November 2017 Newsletter
Another month closer to Xmas! Can you believe that in only a months time we will be putting our Xmas tree up and changing the logo to our Xmas themed one and greeting our Xmas events! It only seemed like 12 months ago!
Staff Team Applications
We have been overwhelmed by applications so far! Its a warm feeling to know that so many people want to give up there free time to keep the server a fun and friendly place.
Our staff leads will be will be reviewing the applications in the coming week and contacting members for an interview, Please note the application process is now always open so you can apply at any point here
I wish you all good luck!
Staff Team Depatures
Its a voluntary position that you can only do for so long until life bites you in the ass or you just move on to pastures new, However whatever the reason its important we pay tribute to the hard work and dedication members have put in to the community during there time.
We would like to thank the following members and wish them good luck in the future.
@DCC Tampax
Lest We Forget
Its extremely important that we remember the people that have given or put their life's on the line for our countries, We mark the 11th of November and days leading up-to it with our poppy logo every year and also hold a minutes silence at 11am on Saturday 11th of November & Sunday 12th of November
I will not be around this Saturday for this on the server but someone from the staff team will lead this, During the latter part of this week I will set up a remembrance area in Kavala square.
I am sure a lot of you have family members that were lost during WW1 & WW2 or have family members/know someone who fought in other wars since, I know we have a number of active serving members, If you are unable to get out to a remembrance event with others this is a good alternative.
Many people usually attend the remembrance, and usually have a discussion good afterwards If you feel its not something for you we kindly ask you stay away from the area during this time.
@DjHolyChirst has been hard at work again this month fixing various issues with our current mission file, It is getting to the stage now where we are in a good place and he will start to be working on and releasing fun and exciting new features just in time for Xmas!
@Ciaran has been busy exploring other platforms we can Roleplay on and will continue to do so over the next month
@Wilco What a lazy git! Hes been busy with IRL stuff so haven't done much map related stuff however as the todo list is growing will get to work on the weekend.
Community Funding
We are now on the more sustainable setup of only £300 a month, Thank-you for your patience during some brief downtime on teamspeak and S2 at the start of the month, The goal is hopefully now more easier to achieve month by month.
There is a noticed concern in terms of the actual month by month donator's, This year we have only met our goal due to people investing or lifetime donating, If you are able to give £10 a month or any amount less it will really be appreciated, The issue here is if no one invests or lifetime donates the monthly goal wont be met.
We are only £159 (at the time of this newsletter) away from the monthly goal this month! Soon as it as met the monthly 50% sale for all players will be triggered until the end of November.
Going forward we will seek approval from BIS for donator only textures and billboards to give something back however this will require approval and then some extra coding our end including making textures that people are actually going to enjoy! So please bare with us on that.
Thank-you for everyone who supported us last month and those who continue to do so, It really means a lot to run a community this size with one less stress and you certainly do take that burden away from us.
Links on Teamspeak & Trading
Link: We have been getting an increasing amount of idiots joining teamspeak and sending people links usually with IP loggers or childish ear deafening sounds, We do not want to remove teamspeak text chat or private messages therefore we advise everyone to not click links or if you feel the need to please be advised this is completely at your own risk.
Trading: Not for the first time have we had a scam artist in the community getting to know people and then asking to do them a favor, More recently it was SlimShady - Steam ID: 76561198142591143 (Yes i will name and shame you for such skullduggery!)
Message for all members! Do not trade within our community! (Unless its in-game items for in-game money then that's fine)
Whitelisted Factions - Age Limit 16+
As you know this was a decision we did not take lightly but one after a lot of discussion and thought we had to make, However we are still getting members starting a topic who are under the age limit each week about what age it should be lowered to (usually their current age)
Right now at this point of time and for the foreseeable future we will not be lowering this limit as we have replied to in many threads.
On a positive note since the age limit increase we have not had any incidents small or serious that we have had to investigate and deal with.
Roleplay UK Apparel
Various people have asked for it during the year but its something we only do once in a bluemoon! You could say its limited edition!
The last time we ran a Teespring campaign was last Christmas and loads of you still enjoy your hoodie or T-Shirt, Again this year we are already looking into various printers online, The goal is to run a campaign that generates no money for us meaning we can all enjoy a T-shirt and Hoodie at the lowest possible cost at the highest possible quality.
Xmas Events
So far only the Annual Marathon and the new renamed RPUK Factor (singing contest) are already in planning for December.
I am sure the events team will come up with some smaller scale events in the coming weeks and during next month, but if you have a more larger scale event idea for the community please suggest it in the suggestions form but mark the title with (EVENT IDEA)

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