they inevitably complained and came to speak to you. Laughing and giggling to your mate and finding your behaviour to be utterly hilarious. 

 Your DDOS antics and previous behaviour make trusting you all but impossible in my eye, why is this time round any different and why do you really want to return? To get on the frag wagon with the boys again I assume?

Your behaviour get more toxic by the day leading up to your ban. Your behaviour was disgusting, disrespectful and you were acting like you owned the place. You were constantly causing issues in-game and then abusing people on teamspeak when they inevitably complained and came to speak to you. Laughing and giggling to your mate and finding your behaviour to be utterly hilarious. 

 Your DDOS antics and previous behaviour make trusting you all but impossible in my eye, why is this time round any different and why do you really want to return? To get on the frag wagon with the boys again I assume?
I left all that stupid stuff behind looked forward to the things i could change by myself to be my better me and 1 of those things was to stop talking to those toxic people and thats what i did. After that i noticed that i became way less toxic andd not that stupid anymore ( like doing stuff without thinking about the consenquences)  the time with toxicity is over, ofcourse it was fun and all that time because i didnt realize what i was doing wrong. as i said after i got banned i looked back at the time when i got banned, i was acting stupid, really toxic etc. But now i see it was just childish and im not that anymore. I run my own company, i take things really seriously now. I wanna return to enjoy the great roleplay experience that i had back then. I just miss the community, i want to be part of this community again, i was everyday active on the communtiy and now not anymore and i want to come back because i want to roleplay again.

@Kennyunban Who are you referring to.... 
I dont really remember all the people anymore but i do remember this guy called andy cuz he was the most toxic person in the group. Since my ban i havent spoken neither even tried to talk to him just deleted him off everything and moved on with my life to change myself to a better person. didnt play arma anymore aswell, played some other games with my brother so we helped eachother to change as a person and not stay as we were back then.

@Kennyunban Oh i am sure you can do better than that....

What are you scared of... being called a "snake" by someone, remember we do not do that shit here

People already know now that im a ''snake'' because i just snitched. so if i snitch i can better do it right then do it like shit right? yes you are  right, but i honestly dont remember the other people to tell them to you. Its up to you to believe me or not but i honestly dont know anymore or else i would say it cuz i already snitched it doesnt change the fact i snitched 1 person or 5 people a snitch is a snitch so.... 

Its the wrong mentality to have in this community, Do not understand why you cannot see that ?

As for "Andy" I seen your steam conversations, You think your some sort of mob boss or some bollocks.

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I know and fully understand thats the wrong mentality to have here as i see it for myself because after all the shit i have done here  i am back apoligizing and asking for a second chance. and that steam conversations were back then when i was with them ''toxic'' people its over, all that childish stuff is over. Im changed.

I know and fully understand thats the wrong mentality to have here as i see it for myself because after all the shit i have done here  i am back apoligizing and asking for a second chance. and that steam conversations were back then when i was with them ''toxic'' people its over, all that childish stuff is over. Im changed.
When I read this sort of rubbish in appeals I normally at least believe some of it but I've got to be very honest I don't believe a word of it. 

People already know now that im a ''snake'' because i just snitched. so if i snitch i can better do it right then do it like shit right? yes you are  right, but i honestly dont remember the other people to tell them to you. Its up to you to believe me or not but i honestly dont know anymore or else i would say it cuz i already snitched it doesnt change the fact i snitched 1 person or 5 people a snitch is a snitch so.... 
and I don't believe for a second that you've forgotten the name of all the people who were being so toxic that 'made' you follow the same path, after all you made a video involving isis beheading wilco and put all of their names in the video! You just don't want to be the one thing you abused Andy for for such a long time. You know A LOT more than your willing to admit and it just proves that you are not to be trusted. We've unbanned over 20,000 people but you will not be one of them and without your toxic inputs to the community I can only imagine the place will be better off without you. 


Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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