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Scrapped Helicopter


Limnos Greece
Hello, today someone stole my helicopter I immediately inform the police via a  message so they do not try to scrap it if he tries anything illegal but a few minutes after that I saw the message that police scrap it. Speaking with an officer he told me to go to the help section and ask for instructions. So what should i do now?

Hello, today someone stole my helicopter I immediately inform the police via a  message so they do not try to scrap it if he tries anything illegal but a few minutes after that I saw the message that police scrap it. Speaking with an officer he told me to go to the help section and ask for instructions. So what should i do now?
Honestly there isnt alot you can do,the issue with messaging officers for shit like that it is the low chance they read it,Between Emergency calls and all the other shit that pings on their side messages go by fast,imo Officers should attempt to notify the guy on the keychain first slot when that happens,I mean if they didnt find you with the heli when they stopped the guy,Theres enough suspicion to at least make a phone call before scrapping someones expensive heli.What heli was it?

Also theres nothing to be done,No Rules were broken so your not entitled to a comp.Officer should really make a attempt to ensure they arnt scrapping stolen shit,takes a few seconds to make a phone call and ensure it's being rightfully scrapped.

Also theres nothing to be done,No Rules were broken so your not entitled to a comp.Officer should really make a attempt to ensure they arnt scrapping stolen shit,takes a few seconds to make a phone call and ensure it's being rightfully scrapped.
"Hello sir, I'm just calling to ask whether your helicopter has been stolen?"

"No officer, it's definitely not stolen, please scrap my helicopter immediately!"

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Honestly there isnt alot you can do,the issue with messaging officers for shit like that it is the low chance they read it
@CerberusTo be fair in my experience in the cops I was told that even if you think it's fine to scrap, you check messages for stolen. Sometimes people get gang mates to come up with elaborate stories and that should be possible but sometimes it stops situations like this. If you know the officers name then you should speak with them as all of them use teamspeak. If they aren't willing to supply compensation I would suggest talking to someone in their constabulary command and get their opinion. Technically speaking, although I don't think there was a rule broken as such, unless it's an illegal Taru / Iffri etc. they should make reasonable attempt to find a real owner before scrapping. I spent a few months in NIU/NCA (the drug specialists in the police) and have always taken the time to prove within RP that they were the owner before scrapping.

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Well Unfortunately I do not rememebr

If you know the officers name then you should speak with them a all of them use teamspeak
Well unfortunately I do not remember his name but ok I think the case it's over. It was just a helicopter after all. Thanks everyone for the replies.

"Hello sir, I'm just calling to ask whether your helicopter has been stolen?"

"No officer, it's definitely not stolen, please scrap my helicopter immediately!"
In the situation where they original owner was nowhere near the scene,It isn't a huge leap to assume it may have been stolen,especialy considering the guy was most likely wanted for Attempted Vehicular Theft or Vehicular Theft,When 2 & 2 are put together they make reasonable doubt & it isn't a big hassle to at least phone the guy abd see if the officer believes the story,instead of just immedeitly Scrapping it barely minutes after he reported it stolen.

"I see this guy isn't the Owner & is wanted for stealing vehicles,Hmm Since i don't see the owner anywhere near the scene,perhaps i can take 5 seconds to ensure i'm not scrapping a innocent mans vehicle" 

"Sorry sir,I know we were unable to assist you when you where the victim of Auto Theft,But I'm going to destroy your hard earned property because i cant be bothered to spare 5 seconds to investigate this" 

I'm not knocking the Officers,Only saying that they could have just as easily took a few minutes and investigated it,You know like real cops do when they catch someone commiting illegal acts in a vehicle not registered to them, wouldnt it be better to let one suspected Drug dealer get away then to punish a victim of a crime?

@CerberusTo be fair in my experience in the cops I was told that even if you think it's fine to scrap, you check messages for stolen. Sometimes people get gang mates to come up with elaborate stories and that should be possible but sometimes it stops situations like this. If you know the officers name then you should speak with them as all of them use teamspeak. If they aren't willing to supply compensation I would suggest talking to someone in their constabulary command and get their opinion. Technically speaking, although I don't think there was a rule broken as such, unless it's an illegal Taru / Iffri etc. they should make reasonable attempt to find a real owner before scrapping. I spent a few months in NIU/NCA (the drug specialists in the police) and have always taken the time to prove within RP that they were the owner before scrapping.
See Tom understands.

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In the situation where they original owner was nowhere near the scene,It isn't a huge leap to assume it may have been stolen,especialy considering the guy was most likely wanted for Attempted Vehicular Theft or Vehicular Theft,When 2 & 2 are put together they make reasonable doubt & it isn't a big hassle to at least phone the guy abd see if the officer believes the story,instead of just immedeitly Scrapping it barely minutes after he reported it stolen.

"I see this guy isn't the Owner & is wanted for stealing vehicles,Hmm Since i don't see the owner anywhere near the scene,perhaps i can take 5 seconds to ensure i'm not scrapping a innocent mans vehicle" 

"Sorry sir,I know we were unable to assist you when you where the victim of Auto Theft,But I'm going to destroy your hard earned property because i cant be bothered to spare 5 seconds to investigate this" 

I'm not knocking the Officers,Only saying that they could have just as easily took a few minutes and investigated it,You know like real cops do when they catch someone commiting illegal acts in a vehicle not registered to them, wouldnt it be better to let one suspected Drug dealer get away then to punish a victim of a crime?

See Tom understands.
You are aware we are playing on a server that nobody owns the car they are in. Once an illegal act has been committed every vehicle is stolen...?

It's been that bad some points we've had people die and still report vehicles stolen or do them when doing a crimessage!  Officers check if reported stolen and if it has won't scrap UNLESS they have reason to belive otherwise.

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In the situation where they original owner was nowhere near the scene,It isn't a huge leap to assume it may have been stolen,especialy considering the guy was most likely wanted for Attempted Vehicular Theft or Vehicular Theft,When 2 & 2 are put together they make reasonable doubt & it isn't a big hassle to at least phone the guy abd see if the officer believes the story,instead of just immedeitly Scrapping it barely minutes after he reported it stolen.

"I see this guy isn't the Owner & is wanted for stealing vehicles,Hmm Since i don't see the owner anywhere near the scene,perhaps i can take 5 seconds to ensure i'm not scrapping a innocent mans vehicle" 

"Sorry sir,I know we were unable to assist you when you where the victim of Auto Theft,But I'm going to destroy your hard earned property because i cant be bothered to spare 5 seconds to investigate this" 

I'm not knocking the Officers,Only saying that they could have just as easily took a few minutes and investigated it,You know like real cops do when they catch someone commiting illegal acts in a vehicle not registered to them, wouldnt it be better to let one suspected Drug dealer get away then to punish a victim of a crime?

On the list of registered owners, the top name on the list is the only name we can see within rp (Why would the car theif be registered as an owner?), this means we cannot check to see if the potential car theif is wanted for vehicle theft.

In the same way that wanted people who get pulled over claim not to be the registered owner, why would someone who has broken aviation laws not claim their chopper was stolen?

While it is a nice touch for an officer to call the owner, I will certainly not be holding it against those who choose not to.

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You are aware we are playing on a server that nobody owns the car they are in. Once an illegal act has been committed every vehicle is stolen...?

It's been that bad some points we've had people die and still report vehicles stolen or do them when doing a cri
I'm pretty sure i own the vehicles i purchase.

Unless you are talking about how everyone claims they don't own the car,then it doesn't really matter because there's this thing called registration which would show who the owner is and anyone after the first name is someone who was either given keys or stole it.

It doesn't really matter what other people have done,That shouldn't influence the Officers behavior,Besides in this case when the Origional Owner was Nowhere near the Scene when officers arrested the suspect(Who once again is most likely wanted for Vehical Theft,making his possession of the vehicle questionable) regardless of what 20 other Hobos have done in the past,That doesn't mean the Officer can't make a attempt to ensure he's scrapping a guiltly mans vehicle.

On the list of registered owners, the top name on the list is the only name we can see within rp (Why would the car theif be registered as an owner?), this means we cannot check to see if the potential car theif is wanted for vehicle theft.

In the same way that wanted people who get pulled over claim not to be the registered owner, why would someone who has broken aviation laws not claim their chopper was stolen?

While it is a nice touch for an officer to call the owner, I will certainly not be holding it against those who choose not to.
This only proves my point,the man is not registered to the car,the registered owner is nowhere around,which leads someone to believe it is stolen. The key element here is the plain and simple fact that the owner was nowhwere to be seen & the vehicle was in possesion of a man wanted for vehical theft.

As for checking to see if the guy is wanted for vehical theft,if hes being detained for Drugs,then you obviously have the ability to see what his crimes are.

I'm pretty sure i own the vehicles i purchase.

Unless you are talking about how everyone claims they don't own the car,then it doesn't really matter because there's this thing called registration
Ye's that's what I'm talking about. But nobody is who it says on the registration. You can't use any other names either. 

Just out of curiosity have you played cop on this server before?

Ye's that's what I'm talking about. But nobody is who it says on the registration. You can't use any other names either. 

Just out of curiosity have you played cop on this server before?
Your telling me you are unable to verify the cars registratered owner & the identity of the detained suspect?

Car is registered to Apple,the detained guy is Banana,checking banana rap sheet i see he is wanted for vehicular theft,since apple isnt anywhere around its reasonable to assume it is a stolen vehicle,I then message Apple asking if he owns a Pink Offroad? he replies Yes,now that you have his name,you can now check the Criminal database and discover bananas not wanted,therefore providing reasonable doubt he was involved in the drugs & reasonable reason to not scrap.

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Your telling me you are unable to verify the cars registratered owner & the identity of the detained suspect?
We can of course try get the identity of a suspect but they most of the time don't have any ID and no ties to show for certain who they are...

We can of course try get the identity of a suspect but they most of the time don't have any ID and no ties to show for certain who they are...
When a suspect is being detained you check the database to see if he is wanted for any crimes correct?

You then check the registration of the vehicle,The same way you use ANPR to identify wanted people in vehicles,The registration comes back to person A,your suspect is Person B,SInce PErson A's phone number is going to be under their registration,you know can contact the man whose name is on the registration,seeing as he is nowhere near the crime you have no reason to assume he is involved & since you now have person B in custody,you've ran his record and discovered hes waned for vehical theft,Just as if you ANPRed him in a car,Now isnt this a reasonable suspicion to assume the vehicle is stolen? since there now is reasonable doubt,wouldnt impounding it be a better option then scrapping since you cant be 100% sure he willingly involved his vehicle.

What im trying to say is the situation provided more then enough doubt to make scrapping it without ensuring guilt the wrong idea.

In a criminal court,resonable doubt is enought to throw out even murder cases,I see no reason why you would choose to scrap someones vehicle as the default option.

What i gather from this incident is because others lie about ownership & stolen vehicles,Officers assumed the guilt of the vehicle owner without having any tangible proof other then his vehicle being there,Which is circumstantial at best.Im simply looking at it from a Realistic Legal sense.

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As for checking to see if the guy is wanted for vehical theft,if hes being detained for Drugs,then you obviously have the ability to see what his crimes are.
We can detain and charge people for drug related crimes without knowing their names because there is physical evidence that ties them to the crime. I'm sure this guy was not super enthusiastic about giving up his name to the officers, and probably wasn't carrying any id, meaning there is no way of knowing his name and whether he is wanted or not. If he was picked up for having drugs on his person then it safe to assume he would give a fake name anyway so of course, the name he gives us, if he gives one at all, will not match up with the one registered to the vehicle.

The only mistake made here was that the officers failed to notice the message sent by the owner claiming the vehicle to be stolen, I expect this to happen more than once this weekend due to the influx of messages with all the new free users. The increase in emergency calls was very noticeable when i played last night, the vast majority of these calls being unusable guff. It is unfortunate, but at the end of the day, the vehicle was still used to commit crimes meaning that it is subject to being crushed anyway. it is only as a courtesy that we return stolen vehicles to their owners when the vehicles have been used to commit violent, or drug related crimes.


I do get the point your making,it seems you are not understanding mine

We can detain and charge people for drug related crimes without knowing their names because there is physical evidence that ties them to the crime. I'm sure this guy was not super enthusiastic about giving up his name to the officers, and probably wasn't carrying any id, meaning there is no way of knowing his name and whether he is wanted or not. If he was picked up for having drugs on his person then it safe to assume he would give a fake name anyway so of course, the name he gives us, if he gives one at all, will not match up with the one registered to the vehicle.

The only mistake made here was that the officers failed to notice the message sent by the owner claiming the vehicle to be stolen, I expect this to happen more than once this weekend due to the influx of messages with all the new free users. The increase in emergency calls was very noticeable when i played last night, the vast majority of these calls being unusable guff. It is unfortunate, but at the end of the day, the vehicle was still used to commit crimes meaning that it is subject to being crushed anyway. it is only as a courtesy that we return stolen vehicles to their owners when the vehicles have been used to commit violent, or drug related crimes.
Sorry sir since your vehicle was used in a crime were gonna destroy it regardless of your involvement.that just sounds like a desire to scrap vehicles.I understand both sides here & i in no way intended my arguement ot be a knock on the officers,90% of the ones i encounter are amazing Officers,But lately it seems like some officer are unwilling to go the extra distance and would rather just scrap then do a little investigation RP.I watched a hobo lock pick people vehicles in kavala & then plant weed & bring it to offcers claiming they found it outside of town,the officer searches it and finds drugs,then scraps it without so much as a question,The opportunity for RP here is endless if someone would only make a attempt.

At the end of the day,This was only a discussion about different opinions & i hope it's not taken as anything but.

Officers need to have the Emergency Messages Logged on their phone in case they are being flooded.,Maybe a dispatch Role slot.

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My huron got stolen the other week by 3 armed guys, I messaged the police 4 times and asked for a response to my plea for help and to notify that my chopper had been stolen, Because I got zero reply or not even a text or phone call from police I contacted support on TS asking them if it was safe to log out from game due to me being scared I was going to lose my 30m heli. 

 I'm not a rich person in ArmA I don't get 20k per 15minutes and free gear/items, my huron is the only thing I own on server thats worth any money and if that had been scrapped I would have cried. I see the same excuse's from police that they are always to busy to do RP, Police say they don't go looking for gun fights and want to RP but when something in RP comes up they run away.

The police in my opinion are doing a bad job with RP and something at a fundamental level needs to change, sure like anything you have a few good guys/gals but alot of the police are just plain bad and are only here because of the free gear and gun fights.
