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Report a Player - Shampoo - Other

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Will Grigg

Well-known member
Your In-game name

Will Grigg

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and my friend Jason Wild were doing a nice Diamond run, when mister Shampoo and his friends roll up. We got robbed by him and his friends which is fine. After a little time the water people turn up, i was really happy about that for a change. They saved us from the guys committing the robbery, they killed him, at the moment the Poseidon member wanted to execute the guy he decided to disconnect. Which he does admit. In our opinion he broke rule: ''(2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a ban.'' (If any more evidence is needed, i have a recording of our liaison.)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)




This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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/Will Grigg

After the conversation with yourself and the admin in teamspeak. It has come clear to me that what i done is seen as combat logging. Whilst on the ground about to receive my fate, i thought to myself, i couldn't be bothered and i didn't have the option to hold "F" that being said, i took an alternative option to holding "F" and instead disconnected. Before doing this, i made sure that i was definitely going to get executed as i didn't want to avoid any type of verbal role play at all and when he gave me the "any last words" i decided to disconnect. 

At the time, this seemed perfectly fine to me because in my mind whether i disconnected or not, it would give me the same outcome which was "fresh spawn". I was informed by yourself and the admin that in a rare case, one could log back in with their gear after disconnecting whilst dead. This is something i was not aware of probably because i have never come across it myself or known anyone to experience this. Though in the event of this happening to me in this or any situation, i would've definitely gone back and replayed the scenario. These weren't my intentions at all.

I can understand your frustration, as you didn't get to see me die in game and i do apologise for that. I made it clear in teamspeak that i was in the wrong after i was told by the admin it wasn't allowed. I also admitted my mistake and agreed with the admin in the end. No argumentation or arrogance provided on my side. So your intentions behind this report are still unclear to me. I have 1. Admitted my wrong doing 2. Not tried to argue an invalid case. and 3. Not given you any toxicity at all. 

When writing a report, it asks you "You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting"

You did this and i assume you got the outcome you wanted considering the three things i highlighted above yet you still went for a report. 


Dear mister Shampoo,

Thank you for taking your time to respond to my report against yourself , I am going to be responding to your last sent message. Yes we did have a liaison and we had a decent chat but from the chat I did not get the feeling that you will be sticking to the rules that have been made for this server. Because of that I felt that I needed to put up this report. I hope you understand.

i couldn't be bothered and i didn't have the option to hold "F" that being said, i took an alternative option to holding "F" and instead disconnected
This is not what you stated to me and my friend in the liaison room, you stated that you had a bad experience in the past with the man that was about execute you and that is when you thought I cant be bothered ill just disconnect. That was a first for me, I do not think that actions like that belong on the server with us. Thanks for taking your time to read this. I will leave it to staff now.


Will Grigg

Yes we did have a liaison and we had a decent chat but from the chat I did not get the feeling that you will be sticking to the rules that have been made for this server
So you've stated we had a decent chat but you went for the report anyway. This does look to me like a personal problem which led to you doing the report, not that "from the chat I did not get the feeling that you will be sticking to the rules". Nevertheless that's perfectly fine and i understand. You called me in for a chat in teamspeak to talk to me and make me aware of the rule break, called it a decent chat but still went for the report. I have had to call many people into the teamspeak and tried to find common ground, i have ran into many arrogant people who don't want to accept their wrong in any situation, not even when an admin tells them they're wrong. These are the types of people i see have no value to the server which leads me to report them. In our liason, i treated the "accusers" with the outright most respect as i was open to learning and finding out what i had done wrong. Upon finding out what i done wrong, i provided the following...:

1. Admitted my wrong doing 2. Not tried to argue an invalid case. and 3. Not given you any toxicity at all. 
To me, this report doesn't look like its one to help to the community but more so out of anger and frustration.  To that which i say, once again i am sorry that you didn't get to see me executed. On my behalf this was simply a rule break that i thought after could've been debatable due to the situation (my thought process prior to the incident). 

This is not what you stated to me and my friend in the liaison room, you stated that you had a bad experience in the past with the man that was about execute you and that is when you thought I cant be bothered ill just disconnect.
Yes, i agree with this statement, however i'll say again, my thought process behind disconnecting was to get it over a done with but making sure there was no roleplay left to be done. 

I have not much else to say on this report but i do ask, to the admin dealing with this, understand my sincerity, because i truly didn't want to avoid roleplay at all hence why i waited to the last second before my death. 


Dear mister Shampoo, 

I stated last time that I would leave this report over to staff, but after reading what you responded I do feel that I need to defend myself. 

To me, this report doesn't look like its one to help to the community but more so out of anger and frustration.  To that which i say, once again i am sorry that you didn't get to see me executed.
This report has not been made out of anger and frustration, I have never done and will never do that, if you look back at the reports I put up in the past (Almost 2 years) it is only a few and only people who blatantly RDM'd me. I did feel the need to put this report up as you actions surrounding the situation do worry me. Multiple things you did make me think that you do know the rules at all. I think you are walking on the edge with multiple rules. This is the only rule I caught you breaking fully. I really like this community and i spend quite a lot of time here. I want to keep it clean. I feel like you broke a rule today to avoid RP and to attempt to keep your gear. That is the reason for the report. Please do not accuse me of doing such a stupid thing. Now I will let this rest for the professionals to judge, have a good day and thank you for reading.


Will Grigg

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


make me think that you do know the rules at all.
I know the rules, ive been here long enough. 

I really like this community and i spend quite a lot of time here.
as do i. I am currently educating a few new people to the island on rules and how they should play as a rebel. I have recently joined NHS and have ambitions to join the police soon. I have no intentions to ruin anyone's roleplay experience. You don't know me well at all but if you did, you would certainly understand this to be a fact. Everyone in my gang and people i know learn from me. You have taken the completely wrong idea of what type of player i am on this server due to one mistake that i never considered thoroughly. 

I feel like you broke a rule today to avoid RP
This is clearly incorrect as i waited until i was about to get a bullet in my head to disconnect. So i again, i do question what made you state "I feel like you broke a rule today to avoid RP" this. 

attempt to keep your gear.
This is quite confusing to me. I had no knowledge of this as a possibility. As the admin said i quote "Its VERY rare for it to happen". I see there to be no reason to take the chance and hope to get my gear back by disconnecting because i know it wouldn't be allowed and i will be punished for it. 


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@Reggie S  and @Will Grigg,

after reviewing the provided evidence and of course the liaison you guys asked me to assist with I have come to the next conclusion.

@Reggie S 

Due to your massive background with warnings and bans, you will be receiving a ban under section 2.5 of our server rules as this rule states the next:

(2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a ban.

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