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Eldarkmagic - leaving

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Well-known member
My home
Well it’s been fun just under 2 years but I have been gone a short while being busy going to the gym exams and socialising and guess I should say bye have some good memory’s and some bad ones but met some really good people and is why I stuck around for so long 

Joining police 2 times first time I can’t remember much but the second I do cheers to academy for making me stay in police for so long had the best command with @Fluqi @jmx and @cozzer and the rest of the academy lot @daniel snow @Yak @dragon @fallen @Masis and some other people I met @SI Wolfy @DCC Ponty@Fergus the Hostage @AdamBZ @Fierce @CI Stephen Allen the angry Scottish man with @liam and @Hadi Doogle and a very old video only a few will remember

Then UNMC probably some of the best time I spent on the server meeting great people and well some others thanks to the 5 generals I had @blaze1981 @Kech @Mortan @Reece Smurf @Scottish

The rangers lot @FordiezZ @LittleJack @Upsy daisy @kaymonox @Soap @jord @TempR@Swaghetto @Delta @Raptor And a few others 

and the rest of the unmc @Valen Bell having some fun with @Kieron big man @Wazowski @Lacey @tyson smurf @Cozza @jegarn u dirty thing @K H A L I F A @K E V I N @magic @Shepherd @Koala Bear addicted to love island despite being in the middle of a gun fight @Danish @Jefke V @CatMan @DjHolyChirst @Tommy Shelby @jumper finally @Chris vs @Jayray Holder that arguement was brilliant along with @ponty joking in half way through and a load others @Simen

play time squad was the first people I played with @vik Rambo @Yak you was the first people I played arma with never mind the server cheers

The first proper gang I joined was NV a meme a fucking laugh and a half @Saul Goodman @jocam @rich and some others 

I was in Vendetta for a short amount of time but I met a few people I talk to from time to time today @DairyleaPP @outlaw @Natan and some more

Then came battledroids the off duty unmc gang basically rangers it was funny while it lasted and if you was init you knew how funny yet stressful half the stuff we got into 

See ya

sorry for spelling did it on my phone when my pc is fixed I’ll find some old photos

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Cya later and good luck with your future man, the old times were good and bad but it does require both to truly make a rememberable and very much a unique experience.

Cya dude had some good times with you while in the UNMC, those channels were a place where you could just have a right laugh.

Aww, you'll be missed :( I definitely have to thank you for the great introduction to the server. Hope to see you back!

See you later mate, met you when you was first in the police, I believe you was a PC for like a month and half or something. Look after yourself! 

I will miss you, Eldark.

You leave without mentioning me? I was the most (in)active ass in the unmc
Adios Eldy

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Eldark you will be missed! Hopefully see you around still, GL in the future :)

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Bye baby @Eldarkmagic never forget our actions at weed pro ;) you kill stealing bastard.  Maybe one day we can be active at the same time again when we both have time.

Cya dude had some good times with you while in the UNMC, those channels were a place where you could just have a right laugh.
Cheers for giving unmc so much and keep giving stuff to unmc

Aww, you'll be missed :( I definitely have to thank you for the great introduction to the server. Hope to see you back!
See cya glad it was a good introduction to the server 

Sad to see :( But you must be the worst guy to get the tags working :p
Hope one day you get happy knifes underwear u creep

Is VerE sad for no tag but it's sad to see you go man. Keep in touch with everyone man! :D
Haha of course I remember u but couldn’t find ur tag with the 50 others

Good times having you around! Good luck in your future!
Cheers for giving me Skyrim heard some funny reactions when people say can you drive no an in the middle of Skyrim while at unmc Checkpoint 

Have fun Eldonk and good luck with your exams! 
Bye bye database man 

All the best old friend <3
Always remember that strange nights @cieran @CC Aiden @Swaghetto @LittleJack @Upsy daisy

join the discord whenever <3
Will do

Eldark you will be missed! Hopefully see you around still, GL in the future :)
See you around hopefully waving my hand won’t get me done for baiting 

Bye baby @Eldarkmagic never forget our actions at weed pro ;) you kill stealing bastard.  Maybe one day we can be active at the same time again when we both have time.
Hopefully one day good look with your band stuff as well 

I will miss you, Eldark.
Cya danish mr “is it henti if I wank off to Pokemon” 

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Thought I didn't get a tag for a second there! 

Take care Eldark! 

We all remember you as a DSGT in NCA :^ )

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