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Unban Appeal - Yevz - GTA RP


Active member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Curtis Goodwing
Steam ID: 76561199248363999
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16721
Ban Reason: RDM/Blanket Ban
Why do you think you were banned: I was initially banned for RDM however during my cooldown I was then banned for being apart of the Alliance F6.
Why should we unban you: I cannot see myself being unbanned yet and I don't expect staff to even entertain this appeal or at least yet anyway. But I do believe that in the future being given another chance could be a possibility as small and slight as that may be, but I highly doubt it just from what was said to me in my last appeal by Jessie.

I would like to be given another chance though as the server was very fun when I was on it and apart of the community. Like I said though, I am fully expecting a 6 month cooldown or even just a straight up "Door is closed" reply, but I guess I wont know until I appeal.

If given another chance I will make sure to dedicate time and effort to actually RP'ing, as I will admit my RP quality dropped a lot towards the end of my time on the server and I fully understand that there is no one to blame other than myself for that.

The server was always something I looked forward to logging onto after work or what have you but ill admit at the end it felt like a chore, constantly fighting other gangs and police day in day out and Yeh it was fun but it gets boring as fuck when its all you do and I never got to fully explore any other kind of RP within the server and maybe I'm too late now for another chance to do that and if so, then that's on me and only me but if there's ever a chance in the future to do so, then I would love to try and convince you guys on giving me another chance and if not then I understand.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Taking the same actions as Rikka, Timmy Abeba and Tayla Smith tried when they failed to raid the Discord isn't really helping your case.

2 days prior to this you uploaded this video to YouTube. Did you think we wouldn't notice?

You clearly have absolutely 0 intention on changing given you're still obviously communicating with people to whom the door is permanently closed for. You can count yourself on that list for now.

This means every single word of your appeal is a lie. You're appealing and acting sorry whilst actively shoving a knife further in our backs.

We can now never trust you or any appeal you make in the future.

Obviously, Denied.