Well-known member
Pre warning My Grammer SUCKS!
Well This is difficult, Due to issues with the server and my rig i'm Taking a Temporary Leave of absence, getting Constantly kicked as soon as my character moves, extreme lag spikes that always happen at the wrong moments messes up my rp (and makes me look like a new player!!) to the point where i cannot Drive or do robbery's is frustrating (doesnt help housemate is always on bloody fortnight) no other server is affected by this so i'm honestly confused to why its happening as i've never had any issues in the nearly 2 / 3 years i've been here so i'm taking this leave of absences until my issues are resolved and so my issues dont ruin other peoples RP.
Right so to the next part, this is the hardest part to write as this server means so much to me. I suffer From anxiety, Depression, and Asperger's when i joined the server a few years ago i was in a bad way i wont go into detail but it sucked. but then i got invited to a gang The Psychos And while i was having my up and down days Those guys helped me massively this server all-together has helped me recover/cope (trust me you guys have no idea but the server saved me and for that i will forever thank you).
now i could go on for hours all the fun times i have had here but you guys dont want to read a novel so ill try to keep it short
RIght tagging Time...
@Smurfy_E3 the man the myth the legend and my little Cyanide Clone, i love you dude always had fun always shit scared getting into a heli with you but end of the day to qoute spock, You shall and will always be my friend..
@George-Harris: I remember when it all began, 2 hours sat at Kalevala pd with you being the voice over for the main door and now your high up in the police! well done always had a laugh with ya
@Santo Stay Salty
@Sam Hastty KEep Vaping and being a prick
never change dude give them Blueberry's a good run for there Promotion
@Ross (Smurfy Tag ross for me!!!) Right ROss besides making a name for yourself SOme of the Best RP came from you Keeping it up and for gods sake install war thunder!!!
@Carter (Smurfy another Tag Please) Now Gilbert Pennyworth my man One of THE best Cops on the Server And a fantastic Guitar player if you see him ask for a song you will love it
@Admins (wow the suggestions for this tag are well wow) i've not Encountered many admins on the server ( i like to keep my nose clean) but the ones i have met i will tag
@Alfred look at you mr Admin So proud on how far you come still always be little Alf to me haha keep it real man
@Stoneman Met you once and you were sound didn't even realize you were an admin at first (cut a long story short i kept dyeing by stupid glitches and my flying he popped up to make sure i wasnt doing anything on purpose)
@Drew Man the one and only time i met you was the Rap battle of Awesome!!! (still never got paid by that dude but thanks for the cash) that was just incredible man
@Narula (cant spell tag here please!) Met you a few times The RP was TOP Notch even when we tried the whole Bonnie and Clyde situation keep up the hard work Girl Power!
Right a little Emotional now so i'm going to leave it here feels like im gunna be away for a while but ill always be on the forums Any one i haven't Tagged i Apologies but trying to remember peoples tags on here is difficult but you know i love ya
Right PEACE OUT see you sometime!
Well This is difficult, Due to issues with the server and my rig i'm Taking a Temporary Leave of absence, getting Constantly kicked as soon as my character moves, extreme lag spikes that always happen at the wrong moments messes up my rp (and makes me look like a new player!!) to the point where i cannot Drive or do robbery's is frustrating (doesnt help housemate is always on bloody fortnight) no other server is affected by this so i'm honestly confused to why its happening as i've never had any issues in the nearly 2 / 3 years i've been here so i'm taking this leave of absences until my issues are resolved and so my issues dont ruin other peoples RP.
Right so to the next part, this is the hardest part to write as this server means so much to me. I suffer From anxiety, Depression, and Asperger's when i joined the server a few years ago i was in a bad way i wont go into detail but it sucked. but then i got invited to a gang The Psychos And while i was having my up and down days Those guys helped me massively this server all-together has helped me recover/cope (trust me you guys have no idea but the server saved me and for that i will forever thank you).
now i could go on for hours all the fun times i have had here but you guys dont want to read a novel so ill try to keep it short
RIght tagging Time...
@Smurfy_E3 the man the myth the legend and my little Cyanide Clone, i love you dude always had fun always shit scared getting into a heli with you but end of the day to qoute spock, You shall and will always be my friend..
@George-Harris: I remember when it all began, 2 hours sat at Kalevala pd with you being the voice over for the main door and now your high up in the police! well done always had a laugh with ya
@Santo Stay Salty

@Sam Hastty KEep Vaping and being a prick

@Ross (Smurfy Tag ross for me!!!) Right ROss besides making a name for yourself SOme of the Best RP came from you Keeping it up and for gods sake install war thunder!!!
@Carter (Smurfy another Tag Please) Now Gilbert Pennyworth my man One of THE best Cops on the Server And a fantastic Guitar player if you see him ask for a song you will love it
@Admins (wow the suggestions for this tag are well wow) i've not Encountered many admins on the server ( i like to keep my nose clean) but the ones i have met i will tag
@Alfred look at you mr Admin So proud on how far you come still always be little Alf to me haha keep it real man
@Stoneman Met you once and you were sound didn't even realize you were an admin at first (cut a long story short i kept dyeing by stupid glitches and my flying he popped up to make sure i wasnt doing anything on purpose)
@Drew Man the one and only time i met you was the Rap battle of Awesome!!! (still never got paid by that dude but thanks for the cash) that was just incredible man
@Narula (cant spell tag here please!) Met you a few times The RP was TOP Notch even when we tried the whole Bonnie and Clyde situation keep up the hard work Girl Power!
Right a little Emotional now so i'm going to leave it here feels like im gunna be away for a while but ill always be on the forums Any one i haven't Tagged i Apologies but trying to remember peoples tags on here is difficult but you know i love ya
Right PEACE OUT see you sometime!